LEO asked me to remove my gun and leave it in car during traffic stop

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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 25, 2006
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Rogers County
got pulled over in Ramona, Ok on the way to Pawhuska during deer season.

the deputy that pulled me over was super nervous and acted like a total rookie. He immediately pulled his gun .. pointed my direction...

this is after complying 100% .. thought I was going to get shot.
he gave me a ticket for speeding, which I contested and got dismissed.

wow that would be scary. Of course i've had about 7 or 8 glock 31's pointed at me when i was 17 so i can understand


Special Hen
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
I just about had a major misunderstanding with an OHP officer several years ago on a rural Osage County road at just before midnight.

According to him, he and I passed each other going opposite directions and he radared me at like 55 in a 45. Also according to him, he turned around and had to "chase me down." I recall passing a car but didn't know it was OHP unit and I never saw him turn around or follow me. I don't really know how fast I was going.

By the time he caught up with me I was out of my car at my gate starting to unlock it. He pulled in right behind me, which freaked me out. All I saw were the headlights of his car. No red and blue lights or nothing. He swung wide open the door to his car, jumped out and headed toward me as he said, "get back in your car." About this time he walked in front of one of his blinding headlights and I could see enough of his outline and the yellow "pancake" lights (or the LED equivalent) flashing in his rear window so I complied. He asked for my license and registration, but I first gave him my license and carry permit as I said, I am carrying tonight. He asked where and I told him. He asked me to step out of the car and I did so. He removed the gun from my holster and said, "I'm going to hang on to this for now. Please get your insurance info and come to my car." I said something stupid like, "Be careful, that thing is loaded and ready to go." Sorry, it just goes against my nature to hand someone a full loaded gun like that and not say something like that.

I came to his car with my insurance. As I sat down in the front passenger seat I noticed my gun tucked between his legs in his crotch. He said, "Didn't you see me back there?" I said, "No...obviously if I had I wouldn't have been speeding" and he kind of laughed. I told him, "You do know only your back lights are on, right? You freaked me out when you pulled in behind me. I didn't know you were an officer at first." He reached down and fiddled with some switches at which time the overheads lit up the dark country road and he said, "Oh."

He continued to scribble on a ticket pad. He handed it over for me to sign and said, "I'm just writing you a warning tonight. Thanks for telling me about your gun." I reminded him that I was required to notify by law. He told me that a lot of people did not inform properly and then get their nose out of joint when "they" (OHP officers I assume) discover it on their own and throw them on ground and stick a gun in their ear.

After the warning ticket business was done, he picked up my gun (which was still fully loaded) admired it a bit and said, "Nice gun." I thanked him and he handed it back to me (still fully loaded) as I sat next to him in his car. I figured as a minimum he'd have wanted to unload it or put it in my trunk or maybe holster it for me, but nope. He just handed it to me right there in the front seat of his car.

After the "misunderstanding" was cleared up he was really cool. It was just him and me on the side of a rural road in a county known for some real troublemakers so I didn't particularly mind being disarmed but I was freaked out that he handed me the loaded gun back right there in his car.



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
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NE Oklahoma
I just about had a major misunderstanding with an OHP officer several years ago on a rural Osage County road at just before midnight.

According to him, he and I passed each other going opposite directions and he radared me at like 55 in a 45. Also according to him, he turned around and had to "chase me down." I recall passing a car but didn't know it was OHP unit and I never saw him turn around or follow me. I don't really know how fast I was going.

By the time he caught up with me I was out of my car at my gate starting to unlock it. He pulled in right behind me, which freaked me out. All I saw were the headlights of his car. No red and blue lights or nothing. He swung wide open the door to his car, jumped out and headed toward me as he said, "get back in your car." About this time he walked in front of one of his blinding headlights and I could see enough of his outline and the yellow "pancake" lights (or the LED equivalent) flashing in his rear window so I complied. He asked for my license and registration, but I first gave him my license and carry permit as I said, I am carrying tonight. He asked where and I told him. He asked me to step out of the car and I did so. He removed the gun from my holster and said, "I'm going to hang on to this for now. Please get your insurance info and come to my car." I said something stupid like, "Be careful, that thing is loaded and ready to go." Sorry, it just goes against my nature to hand someone a full loaded gun like that and not say something like that.

I came to his car with my insurance. As I sat down in the front passenger seat I noticed my gun tucked between his legs in his crotch. He said, "Didn't you see me back there?" I said, "No...obviously if I had I wouldn't have been speeding" and he kind of laughed. I told him, "You do know only your back lights are on, right? You freaked me out when you pulled in behind me. I didn't know you were an officer at first." He reached down and fiddled with some switches at which time the overheads lit up the dark country road and he said, "Oh."

He continued to scribble on a ticket pad. He handed it over for me to sign and said, "I'm just writing you a warning tonight. Thanks for telling me about your gun." I reminded him that I was required to notify by law. He told me that a lot of people did not inform properly and then get their nose out of joint when "they" (OHP officers I assume) discover it on their own and throw them on ground and stick a gun in their ear.

After the warning ticket business was done, he picked up my gun (which was still fully loaded) admired it a bit and said, "Nice gun." I thanked him and he handed it back to me (still fully loaded) as I sat next to him in his car. I figured as a minimum he'd have wanted to unload it or put it in my trunk or maybe holster it for me, but nope. He just handed it to me right there in the front seat of his car.

