What's was the most disconcerting thing involving a gun you ever saw?

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Feb 11, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Something that made you go "what the heck".

I was waiting for a red light to change on a nice Sunday morning in downtown Memphis. Diagonally across the intersection, one guy shot another in the abdomen. The shootee dropped like he got hit with a supersonic telephone pole. Not very many people on the street but nobody ran off. They just stood there like it was a normal thing. Before cell phones so I did a u-turn and went up the road about a mile to where I had passed a police car on the side of the road. Followed him back and everybody is still just standing there. Found out the shooter took exception to the shootee robbing the shooter's 5 year old son at some event on the river.
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Mar 15, 2009
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Washington DC, 1977. We were on vacation and were staying in DC but had taken a bus up to Maryland to see one of dads friends. We got back late and hadn’t eaten. We went to a Macdonald’s in sight of the capital. Two guys came in saying there was a guy shooting everyone up. Mom said ‘let’s go kids, these guys are on drugs’. We were leaving as fast as we could when one guy raised his shirt and had been hit in the side. The other guy raised his pant lag and had been shot in the shin.
I was just an 11 year old kid from Enid. I’ll never forget the scene.


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Jun 18, 2018
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Moore, OK
Looking into the barrel of a Colt Python about 25 years ago. I was taking a deposit to the bank from a store I managed. As I got to my truck a guy came running up with a gun in his hand. I managed to get in the truck, but hadn't gotten the keys outa my pocket. He pointed the gun at me through the closed window, then broke the window with the gun. I could tell he was trying to decide whether to pull the trigger....he then hit me in the head with the gun, demanded I get out, leave the bag, and give him the keys. As I stood bleeding like a stuck hog, I learned that the guy had never driven a manual transmission. Grinded the gears something awful. I got my 6 month old truck back a couple of days later.

I've still got a big scar in my left eyebrow that still bothers me from time to time. Funny thing was during the incident, I really wasn't scared per say. More like 'pissed'. They never found the guy, but every so often I see a guy that reminds me of him and I admit I get a case of the 'chills'.


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Jul 12, 2016
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Wow, that would have been frightening!

Can you tell us more about the gun? Any idea how many rounds it had through it? Would he be open to trades? Think he still has the original box? :wink2:

Looking into the barrel of a Colt Python about 25 years ago. I was taking a deposit to the bank from a store I managed. As I got to my truck a guy came running up with a gun in his hand. I managed to get in the truck, but hadn't gotten the keys outa my pocket. He pointed the gun at me through the closed window, then broke the window with the gun. I could tell he was trying to decide whether to pull the trigger....he then hit me in the head with the gun, demanded I get out, leave the bag, and give him the keys. As I stood bleeding like a stuck hog, I learned that the guy had never driven a manual transmission. Grinded the gears something awful. I got my 6 month old truck back a couple of days later.

I've still got a big scar in my left eyebrow that still bothers me from time to time. Funny thing was during the incident, I really wasn't scared per say. More like 'pissed'. They never found the guy, but every so often I see a guy that reminds me of him and I admit I get a case of the 'chills'.


