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Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Its changing because, imo, local PD/Govt has bungled it from beginning. Like I said before, the actual shooting will shake out. The reaction to lawful protest, assembly and how the media was treated.....way wrong on many fronts.

I'm beginning to think this less and less. The cop has already been convicted in the court of public opinion and the AGs office. The presence of Holder makes justice less likely, not more likely. Just imagine how disenfranchised the black community will feel if the officers actions are exonerated. There would be rioting and looting all over again in spite of the truth. We do know that this "good normal boy" had stole some cigars earlier in the day and roughed up a clerk. He was a physically intimidating individual. I still maintain that IDK what actually happened but the officer is convicted by this community already.

As far as the response to the protests, I'm kinda with you. On one hand if a crowd of thousands is angrily gathering in one of the roughest neighborhoods around, you're damn right I'm gonna show up with an AR and some mobile cover. On the other hand, rounding up the press is never going to go in your best interest.

I would bet that it was hard to distinguish protester from looter and rioter. Or the trouble makers probably used the demonstration as cover for their activity. All of this would make a chaotic situation even worse. So they responded by trying to break up the entire demonstration to gain some kind of control and restore order. It clearly backfired and brought more people to the party and opportunists flocked to get their free ****.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Lurker, thought you would like this one.



Aug 14, 2012
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I'm beginning to think this less and less. The cop has already been convicted in the court of public opinion and the AGs office. The presence of Holder makes justice less likely, not more likely. Just imagine how disenfranchised the black community will feel if the officers actions are exonerated. There would be rioting and looting all over again in spite of the truth.not truth but verdict....im sure there will be a negative reaction. But there is a process. What if its proven the officer IS guilty? We do know that this "good normal boy" had stole some cigars earlier in the day and roughed up a clerk. no we know he was accused... He was a physically intimidating individual. big black guys dont intimidate me.....by your ligic cops could shoot any BIG person because they look intimidating I still maintain that IDK what actually happened but the officer is convicted by this community already. [COLOR="#FF0000]MB was convicted of stealing and was killed because he was big and intimidating.....at least in the eyes of many on this board[/COLOR]

As far as the response to the protests, I'm kinda with you. On one hand if a crowd of thousands [COLOR="#FF0000"]Hundreds[/COLOR]is angrily gathering in one of the roughest neighborhoods around, you're damn right I'm gonna show up with an AR and some mobile cover. On the other hand, rounding up the press is never going to go in your best interest.

I would bet that it was hard to distinguish protester from looter and rioter. Or the trouble makers probably used the demonstration as cover for their activity. All of this would make a chaotic situation even worse. So they responded by trying to break up the entire demonstration to gain some kind of control and restore order. It clearly backfired and brought more people to the party and opportunists flocked to get their free ****.

Theres tons of assumptions. We dont know if the kid stole or paid for cigars. He was only accused of stealing. The whole "strong armed robbery" is media hype. Again MB was only accused.

Later we know an officer attempted a stop.....for what reason, we dont know. There was some kind of altercation and shots were fired. 18yo MB was killed. 3 autopsies were performed.

Thats about all anyone really knows. Let the Justice system work. Nothing is official until he is exonerated or if charged, at a trial.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Theres tons of assumptions. We dont know if the kid stole or paid for cigars. He was only accused of stealing. The whole "strong armed robbery" is media hype. Again MB was only accused.

Later we know an officer attempted a stop.....for what reason, we dont know. There was some kind of altercation and shots were fired. 18yo MB was killed. 3 autopsies were performed.

Thats about all anyone really knows. Let the Justice system work. Nothing is official until he is exonerated or if charged, at a trial.

They have the kid on tape jacking some cigars and roughing up a clerk. Same hat, shirt, pants, ht./wt., neighborhood, etc. Now that obviously does not mean he should be gunned down in the street but it gives an idea what this kids attitude and actions are or could be.

I am all about letting the investigation take its course but the riots started the night of the shooting. The investigation has not even allowed to begin before people were screaming injustice. You know the saying, "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth gets off the starting blocks." There has been no opportunity for a full investigation to take place. And now that the whole thing is politicized to the ninth degree, I fear the truth will never come out and even if it does no one would believe it.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
What some may not know but the current fad is to get some cigars, or cigarillo's, open them, dump the tobacco, and reload with pot, then you get a little tobacco and pot high. Oh Yeah, they think it helps hide the stink of the pot. LOL..

Not saying that is why Mr Brown was stealing them, but he did have pot in his blood system. Who knows how long it had been there though.


Aug 14, 2012
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They have the kid on tape jacking some cigars and roughing up a clerk. Same hat, shirt, pants, ht./wt., neighborhood, etc. Now that obviously does not mean he should be gunned down in the street but it gives an idea what this kids attitude and actions are or could be.

I am all about letting the investigation take its course but the riots started the night of the shooting. The investigation has not even allowed to begin before people were screaming injustice. You know the saying, "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth gets off the starting blocks." There has been no opportunity for a full investigation to take place. And now that the whole thing is politicized to the ninth degree, I fear the truth will never come out and even if it does no one would believe it.

We havent seen the whole tape.....its true he is seen on tape, maybe he paid for cigars, maybe the clerk asked him for ID after the sale. He was 18 and ya gotta be 21 to buy tobacco.

Im just playing devils advocate. As far as the truth, a trial or investigation doesnt prove truth. Truth is different than guilt or innocence.

As far as any investigation goes, Ferguson PD has the Officers report. Thats the start of anything official. Imo, they have the officers account, the complete video, the coroners report, and probably a few witness statements. So if the investigation gets effed up its because Ferguson PD bungled it.


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
What some may not know but the current fad is to get some cigars, or cigarillo's, open them, dump the tobacco, and reload with pot, then you get a little tobacco and pot high. Oh Yeah, they think it helps hide the stink of the pot. LOL..

Not saying that is why Mr Brown was stealing them, but he did have pot in his blood system. Who knows how long it had been there though.

Its called a blunt and pot smokers been doing it since the 60s.

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