After the "misunderstanding" was cleared up he was really cool. It was just him and me on the side of a rural road in a county known for some real troublemakers so I didn't particularly mind being disarmed but I was freaked out that he handed me the loaded gun back right there in his car.


Do you by chance remember this troopers name :) If so PM me it :rubhands:

Michael Brown

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
With a small traffic violation can an officer demand that you get out of the car with no probably cause?

He HAS probable cause; you committed a traffic violation.

Probable cause does not mean the officer thinks he's stopping Pablo Escobar.

The Supreme Court has agreed that an officer may control the position of occupants of a vehicle during a traffic stop or other official contact in a vehicle.

Michael Brown


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 24, 2008
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i would always do as they asked. I have committed a crime and I will comply as instructed. The sign on the highway is the limit, not the suggested point to go over the limit.

I have never got a ticket that i did not deserve. I'm just sayin

Very well put, I got stopped recently for going two mph over posted limit.... right or wrong... I was wrong at that point I was two miles over... I think he was bored.... but I was still speeding....

my brother got pulled over and had his pistol in his console loaded.... he does not have a CCW and he was ticketed.... WOW $495.00 for the illegal tranfer of loaded firearm.... the trooper let the speeding ticket slide...



Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
Strange, a school zone speed violation cost a much as the fine for toting an illegal firearm.

Seems like we have gotten away from keeping the peace... And we are heading down the slippery slope of "enforcement" and revenue collection in this state also.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 17, 2010
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I have been pulled over a few times while carrying. A couple times by OHP and once by the local PD. All of them were VERY professional. When I have been carrying IWB I have been instructed to leave it where it is. A couple times I had it in a man purse/fanny pack. Both times the officer asked if he could hold onto it. One time it was lying in the center console and the local PD Officer asked for it. He came back with a verbal warning and after the serious business was concluded his demeanor completely changed and he started asking me questions about it (Springfield Micro Compact) because he was looking for a new CC gun. It was funny stuff.
The other I was on my motorcycle (which is why I have the fanny pack in the first place). I was on the turnpike and saw him turning around so I pulled over and before I could get one glove off he was standing next to me. No idea how he did that. I think he may have been a ninja. He very patiently waited for me to get my gloves and helmet off and pull out my earplugs. I informed him I was a CWL holder and my pistol was in my fanny pack. Unfortunately I had also put my wallet with my license in it. I informed him and he asked if I could take it off. I handed it to him and he asked which pocket it was in and he unzipped it and asked me to get my wallet. As I was doing that he peeked in the *good* pocket and sort of approvingly remarked about it being cocked and locked. I think we are fortunate here in OK that most LEO seem to be happy to see citizens carrying.

You can see my pack sitting on the hood of his cruiser.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 19, 2009
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Just yesterday down by the State Capitol, I was pulled over for not completely stopping at a blinking red light. (I wont even try and argue because i actually dont remember it, I was talking with other occupants in the car about the helicopter and mediflights etc from the medical helicopter we had just passed). The trooper pulled in behind me with lights flashing. I pulled over , turned off car, rolled down window and put both hands on door so he could see them clearly. He ask for license and ins. I told him that i had my ccl license and that i was carrying... He asked me where is my DL and where is the firearm.. i explained that my dl and CCW permit were in my back left pocket and the weapon was on my right hip. He directed me to get my dl and CCW permit out only. I complied and always with a "Yes sir". At that time he told me to sit still and reached in the car window across my body to remove my weapon out of my holster and underneath my shirt. I asked him as he was tugging if i needed to slightly lean left to help him access it better.. he said no just sit still...so i did,,, he kept tugging and it wouldnt come out. He asked me if there was a thumbbreak or snap, I said no sir its an open top but its a tight fit.. .. after at least 30 seconds of tugging, he finally removed my G17 from the VM2. He then told me to step out of the car and go to the front seat of his car. Once i got in...he removed the magazine, racked the slide back and removed the round from the chamber ( i made sure to tell him that one was chambered when he removed magazine..) he then fiddled with it for just about 10 -15 seconds... he asked how long i have owned it, commenting that it looks like an older model,, i explained that yes, its a gen 2, but has never missed a beat. He commented that he didnt like a gun that doesnt have a hammer and that the 1911's spoiled him... he then called in to dispatch and ran the numbers on the gun. After that came back clear , he asked where i was going. After that brief conversation...he said that i did everything right and that sometimes people dont tell them right off the bat and they get a gun screwed into their ear... he then proceeded to write me a ticket,which im sure i deserve because i dont even remember which one of those street lights that were blinking...when we were all done in his front seat , he handed me my loaded magazine and one round... told me to put them in my pocket.. after i did he then handed me the g17 and told me not to load it until later,,, i thanked him and went on my way... , my only issue was the tugging to get the firearm out of my holster from across my body... i will of course always do what they say , but i sure was worried about his left hand reaching across my body and feeling around the handle of the loaded glock trying to figure out how to remove it.. he couldnt even see it . the shirt was covering it the entire time. I was having quick flashes of a hole being blown in my leg or as it he finally removed it, it going off towards the passenger..not to mention his own safety by reaching across a person he doesnt know and offering his entire arm.... i just didnt like the way that part was handled...but if that made him feel better,, then thats ok with me too...just made me very nervous....

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