HB3354 - It's not over! Second veto-override vote coming

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Special Hen
Apr 27, 2006
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I posted this in the original HB3354 thread, but 65 pages back, I was afraid it would get lost and this is important for people to know NOW.

Russ cook just sent this to me, maybe there is still a chance:

SUBJECT: Urge AWOL & Turncoat legislators to override open carry veto!

You're receiving this email because you support the Petition for Open Carry in Oklahoma at http://www.petitiononline.com/oc4ok/petition.html.

House Representative Rex Duncan has stated that he may make another attempt to override the Governor's veto of HB3354, see http://newsok.com/article/3462793.

Here's the deal - the open carry bill passed by veto proof majorities in both houses. But after Governor Brad "Veto Happy" Henry vetoed the bill, 15 representatives changed their vote or refused to vote at all for the bill!

It's one thing for a legislator to stand up and vote anti-gun - that's at least honest.

But its a whole 'nother thing to play games and tricks with the people's right to arms - to hide your vote, duck your vote, and otherwise shirk their duty to take a stand and cast a recorded vote.

Adding insult to injury, incredibly, Representative Glenn Bud Smithson (D-Sallisaw) called open carry supporters COWARDS, see
http://newsok.com/open-carry-weapon-...ad_story_title, but then turned around and REFUSED to even stand up and cast a vote on the veto override matter!

TURNCOATs - Changed Vote from YEA on original vote to NAY on override vote -
Auffet ( D) [email protected] (405) 557-7394
Carey (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7366
Glenn (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7399
Hoskin (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7319
Inman (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7370
Luttrell (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7355
Rousselot (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7388
Shoemake (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7373

Buck (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7383
Hilliard (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7412
Kirby (R) [email protected] (405) 557-7356
Morgan (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7368
Morrissette (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7404
Nations (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7323
Smithson (D) [email protected] (405) 557-7315

[Voting record and contact information can be found at http://www.ok.gov]

The good news is we only need 3 more votes to save the open carry bill. However, time is short!

Action Item #1: If YOUR personal representative is on the TURNCOAT or AWOL lists, contact them - email, phone, and in person if you can - go to their office and **POLITELY** request to see him on this matter and urge him to vote correctly and let Oklahoma join the 43 other States that enjoy Open Carry in accordance with the Founders' intent! Bring your friends and family - make it a freedom delegation!

Action Item #2: Email the entire list of TURNCOATs and AWOLs!

Make their Blackberries' inbox crack like machine gun fire!

Suggested message:

TO: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

SUBJECT: Urge your legislators to override the open carry bill veto!

Dear Representative:

I am highly distressed that you either (1) changed your vote on the open carry bill, or (2) refused to vote at all, when the time came to override the veto.

Another veto override vote will take place soon.

Take a stand! There is no reason why Oklahomans cannot be trusted to become residents of the 44th open carry state.

This bill is very important to me and many Oklahoma gun owners.

We will remember what you do.


Russ Cook
Oklahoma Open Carry Petition Founder

Support Open Carry for Oklahoma http://www.petitiononline.com/oc4ok/petition.html


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Copy of my [longwinded] email:

Dear Oklahoma Representative,

I am writing to you to express my displeasure in your lack of support for Oklahoma HB3354, which would give lawful Oklahoma Concealed Carry Weapon permit holders the right to openly carry their firearms in public. I am most especially disappointed in an apparent lack of conviction for initially voting for the Bill and actively changing your vote, or out-and-out refusing to vote to override the Governor's veto on this important measure.

We have heard many scare-tactics being used to vilify gun owners who wish for the restoration of rights guaranteed by our US Constitution. Most shameful of these to me personally is the fear-mongering of using the "OK corral" or "blood in the streets" type of scenarios. Open carry of firearms is lawful in 43 States in the Union, even in states such as California and Massachusetts. NONE of these states have reported statistically-significant increases in crimes committed by or against firearms owners who choose to carry their weapons openly.

I am particularly incensed at the characterization of Open Carry proponents as "cowards" by a member of our own Oklahoma House, Mr. Glen Smithson. To openly sneer at honest, hardworking Oklahomans attempting to pursue the restoration of rights guaranteed to U.S. citizens 230 years ago is itself a cowardly, childish act, and one not befitting a member sitting an elected seat to represent the best interests of the People of Oklahoma.

I am a law-abiding, hard-working, productive and responsible resident of Oklahoma. I currently hold a permit to carry a concealed handgun. I believe the right to carry a firearm in the United States should not be restricted, which is plainly indicated in the wording of the Constitution of the United States. I believe that people are unnecessarily afraid of firearms today in large part due to the vilification of the gun owner and firearms industry as a whole. In today's society, where our rights are consistently being eroded more each day, where government intrusion into private lives and private enterprise are the rule more than the exception, and where our very freedom and way of life are under constant assault by outside influences, America needs to stand firm in our convictions. We need to stand tall against the mounting world pressure that would subjugate America's freedoms to the fancy of the rest of the world. And Oklahoma needs to support the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

I do not know why many of you on this list chose to either change your vote or refuse to vote on this issue which is important to many Oklahomans. I would be more than happy to discuss with you the many reasons I believe the open carry of firearms would be beneficial to Oklahoma, as I believe it has been beneficial to other states. You have heard the arguments, which I assume you choose to ignore, since there is no compelling evidence that the measure would worsen public safety or incite violence, based on the myriad data available in other states. The official position of the Oklahoma State Troopers Association to oppose the Bill was decided without a consensus from its' members, and the lack of support by the National Rifle Association and Oklahoma Rifle Association was contemptible in the extreme. None of these organizations will be receiving financial support from me in the future. Many of my like-minded gun-owning Oklahoma friends have expressed the same intention.

In closing, I'd like to urge you to reconsider your stance on the matter at hand, and inform you that many Oklahomans are watching closely how this issue eventually turns out. I hope in the next session that you will lend your support to some similar measure, but regret to inform you that your vote (or lack thereof) has been cast, your legacy is written, and you have shown your true colors to the People of Oklahoma. Many of you will be facing opponents in your next elections who will have received financial support directly from me. Failure to support the Constitution of the United States and the inherent rights of the People of Oklahoma is a symptom of an underlying problem, in my mind. That problem is a feeling that current U.S. Citizens are not worthy of the rights our forefathers intended to guarantee us.

I apologize for the length of this email, but I feel the issue is one that is very important in sending a message to the rest of the U.S. and the world... Oklahoma takes the rights of its citizens seriously. I appreciate your time, and I sincerely hope that you do not see this email as a knee-jerk response from some redneck coward who is only trying to show off his weapon. Instead, see it as a well-thought-out warning from yet another lifelong resident of Oklahoma who is tired of seeing his rights eroded and trampled upon, and who is ready to help elect individuals to office who have a literal view of Constitutional rights and believe the principles upon which America was founded are as sound today as they were 230 years ago.

Thank you.



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 21, 2008
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I don't have much faith in this because of the cowards that can't stand up for what is right. I will email them but I am not getting my hopes up until we get them voted out.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 24, 2008
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So how long do they have to re-vote and when and what day????

does anyone know???

btw emails sent, with phone calls and I postal mailed letters to all.....


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