Can a company be "Christian"?

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Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Does a corporation believe it will go to heaven after it has gone bankrupt? If I get to heaven and there is damn TG&Y next to a Hardees, I won't know what to think.... I mean that could be cool because I liked TG&Y, but then that would also mean that all the Sam Goodys and Spencer's Gifts were in hell, and that would be sad, because they had the good stuff.


The Most Interesting Man in the World
Special Hen
Feb 15, 2013
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I can agree, it is all about making money or they would not be in business. I also think it is about politics, and just getting rid of Obamacare, because HL's owners are conservatives.
I support HL because any fight against entitlements is a good fight. I do not really care if they are Christians or not, just that they are fighting. I actually like the idea of the exchange; I just don't want to pay for it. I do not think Obama wants to actually help anyone, I think he wants to make poverty comfortable to keep people poor, so his friends can stay in power.

I believe the same. I also believe he would concern himself with spreading love and teaching rather than using his labor for taking petty stuff to the Govt in order to further an agenda. And this is where I cannot agree with HL. This legal fight isn't about religious principles or a pill. It's about a fighting a Law that will cost HL money.

If HL was in the religion business, such as some of the exempt business, I would agree. But HL is just a craft store, a bigger branch of wal- marts craft department. Just a company that if it went away it wouldn't be missed. The owner or owners just happen to claim to be Christians.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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It comes down to you have the right to believe anything you want, as long as it is what the liberals tell you to believe.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
i can agree, it is all about making money or they would not be in business. I also think it is about politics, and just getting rid of obamacare, because hl's owners are conservatives.
I support hl because any fight against entitlements is a good fight. I do not really care if they are christians or not, just that they are fighting. i actually like the idea of the exchange; i just don't want to pay for it. I do not think obama wants to actually help anyone, i think he wants to make poverty comfortable to keep people poor, so his friends can stay in power.



Aug 14, 2012
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I can agree, it is all about making money or they would not be in business. I also think it is about politics, and just getting rid of Obamacare, because HL's owners are conservatives.
I support HL because any fight against entitlements is a good fight. I do not really care if they are Christians or not, just that they are fighting. I actually like the idea of the exchange; I just don't want to pay for it. I do not think Obama wants to actually help anyone, I think he wants to make poverty comfortable to keep people poor, so his friends can stay in power.

I can't in good conscience troll you. You wanna support HL because they're "conservative" go ahead. Surely you see the danger if HL wins, Corporation's become people. When that happens, Iit will and already has, nullify your voice in Political matters. Not only will they not have to provide insurance but they will then have a right to any and all you private business; such as Dr./Patient records or even as bad your financial business.

That's the danger, support accordingly.


Aug 14, 2012
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It comes down to you have the right to believe anything you want, as long as it is what the liberals tell you to believe.

Yes, if you wanna believe the Earth is flat, go ahead, as long as it doesn't interfere with other rights. Wanna believe the Earth is center of Universe go ahead....but don't hide behind religion because you haft a pay for a BS pill.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Yes, if you wanna believe the Earth is flat, go ahead, as long as it doesn't interfere with other rights. Wanna believe the Earth is center of Universe go ahead....but don't hide behind religion because you haft a pay for a BS pill.

In this day the rights of a religious person have gone out the window. Bakers who serve gays everyday without discrimination are being persecuted because their religion says marriage is between a man and a woman, same for florist. Companies owned by religious people who believe birth begins at conception (when the egg is fertilized ) are being forced to pay for pills that their beliefs say is abortion. They are willing to pay for many other forms of birth control but the liberals say that they have to violate their beliefs. Sorry this is just an attempt by lefties to destroy religion.

The latest example of left wing stupidity comes from Dartmouth.

The Dartmouth students known as “Concerned Asian, Black, Latin@, Native, Undocumented, Queer, and Differently-Abled students” have followed through on their threat to take “physical action” if the College’s administrators don’t reply to their demands. Their physical action consists of occupying the office of Phil Hanlon, Dartmouth’s president.

The demands of these activists are so absurd that when I first reported on them some very intelligent people told me that this was a hoax. Here are some of the demands:

Incorporate into each department at least one queer studies class.

Commit multi-millions of dollars to increase faculty and staff of color in all departments, and create a “professor of color” lecture series.

Require ALL professors to be trained in “cultural competency” and the “importance of social justice in their day to day work.”

Ask faculty to use preferred gender pronouns. Allow body and gender self-determination.

Provide gender-neutral housing to all students. Provide gender-specific and gender-neutral bathrooms in every building on campus. (His, Hers, and Guess who?)

Provide free legal assistance and financial aid for undocumented students to “better understand each of their unique legal statuses.”

Require that every Dartmouth student be taught and made aware that the land they reside on is Abenaki homeland.

All male-female checkboxes should be replaced with write-in boxes to make forms, surveys, and applications more inclusive for trans, two-spirit, agender, gender-nonconforming and genderqueer folks campus-wide.

Sorry but the left wing wackjobs are trying to destroy every last bit of this country and this is just another example.

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