Three Men Arrested After Buying Gun At Gun Show In OKC

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Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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Most felons are non-violent, and many have committed crimes that don't even have a victim. Tyrants and collaborators, by contrast, all advocate and promote the initiation of force against myself and others. It is clear to me which is the greatest danger. Record of misdeeds? It's called a voting record. By the "windmills" comment, are you seriously trying to say that people who want to use the power of the state to violate the rights of others aren't a real problem?!
In a democracy, people who pass laws that you don't happen to like are not necessarily "tyrants", and the people who favor the passage of laws you don't like are not "collaborators". In a democracy, there are laws that are intended to protect a given minority (used here to mean a like-minded group of individuals) from the abuses of the majority. The rub, again, in a democracy, is that the said minority is not accorded absolute protection from all laws it deems unsuitable. You can leave this country and go live under a true tyrant somewhere else in this wide world, but you don't, so I assume it is because you enjoy living under a democratic system and the protections that it affords. Just remember that you, and you alone, aren't the only one relishing the protections afforded by a democratic system. Call it an irrational fear if you want, but people do get upset at the thought of some fool slaughtering 6 and 7 yr old children.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 29, 2005
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All this talk of "only NICs checks at gun shows", something must be done, there's clearly a widespread problem to justify new laws blah blah blah is just giving ammo to the lefties who sound just like you. It would be ineffective and just more unnecessary hoops to go through. If someone wants a gun, they'll get it. They'll steal it, if need be. If they buy it in line getting into the gun show, what have you prevented? If they buy it as you're leaving, what have you prevented? If they buy it from you on armslist, what have you prevented? They answer in all cases, is nothing. You're just taking one step closer to ZERO private transactions, and thus limiting the freedoms of law abiding citizens. One case makes the papers and everyone is chicken little with their emotional response. You're just like the media and legislators calling for the AWB, when the existing laws PREVENTED the shooter from purchasing a gun TWICE in the week leading up to Sandy Hook. How did he wind up getting one, he STOLE it. Would your proposed gun show NICs check law have prevented it? No.

All this knee jerking makes me want to puke - on OSA of all places. You're no better than Sen Feinstein and her ilk.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Sorry, I don't know what a CHRC is. And why would it be the only effective way to prevent felons from buying guns at a gun show?

Criminal History Records Check. If you're having difficulty understanding how one private individual could get away with selling a gun to another private individual while walking around in a gun show (or leaving to do it in the parking lot or across the street), thereby avoiding your legally mandated private transfer NICS check, then I don't know what to tell you. As I said, the only way to guarantee that doesn't happen is to make sure no felons are ever allowed in the building. The only way to do that is to run a check on everyone entering the building! :screwy:

Sorry, but views like this are the greatest threat to 2A rights we have. When you claim to own the truth, you have declared yourself irrelevant to the argument. When you say there is no middle ground (or compromise) you are irrelevant to the argument. They can ban all long guns and let you have a .22 pistol. Then you own a gun, and therefore your right to own a gun has not been infringed. Extremism on both sides is the enemy.

I'm not saying that I'm willing to have some of my weapons taken from me. I'm saying that this is the problem that has infected the government right now, no compromise. We see where this gets us, haven't we?

Are you even being serious? My RIGHTS are not subject to taxation. My personal property rights, my 2nd Amendment rights, are not subject to an ipso-facto tax! If you can't understand this, then try getting a law passed that the maximum fee you can be charged for the right to vote is $10 and see how that flys! I don't give a damn who collects the $10 either! :mad:

Call me crazy, but I haven't read the part in the bible that references our right to own guns. That is a right given to us by our forefathers.

I did say that the compromise didn't have to include "what" guns we own, but "who" owns them. Are you saying anyone can own anything? Sure sounds like it. I'm telling you that's not a winnable argument, that's all.

No problem. You are crazy AND you are wrong. The COTUS enumerates our God given rights, it does not grant them! :screwy:

As far as I'm concerned, you and your buddy above can go somewhere else to plan your Vichy Government "partial" surrender. You both make me sick! :puke:

In a democracy, people who pass laws that you don't happen to like are not necessarily "tyrants", and the people who favor the passage of laws you don't like are not "collaborators". In a democracy, there are laws that are intended to protect a given minority (used here to mean a like-minded group of individuals) from the abuses of the majority. The rub, again, in a democracy, is that the said minority is not accorded absolute protection from all laws it deems unsuitable. You can leave this country and go live under a true tyrant somewhere else in this wide world, but you don't, so I assume it is because you enjoy living under a democratic system and the protections that it affords. Just remember that you, and you alone, aren't the only one relishing the protections afforded by a democratic system. Call it an irrational fear if you want, but people do get upset at the thought of some fool slaughtering 6 and 7 yr old children.

Then it's a good thing we live in a Constitutional Republic instead of a true democracy, isn't it! Personally, I'd prefer all these cheese eating surrender monkeys swim to another country before giving up my RIGHTS for me! :wink2:


Special Hen
Oct 4, 2005
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In reply to the post about insurance comparisons, it may be a valid comparison. Once these uninsured drivers are forced to do buy insurance, they have to pay to play whatever the market charges them. Face it, their credit score is not going to be good. They are a higher credit risk, they will pay more. It will never stop uninsured drivers. We will always pay for those slugs. On a note about Colorado, at one point there were 10,000 people waiting for a NICS check and it was taking them 50 to 72 hours to get it done. If I were to sell a handgun at a gun show and someone looked less than 21, you damn skippy I'm axin' for ID. I am not going to jail for providing a minor a pistola! Mugsy and the others are right. I have plenty o' friends with tats. But if you show the crack of your ass at a gun show, it better be because of a pipe wrench draggin' your jeans down.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Criminal History Records Check. If you're having difficulty understanding how one private individual could get away with selling a gun to another private individual while walking around in a gun show (or leaving to do it in the parking lot or across the street), thereby avoiding your legally mandated private transfer NICS check, then I don't know what to tell you. As I said, the only way to guarantee that doesn't happen is to make sure no felons are ever allowed in the building. The only way to do that is to run a check on everyone entering the building!

That's not the goal. The goal is to end the fact that a gun show is a known to felons to be a candy store.. If 90% of the felons who go to a gun show are successfully able to leave with a gun, then that's where they will go for guns. The goal is to reduce their success rate from a significant number to an insignificant number. The word gets out, and they stop coming to gun shows.

The same has worked at FFLs. They don't go to FFLs because they know they aren't likely to get a gun there, at least that's what I'm hearing from the FFLs I talked to.


Special Hen
Mar 12, 2008
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Get off my lawn.
What does it do to stop felons from getting guns? Nothing. They just don't get them at gun shows anymore. It's a waste of energy and a bull stuff "compromise" of our rights.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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What does it do to stop felons from getting guns? Nothing. They just don't get them at gun shows anymore. It's a waste of energy and a bull stuff "compromise" of our rights.

So you're ok with felons coming to gun shows to buy guns? Or do you think it would be better to stop that?


Special Hen
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
Get off my lawn.
So you're ok with felons coming to gun shows to buy guns? Or do you think it would be better to stop that?

So you're ok with felons getting guns in gun show parking lots? Or do you think they would not do that since it is illegal to go inside and get them. Look, I can post red herring drivel too.
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