Selling Hog Hunts

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Special Hen
Nov 16, 2009
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Backwoods, OK
At this time in Oklahoma a wild hog can be sold to ANYBODY as long as it isn't transported alive. If the hog is transported alive it MUST be transported by somebody with the proper permit. Processing plants are supposed to only process live animals, thats why most butchers who process deer shut down butchering of beef during deer seasons.

Myself, I've never come across a processor that will do a feral hog. Probably varies, but just because someone is a processor, don't pull up with a truckload of dead pigs and expect them to start butchering without checking first.

I thought the transport laws stated that you could transport under 30 miles without a license, but just read the statutes and there is no mention of that. Fired of an email to the Dept of Ag to get clarification. Makes sense that you should be able to transport very short distances for your average trapper taking them to sale. But of course then everyone would be "just going down the road, Officer".


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 20, 2010
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That pretty much sums up my feelings too. I don't see how someone can claim to be a conservationist and then pay to hunt hogs. By paying to hunt them you are only guaranting to conserve the hogs. Those that have hog operations may cuss them, but they don't wanna see the hogs gone. They like the money, paid hog hunts = conserving hogs.

Good luck with your hunts, but I wouldn't give you a plugged nickel to shoot one. Its unfortunate, if everybody had the attitude I did they would be begging for somebody to come shoot them for free! Because left unchecked AND hogs not providing any income to the landowner they really are costly and destructive.

Here is the reason...


You didn't know this yet?

Bulls eye

Special Hen
Jul 16, 2010
Reaction score
South Coffeyville, OK.

1. I had a feral pig butchered at a place in Tulsa that specializes in sausage. It was quartered but they knew for sure what it was. This place also does deer during deer season.

2. I went on a pig hunt this spring in a 700 acre fenced enclosure with my 7 year old. Would never kill a deer in a high fence but I figured a pig is no big deal. I could have killed two during the hunt but could only come up with one. These pigs were more spooky than any free ranging pigs I have ever hunted. I was dead on one at a feeder with my crossbow and accidently clicked the safety off to loud and he was gone before I could blink. Every pig in that enclosure was like that, if they smelled or saw you they were gone without hesistation. They knew you were there for one reason, to kill them.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Keep in mind that for every lucky guy that lives out where hogs can be shot freely there's one guy in the city wishing he was out shooting hogs. It's no different than spending a couple hundred bucks per shooter to go out and dove hunt, pheasant hunt, deer hunt or do any other kind of hunt. For many people, paying for a hunt is the only way they get to experience it. They have a fixed schedule, fixed amount of free time and want to maximize it by using a guide service. I don't necessarily agree with the idea of paying per lb or per animal unless it's being butchered for you though.

I totally get that angle except that it differs from dove and pheasant in that none of those are nuisance species that are supposedly out of control and ruining property.

If they are really that out of control you should be able to drive down the road and see "Please come shoot hogs here" signs, LOL.

I won't fault a fella for making a buck of it, and see no need for laws against it, I just think it's funny what folks are willing to pay to do.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I think you just answered your own question. Outlawing hog hunting = restricting freedom. I don't try to tell you what you can hunt, why do you think you should dictate to every hunter in the state what to hunt?
You dint understand the difference in personal freedom and plain old rules obviously.
Do you also think u should be allowed to drive at whatever speed u want?


Special Hen
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
I have opened a can of worms and didn't really mean to. Let me try to explain before I get thrown in with the bad guys.

High Fence - Before the drought we ran a cow/calf operation so we don't have high fences. A few of our barbed wire fences are questionable, maybe even a bad bluff. Hogs come and go at will.

Trap/Sell - We have never trapped or sold a hog on or from our property. When I get tired of shooting them I might consider trapping. I don't see that happening any time soon.

Buy/release - We have never bought or released hogs on our property unless you consider missing hogs as releasing hogs. If that is the case then I am guilty, a lot.

Damage - Hogs damage a little wheat, but not very much. I wouldn't consider the damage as severe as the punishment which is the death penalty.

Population - I do not think the population is out of control yet, but maybe someday. I know we shoot some and there are more volunteers to take their place. I do not know where they come from, they are just there. They never go away but there are never too many to cause major problems for us. Of course I do like having a population that can be hunted year round. Deer season is only 16 days long and steel gets boring after a while.

Transportation - The only way we transport hogs is in ice chests, so I am not up on the new regs.

I have taken a lot of friends and family out and not one of them ever told me that they hated the hunt and that we should work on getting it outlawed. Usually they ask about my plans for the next weekend. The point of my original post was to gage interest from those who do not have access to these extremely controversial animals. I wanted to hear their experiences with paid hunts to see if we could meet their expectations. If we can, then we might give it a shot. If we can't then friends and family are always willing. I never have a shortage of friends when a hog hunt is planned. Now if we were working cattle or building fence that's a different story.

It has been too hot to hunt over feeders now anyway. They only show up well after dark. I could sit at a feeder any night of the week but don't because the odds are definitely not in my favor. I don't waste my time doing it and certainly wouldn't take someone's money or plug nickels and let them waste their time. It would be hard to sleep at night.

Thanks for the info and opinions.


Special Hen
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Backwoods, OK
Hey man, don't listen to some of the meat heads on here that think everyone should think as they do or it is wrong. They can take their plugged nickles and shove it. I'm so glad that everyone does not have their attitude. If you want to sell a hog hunt because you have surplus hogs, have at it! You're not doing anything wrong and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You are probably just a good ol boy trying to make an extra buck these days and there is not a thing wrong with that. Good luck man, kill em all!

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