The Audacity of Corruption

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Mar 15, 2009
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"neither the interest nor inclination" to read the book.

i find this true when i urge obama supporters to read his books, even better, get the audio versions and let barack read them to you in his own voice. let HIM tell you who and what his influences are.

on a side note, Patrick Caddell was the political consultant on the movie "air force one" with harrison ford. i had to do some research to find out he was a democrat. i was a little surprised at the time


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Patrick Caddell has worked for many democratic candidates going back into the early '70's. As I sit here typing this I can't really name any Democrat politician or political advisor that I have any respect for at all. Yes, I'm just that disgusted with them. Patrick Caddell does NOT fit into that list. He says what he thinks and doesn't care if the Democrats like it or not. He seems to be an old school Democrat that knows right from wrong like most all of them used to once upon a time. I disagree with his political beliefs as a general rule but I don't doubt his love of America and I don't think he is wanting to convert her into a socialist/communist banana republic like most Democrats today. When he sees a "wrong" he calls it exactly that, unlike most of his Democrat brethren.


Special Hen
Apr 23, 2009
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Not Applicable
I suspect many of the people running down fox news are just trying to stay on the good side with the liberals. Show themselves as "Open Minded". Fox is not in the same box as the ABC's NBC's CNN's and CBS's. That might be the reason more people watch them. Must be some reason.

All these networks have a bias and most of them have an agenda, They all want to give some semblance of "Fairness" so they trot out their alter ego to give them their "fairness" cover. Fox brings out their liberals and the others have their conservative. Like the winner in the rigged fight means anything. Our challenges these days don't always handily boil down to an either/or choice. Our country needs a large measure of conservatism, with a heaping helping of libertarianism.

I don't think of a libertarian as a liberal although they might agree on a few things. (Much to the chagrin of the traditional Conservatives). I think of a true liberal simply as an allaround anti-Conservative. Our country/Our Politicians/Our News Networks stay polarized to maintain the staus quo.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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You forgot ABC, NBC, CBS, NYTs, Newsweek, etc, etc, etc.

The sad fact is this. We, as a country, will only know what the government wants us to know. You can independently look into anything done in Washington, but the only information going public is that which is released. Because of this, the vast majority of "news" in our country is hearsay and word of mouth. Complete speculation as each network puts their own spin on it. To trust any news source is foolish on the surface, and devoid of any independent thought process.


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May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
The sad fact is this. We, as a country, will only know what the government wants us to know. You can independently look into anything done in Washington, but the only information going public is that which is released. Because of this, the vast majority of "news" in our country is hearsay and word of mouth. Complete speculation as each network puts their own spin on it. To trust any news source is foolish on the surface, and devoid of any independent thought process.

Got it - all news sources are imperfect - some perhaps even tools of the government . So how do you get your information? Surely you don't have a better way to watch all that is going on at any given time do you?
I do not think the vast majority of news is hearsay - it is local news and mostly factually based - arrests, fires, etc. On the issue of politics the problem is that - nearly all politics is opinion - even if about a factual event. The attack on an embassy is fact, the reason may be speculation, the significance is opinion. Our newspapers today are reverting to what newspapers have been for most of their history in the US - aligned with one candidate or political philosophy or party or another. "Yellow" journalism is actually the standard historically speaking - the brief post-war period of relatively even-handed coverage of candidates and issues is not normal it was atypical. That is why the wise person listens/reads from many sources and tries to piece together what seems most reasonable to him.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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The sad fact is this. We, as a country, will only know what the government wants us to know. You can independently look into anything done in Washington, but the only information going public is that which is released. Because of this, the vast majority of "news" in our country is hearsay and word of mouth. Complete speculation as each network puts their own spin on it. To trust any news source is foolish on the surface, and devoid of any independent thought process.

So is everything you read on the web including Infowars etc. The only way is to check as many sources as you can and make up your own mind. Even then you will be wrong half the time.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Local news lost credibility when the Ogles started pissing out editorials mid-broadcast. The superegos at work believe their talent for delivery is somehow a direct correlation to how the public respect their opinions.

I'm not claiming to be right, or some magnate of knowledge... Just one who pushes others to open their eyes, and independently find reason to believe, not just because some overpaid opinion for hire featured it in their "no spin zone."


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Jan 12, 2007
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The perfidy of the media is one of the reasons our country is in so much trouble. When they fail their one responsibility to report the facts to the people so those in power can be held in check, they've failed to uphold the Constitution they so love to wrap themselves in. This country will never reverse the inexorable slide into the dustbin of history, so long as the press mollycoddles the political machines that are tearing this country to pieces. :(

Street Rat

Dec 10, 2007
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If obama wins re-election, it will be with the help of the government run media and if people don't have a problem with that then you get what's coming to you. I hear the "experts" talk about no president has ever one re-election for this reason or for that reason, all of which obama falls into, and all the while obama is up in the polls and the government run media has all but declared obama winner, what is wrong with this picture. obama does NOT deserve to president any more than I need to be doing heart surgery, and he may get it again. It doesn't matter who is running against obama, it could be Washington, Lincoln, or Reagan, anyone would have a hard time against this government run machine and his minions.

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