NFL ratings: Initial results show decline for K.C.-Houston kickoff game

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
If you didn't agree with their mask policy why did you eat there? And even after all the drama they still got your money. If more people refused to eat there due to the mask policy and it hurt their bottom line maybe they would change the policy. That's if they weren't required to have that policy by the local government like Tulsa. And in Tulsa they could have had you arrested.
"Those who refuse to wear a face covering, though, can be subject to prosecution under criminal trespassing, disturbing the peace or a similar offense."
As I said in my OP, if I hadn't been there with a large group of family, I would have told her to suck sand and left. 4 kids in the group and it's their favorite place to eat, so that is the reason I didn't leave. I did pick up the tab and left the waiter a 20% tip.
BTW there are exemptions to the mask rule. I qualify for two of them. The gestapo hostess dismissed those legal exemptions and told me it was their "company policy".
There are a number of exclusions listed in the ordinance:

  • Anyone under 18 (though wearing a face covering is strongly encouraged)
  • Anyone with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a face covering
  • (Federal HIPPA and the 4th Amendment to the Constitution prevent anyone from asking what the medical condition is)
  • Anyone eating or drinking, or anyone seated at a restaurant to eat or drink
  • Anyone exercising outdoors or engaging in physical activity outdoors while properly distanced from others
  • Anyone in the car with only people in their own household
  • Anyone conducting business that requires a temporary removal of the face-covering (for example, bank security requirements or someone getting dental work done)
  • Anyone who is swimming
  • Anyone who is voting, assisting a voter, serving as a poll watcher, or anyone actively administering an election
  • Anyone actively engaged in religious worship
  • Anyone speaking for a broadcast or to an audience
  • Anyone performing work where the mask presents or exacerbates a hazard
A first-time violation would lead to a warning. Subsequent violations could result in a $100 fine.

The mandatory mask ordinance would stay in effect until the city or state end their emergency orders put in place for the pandemic.

I'm not the evil person some in this thread are making me out to be. They can suck sand as well and kiss my lily white ass.
The mask insanity is the issue and again, I'm not an obedient sheep. I've spent my life always questioning authority and verifying it's authenticity. It's served me well to date and It won't change any time in the near future.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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You have to be kidding me. Dafuque is this for?

  • Anyone who is voting, assisting a voter, serving as a poll watcher, or anyone actively administering an election
I guess this little tiddy is to facilitate mail in voting?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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As I said in my OP, if I hadn't been there with a large group of family, I would have told her to suck sand and left. 4 kids in the group and it's their favorite place to eat, so that is the reason I didn't leave. I did pick up the tab and left the waiter a 20% tip.
BTW there are exemptions to the mask rule. I qualify for two of them. The gestapo hostess dismissed those legal exemptions and told me it was their "company policy".
There are a number of exclusions listed in the ordinance:

  • Anyone under 18 (though wearing a face covering is strongly encouraged)
  • Anyone with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a face covering
  • (Federal HIPPA and the 4th Amendment to the Constitution prevent anyone from asking what the medical condition is)
  • Anyone eating or drinking, or anyone seated at a restaurant to eat or drink
  • Anyone exercising outdoors or engaging in physical activity outdoors while properly distanced from others
  • Anyone in the car with only people in their own household
  • Anyone conducting business that requires a temporary removal of the face-covering (for example, bank security requirements or someone getting dental work done)
  • Anyone who is swimming
  • Anyone who is voting, assisting a voter, serving as a poll watcher, or anyone actively administering an election
  • Anyone actively engaged in religious worship
  • Anyone speaking for a broadcast or to an audience
  • Anyone performing work where the mask presents or exacerbates a hazard
A first-time violation would lead to a warning. Subsequent violations could result in a $100 fine.

The mandatory mask ordinance would stay in effect until the city or state end their emergency orders put in place for the pandemic.

I'm not the evil person some in this thread are making me out to be. They can suck sand as well and kiss my lily white ass.
The mask insanity is the issue and again, I'm not an obedient sheep. I've spent my life always questioning authority and verifying it's authenticity. It's served me well to date and It won't change any time in the near future.

