Rancher in Nevada being harassed by the FEDS and confiscating his cattle

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Special Hen
Nov 21, 2008
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Looking for the lumens
Then there was this, and much closer to home.

"A lot of BLM status quo supporters have recently accused me of being a "crackpot" lawyer, and even, most hilariously, of being perhaps the world's first anti-liberal hipster. They say that I am spreading misinformation by claiming the BLM can effectively write law and govern private property.

I submit to them exhibit B:" -


For those who don't know, the BLM does function in the way that the guy in my previous video described. So does the BATFE, EPA, etc. They are administrative bodies who report to cabinet Secretaries under the Executive. There is Congressional oversight of these agencies, through the chambers' respective committees, but have you ever tried unringing a bell that you couldn't find, much less the person who really rang it? (The Fast & Furious, Benghazi, or IRS scandals, for example) Their policies, as they are written internally, are law insomuch as the law which granted them their authority also granted them the authority to create and pass provisions and directives through which they function. When you define roles and responsibilities broadly, you leave a lot of room for error and abuse. If you think that the "out here" civilian legal world is a deep, dark, forest full of **** that wants to eat you, take a stroll through these bureaucratic agencies' "channels" sometime. (Hell, ask any vet here about how pleasant the VA is to deal with)

I'm in the same boat as many: In the middle shaking my head at both parties to varying degrees. The people's problem is that they've just plain had enough of the bullsh!t. The government's problem is that when all your solutions are hammers, all of your problems look like nails.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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If he really wants to be a free and independent rancher...seems to me he should go out and buy some land.

It's kind of hard to buy land in a state where 85% of the land is controlled by the Feds. Leasing grazing rights isn't a new concept, even in Oklahoma ranchers lease more than they own.

Regardless of all of that, it's painfully obvious that the BLM has made an effort to put Nevada ranchers out of business. Do we ask or authorize the BLM to run those ranchers off the land that we own? I don't remember making that request or even being asked if I had a problem with ranchers grazing their cattle in the desert.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Then there was this, and much closer to home.

"A lot of BLM status quo supporters have recently accused me of being a "crackpot" lawyer, and even, most hilariously, of being perhaps the world's first anti-liberal hipster. They say that I am spreading misinformation by claiming the BLM can effectively write law and govern private property.

I submit to them exhibit B:" -


For those who don't know, the BLM does function in the way that the guy in my previous video described. So does the BATFE, EPA, etc. They are administrative bodies who report to cabinet Secretaries under the Executive. There is Congressional oversight of these agencies, through the chambers' respective committees, but have you ever tried unringing a bell that you couldn't find, much less the person who really rang it? (The Fast & Furious, Benghazi, or IRS scandals, for example) Their policies, as they are written internally, are law insomuch as the law which granted them their authority also granted them the authority to create and pass provisions and directives through which they function. When you define roles and responsibilities broadly, you leave a lot of room for error and abuse. If you think that the "out here" civilian legal world is a deep, dark, forest full of **** that wants to eat you, take a stroll through these bureaucratic agencies' "channels" sometime. (Hell, ask any vet here about how pleasant the VA is to deal with)

I'm in the same boat as many: In the middle shaking my head at both parties to varying degrees. The people's problem is that they've just plain had enough of the bullsh!t. The government's problem is that when all your solutions are hammers, all of your problems look like nails.

I don't know what they are smoking on that deal but you can get the gist of it from this:

Last year I and about 12 others were working on a large drilling prospect in Colorado. The majority of the sections we were working had been patented prior to CO statehood from the United States with them reserving an undivided 1/2 of the minerals. Not all but a good number of the patents were transcribed incorrectly when filed at the County courthouse. The deputy clerk at the courthouse had neglected to transcribe the reservation to the U.S. Now one would think that the BLM who now manages this stuff would want to get the record set straight. We sent a compiled list of all the errant records to them so they could do just that. Faxes, letters, certified letters and numerous phone calls finally revealed that they couldn't care less, they just weren't interested. They knew that they owned the minerals, their records reflected the same and they could not have cared less what the county courthouse showed. If we would have leased the record owners, drilled, hit and then paid royalties, when it would be brought to court (and it would), an impartial court would say "tough luck BLM, you should have corrected the record since you have legal standing to do so." We were forced to just note that the public record didn't reflect true ownership which was shown on our reports. When BLM basically said they didn't care we were all like WTF? So you are correct in your assessment, they just make up what they want and dictate as they please.


Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
I think both sides overreacted. At some point after so many judgements for them the Government has to do something. The Bundy supporters were just looking for a reason to parade around and act like they were going to do something. Like was pointed out in one of the 300 other threads on this subject if the bullets would have started flying we would have found out exactly where everyone out there stood.

So where was this Constitutional Sheriff? I did not see him or his deputies out there trying to disarm those "rouge" Federal agents. He sure piped up when the feds left.

The guy on Fox news is retired and from Arizona. Arizona does not equal Clark County Nevada. The actual guy with authority is the Clark County Nevada Sheriff... and he's a liberal democrat... he stayed in Vegas at the office till this got critical. If you want to understand the other part of the back story... one county in Nevada runs the politics... and Reno/ Northern Nevada aint it. Harry Reid is a Las Vegas guy.. the Clark County Sheriff and most of Las Vegas are Democrats....


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
Listen up people

This is my formal apology to Glocktogo

He posted some language that was somewhat ambiguous last night and I took it one way and he explained it another way.

I searched the forum and found this post from 13 months ago

In that post he expresses basically the same idea that he explained last night, in very similar words.

So I was wrong and he was right.

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