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Mar 9, 2019
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Tulsa Oklahoma
When I was in my early twenties, my dad and I went to an outdoor shooting area in Princeton Iowa. We were the only ones at the range that day at first. After a bit, a truck pulled up with a man and woman in it. It stuck out because he immediately started loudly telling her to get out of the truck. She complied at which time he moved her to the firing line with a 12g and made her shoot it. She was telling him she did not want to but he got increasingly agitated so she complied. She put the shotgun not so snugly up to her shoulder and pulled the trigger. It knocked her on the ground and she began crying hysterically. He grabbed her and put her in the truck while laughing and proceeded to leave. (We were miles from town and no cell phones then)
A few minutes after he left we went down range 50 yards or so to fix our targets. While we were setting them up he came racing back and jumped out of the truck with an AR type rifle and started shooting the targets in the lane right next to us, about 15 feet away. My dad and I began to yell and we hit the ground as he continued to shoot and laugh. He emptied the mag, jumped in his truck and tore off. Both of us were unarmed and defenseless.
To this day I no longer go down range at a public venue without being armed, and I always leave someone at the bench armed as well.
That range is still in operation but is now manned by Iowa DNR officers to make sure everybody behaves nice and safe.
Some things stay with you as if they happened yesterday.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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I was taking the trash out at a place I used to work at. Some of you guys can probably guess where. We worked armed so I had my 34 on me. Opened the garage/freight door and was tossing out bags of garbage. A pickup truck pulls up and a guy gets out yelling he needs to talk to me. I tell him as he's coming around the tailgate end of his truck if he takes another step I'll shoot him. Apparently he doesn't believe me because he takes another step and says "But I just need to talk to you for a minute." I pull my gun, point it square at his chest and proceed to tell him there is NOTHING he needs to talk to me about at 10 o'clock at night that hs can't come in and talk to me a out at 9 in the morning. He stops dead in his tracks and starts apologizing profusely -- as he backpedals to the driver's door, gets in his truck and leaves.

Two things hit me as he drove off. First, I didn't get his tag number. I couldn't even tell you what kind of truck he drove or what color it was. Just that it was newer. And second, my finger never touched the trigger of my gun. But as God is my witness if he had taken 3 more steps I'd have shot him DRT. He was NOT jumping up on that dock floor with me. I have taken one beating. I will NEVER take another one if I can help it.

We ran the security footage back and the guys that I shot USPCA with at the time critiqued my stance and gun handling. Lol. Assholes ... Haha!


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Mar 15, 2009
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About 1990-91 I was in the parking lot of the Macdonald’s at 122nd and penn. The guy that was in front of me just stops in the middle of the lot. I’m thinking WTH, get out of my way. He know I was behind him but he gets out with a 1911 of some kind. He just walks around his car like he’s inspecting it for door dings or something. Have no idea why he felt he needed to carry his pistol with him.


Special Hen
Oct 15, 2019
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I worked in the Gulf of Mexico on oil rigs to save the money to finish college and flight school. One late night driving home through Louisiana after crew change I stopped at a 2 pump gas station out in the sticks.

I filled up and went to the door to go in and pee. There was a group of thugs milling around I kept my eye on. The attendant was from India and told me no one gets in past 10 PM. I told him I would pee on the door of he didn't let me in. He reluctantly did, I drained it and bought a coke and candy bar for the road.

I stepped out, stopped, looked to my right at the group, nodded and walked to my car. Half way there a skinny white guy with sores on his lips walks after me saying " Hey, you gots some money white boy?" I tell him no and back off. He advances faster and reaches into his pocket and pulls out an old Buck folding knife while saying, "Iz knows yo cracker ass gotz sum money, give it to me."

During this time in my life I shot in IPSC whenever I was on shore. So in the second it took him to look down to open the lock back blade, I did a draw, aimed, and screamed "FREEZE!" so fast it was really scary to my conscious mind.

Now three things happened in the next 3 seconds.

1: The brothers standing near the door ran around the corner of the building so fast, two of them lost their Air Jordan sneakers like rooster tails.

2: The Indian attendant looked out the window, shook his head in disgust, and lowered himself slowly behind counter like he had seen this many times before.

3: The skinny white crackhead stopped opening the blade about half way through, looked up and into the barrel of a stainless 1911 .45, his eyes got as big as saucers, he let the blade go with a snap, and said "Oh......****......my bad bossman.......I was just playing."

I told him not to move, kept him covered, walked to my car, got it, cranked up, put her in first WHILE still covering him through the windshield and got the F out of dodge.

Five or so miles down the road the adrenaline dump was drying up and I thought to myself, "Damn, that's only the second time I have drawn on anyone, with my luck his daddy was probably the damn sheriff or town judge, if I had dropped him, my out of town ass would be locked up in a coon ass jail for life!

The rest of the way home was uneventful, but I still have dreams about that event from time to time.

"Watch your six, count your rounds, and keep your powder dry."

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