Right you are. 100% right.<points to the newscast> That kind of idiot.
NO WAY would an charges be brought on him; and if they were, there is no way he'd get convicted.The guy is lacking in common sense no doubt, but did he actually commit a crime? I'm thinking not since so far no charges have been filed and his identity has not been published. I'm sure the DA is staying up late tonight to see what they can find to charge him with. It could get interesting for the off-duty fire fighter-(civilian) if no crime was committed right?
This article says he was filming himself. Sometimes I actually think that maybe people are too stupid to own guns.
You are absolutely correct. As above, 100% .
AFAIK, HE BROKE NO LAWS. And even if he did, he's going to be the Golden Boy; the Man of the Hour. I like to believe I would have done the same thing. Wouldn't you? I'm willing to bet most hgere would. He did the right thing.Anyone know if he broke any laws in MO? As far as open carry? Did or can Wally have a safe zone sign there that could cause him problems?