They are just enforcing what they are told to enforce. This is as dumb as berating the greeter at Walmart that asks you to put on a mask. These people are just trying to make a living. I understand the mask is BS thing and don't disagree, however, as a private business, its their right to request you wear it. Throwing things at people isn't the right way to act in public.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Imagine feeling justified in harassing the employees of an establishment who are trying to enforce the rules set by the owners/operators of, and governing authority over, said establishment....after voluntarily entering said establishment.

That’s some entitled snowflake BLM bullhockey there.



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Imagine feeling justified in harassing the employees of an establishment who are trying to enforce the rules set by the owners/operators of, and governing authority over, said establishment....after voluntarily entering said establishment.

That’s some entitled snowflake BLM bullhockey there.


"A country that does not respect property rights will not respect individual rights" a great man once said. He was a prophet, for sure.

Stand Up For America


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
They are just enforcing what they are told to enforce. This is as dumb as berating the greeter at Walmart that asks you to put on a mask. These people are just trying to make a living. I understand the mask is BS thing and don't disagree, however, as a private business, its their right to request you wear it. Throwing things at people isn't the right way to act in public.
Her gestapo attitude as well as the ignorance of the city ordinance as well as federal privacy laws and the constitution was uncalled for. As soon as I announced that I had a medical condition that does not allow a mask, the conversation should have been over by law.
You may disagree, but that is what the law says. The CDC has came out with a recommendation that retailers not argue with people that do not agree to wear a mask. It's searchable on the net.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Imagine feeling justified in harassing the employees of an establishment who are trying to enforce the rules set by the owners/operators of, and governing authority over, said establishment....after voluntarily entering said establishment.

That’s some entitled snowflake BLM bullhockey there.

Are your serious our just intellectually ignorant? I put the mask on at her vigorous instance as already posted and when she walked away, wadded it up and threw it at her. She never knew it happened. A wadded up mask doesn't go very far. It was a gesture to protest her ignorance. As also posted, the rest of our crew removed their masks. She did not throw us out after multiple trips to take more sheep into the restaurant.
She and her company were in violation of federal HIPPA laws and the 4th Amendment of the Constitution.
Which of those do you disagree with? Perhaps you would like to release all of your medical records to me because I said you had to?
Lets see em!
Last edited:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
"A country that does not respect property rights will not respect individual rights" a great man once said. He was a prophet, for sure.

Stand Up For America

Right? But for some, private property rights only matter if they happen to agree with the private property owner.

Otherwise they are entitled to enter the premises and stomp around like a spoiled child...


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
They are just enforcing what they are told to enforce. This is as dumb as berating the greeter at Walmart that asks you to put on a mask. These people are just trying to make a living. I understand the mask is BS thing and don't disagree, however, as a private business, its their right to request you wear it. Throwing things at people isn't the right way to act in public.

It's OK to act that way in public if you really believe in your heart that you are on the side of righteousness. That's why BLM and ANITFA act they way they do. Apparently others do as well.


Special Hen
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
There are a number of exclusions listed in the ordinance:

  • Anyone with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a face covering
  • (Federal HIPPA and the 4th Amendment to the Constitution prevent anyone from asking what the medical condition is)
  • Anyone eating or drinking, or anyone seated at a restaurant to eat or drink
A first-time violation would lead to a warning. Subsequent violations could result in a $100 fine.
Do you actually have a medical condition that prevents you from wearing a mask? I would think claustrophobia or causing a panic attack would qualify. Also, I get sinus infections (have one now) and wearing a mask for more than 5 minutes really aggravates my sinuses breathing the hot damp air.

I thought you had to wear a mask into and out of the restaurant but could take it off to drink/eat.

In the article I read they said there was no fine at all. If you declined and refused to leave or caused a scene then it was trespass or disturbing the peace.

BTW, I just saw where the CDC chief said wearing a mask was more effective than a Covid19 vaccine shot for preventing the spreading/getting the china flu.

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