Should prescription drugs be........

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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Although I gotta admit I still can't figure out why a guy would take a pill to get a boner and then get into a bathtub all by himself when there's a perfectly good woman in the bathtub right next to him?? a COLD bath, there is no shower?????????????????? just guessing.

When the 'lil blue pill' first came out, I was working in Houston. I had a salesman who was a reserve officer in a small suburb. He comes in Monday morning telling us of a traffic stop on Saturday night. A number of pills (prescription and non) were found in the car. They were taken into evidence. While filling out the 'evidence record' to put into evidence. One Officer noted what the bottle of 'lil blue pills'

He tells us, they all took one and YES THEY DO WORK. He was very mad at some of the comments being made for the few weeks.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
Although I gotta admit I still can't figure out why a guy would take a pill to get a boner and then get into a bathtub all by himself when there's a perfectly good woman in the bathtub right next to him?? a COLD bath, there is no shower?????????????????? just guessing.

When the 'lil blue pill' first came out, I was working in Houston. I had a salesman who was a reserve officer in a small suburb. He comes in Monday morning telling us of a traffic stop on Saturday night. A number of pills (prescription and non) were found in the car. They were taken into evidence. While filling out the 'evidence record' to put into evidence. One Officer noted what the bottle of 'lil blue pills'

He tells us, they all took one and YES THEY DO WORK. He was very mad at some of the comments being made for the few weeks.

I dunno ... maybe it's just me ... but I've never understood why men of a certain age want to take a pill that gives them a boner when their women of a certain age are smack in the middle of "the change" ... Like the guy doesn't have enough problems NOW he wants to have to deal with convincing a woman in the throes of miserable, never-ending hot flashes that he needs to ride her like a Shetland Pony?? Uhmmm ... I gotta tell you guys, the women I know (all of whom love their husbands deeply) kinda see a prescription for those pills as a valid case for justifiable homicide ... :naughty:

(yes, yes, yes, I know ... :naughty: But there's more than one way to skin a cat ... :naughty: :teehee:)

And WAIT!! :scratch: Isn't that "misappropriation" of evidence??!?!?? :naughty: Damned JBTs ... LOL


Nov 8, 2008
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^^^^^^^^ THIS

The ad was accepted (contract) to be aired / printed. The company paid the fees for the service. Do I like such ads? not usually, but I'm not a pill popper or one who runs to the Dr. every time I sneeze.

I agree, seeing these ads with their disclaimers and KNOWN side effects, is usually all of the cure I need.

They advertise beer, whiskey, extremely violent video games, KY, EPT, and Trojan, and Skoal, yet ban cigarettes? The nanny state deciding what you see or decide to use.


The drug still needs to be prescribed. It is up to one's physician to decide whether or not to be a member of the "Drug of the Month Club." If you can talk your doctor into prescribing it for you, then you both should accept the consequences of that decision.


Feb 2, 2008
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We live in the United States. You should be able to advertise damn near anything damn near anywhere you damn well please.

Everyone from OSA that I've met have been really nice folks. However...

I'm more and more sickened each day by people who claim to be great lovers and followers of the Constitution but who still answer questions like this with a "no". It is really beginning to appear that this nation has not only built a nice, new road to perdition, but they've paved the damned thing and added a carpool lane with a legal minimum of three hundred million passengers per car.
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Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Every time I see an ad for a new diabetes drug, I wonder how long it will be until my own ad is on for victims of that drug. Seriously, I have Avandia, Actos and Victioza cases. I'm diabetic and the only drug I take is Metformin.
My wife takes this. Not for diabetes but for some kind of female disorder. Can't remember what it is called. I hear you on the commercials for drugs killing or seriously hurting people. My mom used to take pondiman and it messed her heart up. She actually won a settlement from it. But I would rather her heart be better. These drug companies don't care about us. They just care about making billions. And they do. It really sickens me how many commercials are on tv these days. It shouldn't be allowed. If a drug is so good the doctor should be the one to tell a patient about it.

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