Poll: 71% of Obama voters, 55% Democrats 'regret' voting for his re-election

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Special Hen
Jan 24, 2006
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Ponca City
Obama voters don't give a crap, as long as they get their free stuff they could care less. That would be the only reason they regret voting for him, he isn't giving enough free stuff to them fast enough and they are mad.:grumble:


Jan 24, 2013
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After everyone has been force fed liberalism and socialism, they want Bush back!

Do you mean socialism like a massive expansion of Medicare, the largest socialized program in U.S. history? That would be Bush and Medicare Part D. Or do you mean the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act A.K.A. Obamacare which requires people to do business with private insurance companies, which is the opposite of socialism. It's a capitalist wet-dream, the government forcing people to give them money.

From herehttp://www.cnbc.com/id/47678760http://
This is far from a new phenomenon — the use of "socialist" as a political epithet in the U.S. dates to pre-Civil War days when abolitionist newspaper editor Horace Greeley was branded a socialist by some pro-slavery adversaries. In the 20th century, many elements of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal — including Social Security — were denounced as socialist. So was Medicare when it was created in the 1960s.

But to many historians and political scientists — and to actual socialists as well — the persistent claim that Obama is a socialist lacks credence.

From here:http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/post/barack-obama-worst-socialist-ever/2012/05/07/gIQAbp9t7T_blog.html
If President Obama is truly a socialist, then he’s not a very good one:

For the first time in 40 years, the government sector of the American economy has shrunk during the first three years of a presidential administration.

From here:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rich-rubino/barack-obama-a-socialist-_b_3129376.html
Barack Obama: A Socialist He Is Definitely Not
Barack Obama has done nothing to move the ideological pendulum in the direction of socialism. In fact, he has been a tribune of private industry, often saving private businesses from bankruptcy.
In his first year in office, Barack Obama authorized $80 billion from the Troubled Relief Assets Funds to loan to General Motors and Chrysler to keep them out of bankruptcy. The result is that two Fortune 500 companies benefited directly from Obama's actions. A socialist would have submitted legislation to the U.S. Congress, proposing to nationalize the nation's automobile industry, putting its ownership into public hands.

I have no illusions that facts will sway your misguided opinion, and that's okay. Many libbies claimed that Bush the Second was stupid, dumb, an intellectual lightweight. They were just as wrong as you, so you're in good company.


Jan 24, 2013
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(Mychal Massie is a respected writer and talk show host in Los Angeles.)

Well, I have seen that little bit of BS in awhile. Most likely because anyone with an above room temp IQ knows that Mychal Massie is not only not a respected writer, he's an outright liar.

This is all you need to know about him, http://conwebwatch.tripod.com/stories/2012/massieobama.htmlhttp://

It humors me when people are so desperate they resort to quoting the likes of Mychal Massie. It's a sign of utter defeat.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2009
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The problem is you post crap from the most liberal news outlets available and you beleive it. I could care less what they puke on your computer screen.

I'm sure they will eventually come out and opologize for their misreprentations, like they have in the past and continue to do so. But until then, keep drinking the coolaid brutha.

Do you mean socialism like a massive expansion of Medicare, the largest socialized program in U.S. history? That would be Bush and Medicare Part D. Or do you mean the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act A.K.A. Obamacare which requires people to do business with private insurance companies, which is the opposite of socialism. It's a capitalist wet-dream, the government forcing people to give them money.

From herehttp://www.cnbc.com/id/47678760http://
This is far from a new phenomenon - the use of "socialist" as a political epithet in the U.S. dates to pre-Civil War days when abolitionist newspaper editor Horace Greeley was branded a socialist by some pro-slavery adversaries. In the 20th century, many elements of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal - including Social Security - were denounced as socialist. So was Medicare when it was created in the 1960s.

But to many historians and political scientists - and to actual socialists as well - the persistent claim that Obama is a socialist lacks credence.

From here:http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/post/barack-obama-worst-socialist-ever/2012/05/07/gIQAbp9t7T_blog.html
If President Obama is truly a socialist, then he’s not a very good one:

For the first time in 40 years, the government sector of the American economy has shrunk during the first three years of a presidential administration.

From here:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rich-rubino/barack-obama-a-socialist-_b_3129376.html
Barack Obama: A Socialist He Is Definitely Not
Barack Obama has done nothing to move the ideological pendulum in the direction of socialism. In fact, he has been a tribune of private industry, often saving private businesses from bankruptcy.
In his first year in office, Barack Obama authorized $80 billion from the Troubled Relief Assets Funds to loan to General Motors and Chrysler to keep them out of bankruptcy. The result is that two Fortune 500 companies benefited directly from Obama's actions. A socialist would have submitted legislation to the U.S. Congress, proposing to nationalize the nation's automobile industry, putting its ownership into public hands.

I have no illusions that facts will sway your misguided opinion, and that's okay. Many libbies claimed that Bush the Second was stupid, dumb, an intellectual lightweight. They were just as wrong as you, so you're in good company.


Jan 24, 2013
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The problem is you post crap from the most liberal news outlets available and you beleive it. I could care less what they puke on your computer screen.

I'm sure they will eventually come out and opologize for their misreprentations, like they have in the past and continue to do so. But until then, keep drinking the coolaid brutha..

The problem is, with you any news organization other than Fox, WND or Free Republic is the "most liberal news outlets available". Never mind that there were several facts in the quotes, just ignore those as they don't fit your narrative. Just plug your ears, cover your eyes and run around screaming socialist. No facts needed. Rush told you so, so it must be true. Obama is certainly, unquestionably a liberal. Obama is not a socialist. Claiming he is one is like claiming he's not a natural born citizen. It's both laughable and easily dis-proven. It also takes focus off the real problems at hand. And thank you, I enjoy cherry Kool-Aid from time to time, half sugar if you please.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2009
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You have lost all credibilty with your one statement that Obama is not a socialist. When his prime objective is to redistribute wealth with every effort he is undertaking no matter the mask it wears.

The problem is, with you any news organization other than Fox, WND or Free Republic is the "most liberal news outlets available". Never mind that there were several facts in the quotes, just ignore those as they don't fit your narrative. Just plug your ears, cover your eyes and run around screaming socialist. No facts needed. Rush told you so, so it must be true. Obama is certainly, unquestionably a liberal. Obama is not a socialist. Claiming he is one is like claiming he's not a natural born citizen. It's both laughable and easily dis-proven. It also takes focus off the real problems at hand. And thank you, I enjoy cherry Kool-Aid from time to time, half sugar if you please.


Jan 24, 2013
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You have lost all credibilty with your one statement that Obama is not a socialist. When his prime objective is to redistribute wealth with every effort he is undertaking no matter the mask it wears.

Well, if that's the case, then this is a very socialistic nation. In the past, like before Obama's mother was born, the highest tax rates were in the 90% plus range. If wealth redistribution is Obama's goal he certainly has done very little to that end.

Here's the tax rates in 2010:

Here's the tax rates in 2014:

At that rate we'll have the wealth redistributed around 2250.

Does he believe that the top tier income group should pay more in taxes. Yes, he does (I don't necessarily agree with that, but that's another matter). Does that make him a socialist, not even close. The fact is the "rich are paying very little more now than 5 years ago, and way less than 80 years ago. It's a damn good time to be rich in America.
But, again, no need to let facts trip you up.

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