What's was the most disconcerting thing involving a gun you ever saw?

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Special Hen
May 29, 2020
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Grainola Ok
I took a high brass #5 12 gauge to my back during prairie chicken season in 1983. Luckily I had on Carhart bibs, carhart coat and about 3 layers under that. Chicken season would get stupid nutty sometimes. Literally somebody at every fence post. The guy who shot me was sideways drunk at daylight on opening morning. He was laying down when a big flight of birds came in about 15 feet off the ground. I was on a slope slightly above him. When someone yelled birds he sat up and hammered me. Knocked me on my face. Took 2 pellets. 1 behind my left ear the other at the base of neck and shoulders. The rest were stuck in that good brown canvas.
Saw a guy pull a revolver on my dad at a gas station once, I was probably 8 or 9. This guy told my dad to fill his car up after he finished filling up ours. Dad asked him “what are you going to do if I don’t.” He told dad he would blow his head off if he didn’t. Dad kinda giggled and told him “your gonna have a hard time making me do that with no bullets in that gun”. The dude just dropped his head down, put his pistol in his pocket and walked off. I didn’t know it at the time but dad said he could see light from the awning over the pumps through all 6 cylinders.

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Special Hen
Apr 1, 2018
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Enid, Ok.
When I was around 15 and still lived in Cali. me and a friend were quail hunting when a covey came up between
us. As I was tucking my chin to my chest, yelling NO! and bringing my forearms up to cover my head and face the
best I could all at the same time he pulled the trigger. I picked #8 shot out of my scalp and forearms for several days
after that.
In 1988 if I remember right had a difference of opinion in a bar I still have fragments of a 22LR in my chest and shoulder
blade. Haven't been to a bar sense, haven't had a alcoholic beverage sense 2005.


Special Hen
Aug 8, 2013
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The most disturbing thing I've ever seen relating to guns would be the chunks of brains on my boots after my 2nd to last night working as a bouncer.

Back in 95-96 I worked security for one of the concert promoters in OKC. It was great, I got to see concerts I wanted to see and I (barely) got paid to do it. After a while I started working for them as a bouncer at a mostly Mexican club on 23rd.

Most nights were mostly uneventful. Stopping people from getting in that were underage. Kicking people out that had been cut off. Kicking out the couple I caught banging in the men's room (twice). The usual stuff.

The 2nd to last night, though, ended a lot differently. Everything had been going along fairly decently. About midnight or so, the other bouncer came over to me and told me he had been watching these 2 guys getting more and more up in each other's business over the last half hour. They hadn't done anything yet, but he was concerned they were going to. We went and talked to the owner of the club and he said to go ahead and show them the door.

At first they got a little heated and called us things that I can only assume were not nice (I don't speak Spanish), but finally the 2 groups agreed to leave. We followed them out to the parking lot to make sure they left the property. They got almost to their cars and one of them said something to the other and all h6ll broke loose. There were 3 or 4 in one group and 2 or 3 in the other. The other bouncer and I start trying to break them up and get them out of there.

I end up with one of the guys at the end of a truck bed trading punches (Btw: I'm not a big, intimidating guy. I was just doing this for extra money. I just wanted to clarify that I am not bragging or anything).

I get a really good punch in on the guy and he slams into the tailgate of the truck. At the same time, I hear what sounds like someone hitting concrete with a baseball bat and everyone around me either hits the ground or runs like cockroaches when you turn on the lights. Then I hear that sound 3 or 4 more times. The guy I had been fighting runs past me and I can finally see the dude near the cab of the truck and he's just popping off rounds left and right.

I finally click on what is going on when I look down and see one of the main instigators lying on the ground with blood pooling around where the top of his head used to be. I found out right then that, given the right circumstances, I can run like Jesse Owens. I run behind a dumpster and duck down with a couple other people (the club emptied out when the fight started).

