Dem Senator Al Franken is History.

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Jan 12, 2007
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At the very least, there's actual evidence that he's a liar:

In his November 10 interview with Sean Hannity, Moore said he remembered Gloria Deason and Debbie Gibson, who told The Washington Post he had dated them when they were teenagers and he was a local prosecutor in his 30s. Although he did not recall dating them, Moore said, "I'm not going to dispute anything." He described Deason, who said she dated him when she was 18, as "a good girl." He said he knew "her parents, her mother in particular." He denied her account that he gave her wine in restaurants before she turned 19, then the minimum drinking age in Alabama, claiming (falsely) that it was not possible because Etowah County was dry at the time. Regarding Gibson, who told the Post she dated Moore when she was 17, he said, "I know her, but don't remember going out on dates. I knew her as a friend. If we did go out on dates, then we did."

Last week, in two separate campaign appearances, Moore changed his story. "The allegations are completely false," he said on November 27 in Henagar. "They are malicious. Specifically, I do not know any of these women." He repeated that blanket denial on November 29 in Theodore: "I do not know any of these women, did not date any of these women, and have not engaged in any sexual misconduct with anyone."

We already had concrete proof he's a liar. He's a politician! LOL


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Other than the one photo, the “proof” against Franken is the same as the Moore case right? Personal testimony from accusers.

I’m just looking for consistency here.

Of course they won't "accuse" him of anything because they are as vile as he is, but if it were repub he'd been ran out of office and forced to wear an orange jumpsuit.

Franken1.png franken-huffington.jpg


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
At the very least, there's actual evidence that he's a liar:

In his November 10 interview with Sean Hannity, Moore said he remembered Gloria Deason and Debbie Gibson, who told The Washington Post he had dated them when they were teenagers and he was a local prosecutor in his 30s. Although he did not recall dating them, Moore said, "I'm not going to dispute anything." He described Deason, who said she dated him when she was 18, as "a good girl." He said he knew "her parents, her mother in particular." He denied her account that he gave her wine in restaurants before she turned 19, then the minimum drinking age in Alabama, claiming (falsely) that it was not possible because Etowah County was dry at the time. Regarding Gibson, who told the Post she dated Moore when she was 17, he said, "I know her, but don't remember going out on dates. I knew her as a friend. If we did go out on dates, then we did."

Last week, in two separate campaign appearances, Moore changed his story. "The allegations are completely false," he said on November 27 in Henagar. "They are malicious. Specifically, I do not know any of these women." He repeated that blanket denial on November 29 in Theodore: "I do not know any of these women, did not date any of these women, and have not engaged in any sexual misconduct with anyone."

And Franken isn't?


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2011
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Warr Acres
On Tuesday, Jones told the Birmingham crowd of his support for the Second Amendment and threw in a jab at Moore. He said that when they see him with a gun, “I’ll be climbing in and out of a deer blind ... not prancing around on a stage in a cowboy suit” ― a reference to an earlier stunt at a rally when Moore, sporting a cowboy hat and a leather vest, pulled out a gun onstage.

Yeah, maybe Jones should pull out a gun all wily nilly in a crowd to show everyone he’s a strong 2A supporter...Moore is an idiot.


Dec 10, 2008
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“Rationalizing is usually not a deliberate process to distort the analysis of arguments, which makes it difficult to recognize and guard against. It is easier to recognize rationalizing when someone else is doing it. Perhaps the best you can do is realize that rationalizing does occur and to try to be especially vigilant for rationalizing when you prefer a conclusion.”



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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Physical evidence? No, but I believe there's enough anecdotal evidence that he liked em young to warrant further scrutiny. The statute of limitations has long since expired on Roy Moore's accusers, by decades as a matter of fact. According to WaPo, even the acts he's accused of back in the late 70's fall into the category of a misdemeanor. It's been over a quarter century since he was accused even of any inappropriate behavior, unlike Franken, who could still be charged legally, but won't.

I don't see any upside to defending Moore as a person, but defending the election process is something bigger than one person or events that happened decades ago.

I don't disagree with any of this, but how does voting a dim in protect the process or get us a different result? They are all hypocrites and liars. I'm with deerwhacker at post #69. I'm tired of taking the high road, the other side just doesn't place any value in morals, so lets play their game and defeat them for a change, that's what I want. That doesn't mean we can't value right from wrong and I don't think Moore throwing up a white flag 40 years after the fact says we are the same as the heathens either.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
There was something I read where someone was speculating that Franken hasn't officially resigned and that he would wait to see if Moore won the election in Alabama. If Moore wins, speculation was that Franken would NOT resign.

What is funny though is that Pelosi has caught some flak for "going along" with Representatives' (Conyers for one) indiscretions to keep her power. Then she had to turn around and call for Dems who did bad to resign. And, speaking of hypocrites, she is out there saying "God is on their side" with regards to DACA. I wonder what her excuse will be to God about supporting abortion?


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Never said he isn't. Do you have an argument better than the third-grade-playground's "well Billy did it too," perchance? Might we deal with individuals on their own merits (or lack thereof)?

Exactly my point. Moore is being opposed by outraged GOP'ers and Franken is being booted by his own party members who will only replace him with another turd exactly like him in which nothing will change. It will affect no votes or policy. He may as well stay, so what's the point?

And why do people think the field is level if Moore is piled on? It's common knowledge that Franken is a serial assaulter. The same cannot yet be said about Moore but we wish to hand the dims a seat just because? Yea that's the way to win hearts and minds, just let the dims gain ground to do what they do. We'll win for sure!


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Personally, I don't know what to think of Moore, but I do know that I'm not in a position to vote for him. However, the Alabama voters are and if they choose to elect him to Congress, I think it should be imperative for all to recognize the outcome of the election. His case is different from Franken's in that his "transgressions" were decades ago while Franken's seem to be a continuing saga. If the voters of Minnesota were to vote again on Franken and elect him, I'd have to say the same thing.

Franken is having to go because a majority of the Democratic Party Senators are calling for him to resign. If he didn't, would he be anywhere close to effective in the Senate?

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