Assault Weapons Ban 2019

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Special Hen
May 11, 2016
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Southern Oklahoma
When they come to take your guns away after you have said "No!", then it'll be 1776 all over again.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it would be nothing like 1776.

Back then, both sides had the same weapons. Neither side had radios, phones, or any other form of instant communication. Neither side had tear gas, hand grenades, bombs (beyond primitive cannon fire), armored vehicles/tanks, or aircraft. Local law enforcement didn't have SWAT teams.

The Redcoats didn't have a massive military presence on the mainland. Most of North America was unpopulated, and there were vast areas of wilderness (even in the Colonies) to hide and make plans, knowing the enemy wasn't much better equipped than we were.

I know comparisons have been made to the fiasco(s) in the middle east, but this ain't Afghanistan. Most of your neighbors, family, and friends will sell you out in a heartbeat to increase their own safety.

Just my two cents. :drunk2:


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it would be nothing like 1776.

Back then, both sides had the same weapons. Neither side had radios, phones, or any other form of instant communication. Neither side had tear gas, hand grenades, bombs (beyond primitive cannon fire), armored vehicles/tanks, or aircraft. Local law enforcement didn't have SWAT teams.

The Redcoats didn't have a massive military presence on the mainland. Most of North America was unpopulated, and there were vast areas of wilderness (even in the Colonies) to hide and make plans, knowing the enemy wasn't much better equipped than we were.

I know comparisons have been made to the fiasco(s) in the middle east, but this ain't Afghanistan. Most of your neighbors, family, and friends will sell you out in a heartbeat to increase their own safety.

Just my two cents. :drunk2:

While all that is true, the cause of the antagonists is the same.


Slim Deal

Special Hen
Dec 16, 2017
Reaction score
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it would be nothing like 1776.

Back then, both sides had the same weapons. Neither side had radios, phones, or any other form of instant communication. Neither side had tear gas, hand grenades, bombs (beyond primitive cannon fire), armored vehicles/tanks, or aircraft. Local law enforcement didn't have SWAT teams.

The Redcoats didn't have a massive military presence on the mainland. Most of North America was unpopulated, and there were vast areas of wilderness (even in the Colonies) to hide and make plans, knowing the enemy wasn't much better equipped than we were.

I know comparisons have been made to the fiasco(s) in the middle east, but this ain't Afghanistan. Most of your neighbors, family, and friends will sell you out in a heartbeat to increase their own safety.

Just my two cents. :drunk2:

By now you should have already identified who you should and should not have been talking to. 'Loose lips will get you kilt'. And this place is much easier than Afghanistan.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 2, 2013
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Why aren't we making/introducing laws to prevent some of this garbage here in Oklahoma? Add amendments to our state constitution about constitutional carry, make it so OK will not allow any laws to be made in the future that will further restrict or reduce our right to bear arms... The left is very much on the offensive with all of their movements, why aren't conservatives? Sure, things like the HPA get brought up, but I don't think it ever stood a chance (especially not now). We should be doing more. We should be writing bills to further protect the 2nd amendment. We should be writing bills making it so that future restriction of the 2nd amendment is impossible (or damn close).

You know, I'm the first to say "come and take it" when I talk with friends about potential future firearm seizure, but I've never had to be in that position. I've never had to make the decision - do I arm myself and resist, likely ending in death and leaving my family without any financial support beyond life insurance? What would I really do in that moment? I don't know. I don't want to know. I want to shut down any traitor that thinks they have any justification to challenge my right as an American citizen to possess and maintain whatever firearms I please. If our elected representatives aren't willing to represent us and the constitution, without apology or concession, then they need to be removed from office and replaced by a true representative with balls to do what's right, not only what will keep the money flowing in.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 22, 2009
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Broken Arrow
I agree, it's much easier for the authorities.

Perhaps, but insurgencies never seem to go very well for the "authorities" who with their families live and work in and around the same places as the "bad guys", and make no mistake, [God Forbid that it should ever come to pass] that is what another civil war would more than likely end up being like, a very costly guerilla type blood bath on both sides, with neither ever really knowing who is who until something happens. Best to be avoided by all.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Why aren't we making/introducing laws to prevent some of this garbage here in Oklahoma? Add amendments to our state constitution about constitutional carry, make it so OK will not allow any laws to be made in the future that will further restrict or reduce our right to bear arms... The left is very much on the offensive with all of their movements, why aren't conservatives? Sure, things like the HPA get brought up, but I don't think it ever stood a chance (especially not now). We should be doing more. We should be writing bills to further protect the 2nd amendment. We should be writing bills making it so that future restriction of the 2nd amendment is impossible (or damn close).

You know, I'm the first to say "come and take it" when I talk with friends about potential future firearm seizure, but I've never had to be in that position. I've never had to make the decision - do I arm myself and resist, likely ending in death and leaving my family without any financial support beyond life insurance? What would I really do in that moment? I don't know. I don't want to know. I want to shut down any traitor that thinks they have any justification to challenge my right as an American citizen to possess and maintain whatever firearms I please. If our elected representatives aren't willing to represent us and the constitution, without apology or concession, then they need to be removed from office and replaced by a true representative with balls to do what's right, not only what will keep the money flowing in.
As I understand it, Oklahoma can pass all the laws it wants, but can't usurp federal law? Then we have the concept of states rights, so I'm not sure how we as a state can become an autonomous nation outside of the constitution?
Comminfornika, NY and Il have all taken away 2A rights with no repercussion from the feds. The middle part of this country is a bastion of gun rights while the left coasts have denied their citizens the same rights because the voters elected the people that took those rights away.
So, there ya have it. The people in the states that have the most strict gun laws were elected by the people of the state.
Commiefornika, NY or Il will never see more gun rights, they will only be taken away more and more.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Those free states are regulating their militias in the way they see fit. The oppressive hand of U.S. gov.
is prohibited by the constitution from saying otherwise.
Of course, by states rights. My point that those taking the 2A rights away from the general population is by elected officials stands.
The only chance anyone in those states have to regain their 2A rights is to vote those people out, but it's likely not to happen as those states are flooded with illegal criminal immigrants that never had 2A rights in the first place, always living in control of the government in their home countries so it stands to reason they will vote to ban.
Criminals don't care about all this hyperbole though.

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