The guy by the truck popped off a few more rounds and then jumped in a car and sped off. Once I realized no one else was shooting, I got out from my hiding spot. The next few hours went by really fast. The cops came, the ambulances came, 3 people died that night and I spent a couple hours at the police station waiting to tell my story.

I finally drove home about the time the sun was coming up. When I got home, I sat down in my chair to take my boots off so I could get ready for bed. That's when I saw the blood and a chunk of brain tissue on my boot. I lost my lunch right then and there. Not because of the brain, but because I realized how close I came to possibly being shot. The guy that was shot in the head was less than 3 feet from me. And the guy that shot him was maybe 10 feet or so from me.

I went back to work there the next weekend, but that was it. The whole time I was there I was doing everything I could to keep from puking. Never worked security or as a bouncer again.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 1, 2012
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Good gracious, some of these stories are unreal. I've definitely lived a sheltered life thus far. My one hopefully only experience regarding a firearm was on Christmas Eve, 2008 or 2009. I was coming out of Wal-Mart around 9pm. When I got to my truck, some teenage banger came towards me quickly and I could see he had pulled a knife. All I remember from the event was that I turned to face him and had my hand visibly on my carry pistol, still holstered. I told him I was armed and to get lost. He immediately fled.

I feel like I've lived in Mr. Rogers neighborhood all my life after reading what some of you have gone through, not to mention all of the stories you vets could tell from when you were in the service.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 20, 2011
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I was at a shooting range back when I was in college. There was a guy next to me and his 6-8 or so yoa son. We both went downrange to change targets and I was taking longer than them so they went back to the bench. I hear a pop and a .22 round strikes the target next to me about three feet from my elbow. Sure enough, the dad was HUA while the kid was shooting at the target next to me. I came to find out later that the dad was a nut. He had burn scars all over his body from when he shot a propane tank and it exploded.

As for my work stories? Not enough room to tell those.


Special Hen
May 29, 2020
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Grainola Ok
My dad had a friend and his 16 year old son come to the ranch to deer hunt. The father had hunted some and the boy had never been. We loaned them a 30-06 for them to shoot and I could tell they didn’t have much gun handling experience. This kid almost shot a box of shells that weekend and finally killed a doe. We were all in the garage visiting before they left to go home when this guys son walks in with our rifle. His dad asked him if it was unloaded. He said yes and pulled the trigger while it was pointed down. Gun goes off and bullet hits concrete beside dad and I at about 2 feet. Bullet ricochets off concrete goes through this big oak bench, through the garage door and straight into the headlight assembly and fender of their truck. I’m so glad I was temporarily deaf from the muzzle blast. I could hear just pieces of the butt chewing he was giving that kid. I heard something about safety and paying attention.
The dad apologized and then while pointing at his son said”that’s what you produce when you are on pain medication, smoke pot and get drunk on vodka”. That’s been almost 35 years ago and I bet to this day that dad is still slapping that kid on the back of the head and yelling “you stupid SOB”

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 18, 2005
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Washington DC, 1977. We were on vacation and were staying in DC but had taken a bus up to Maryland to see one of dads friends. We got back late and hadn’t eaten. We went to a Macdonald’s in sight of the capital. Two guys came in saying there was a guy shooting everyone up. Mom said ‘let’s go kids, these guys are on drugs’. We were leaving as fast as we could when one guy raised his shirt and had been hit in the side. The other guy raised his pant lag and had been shot in the shin.
I was just an 11 year old kid from Enid. I’ll never forget the scene.
what is a pant lag?


Here for Frens
Special Hen
Sep 26, 2014
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I’m going to leave out experiences of my 2010 vacation to Afghanistan. The Marine Corps seems to be good at ensuring traveling wasn’t all that fun, but all too memorable.

I think the most disconcerting was believe it or not an old murder/suicide; as opposed to fresh. Worked as a dog catcher for OKC for a while fresh out of the Marines. Was a good fit. Saw lots of suicides, murders, etc. ended up going out with the OCPD impact team on raids a fair amount of times. They were my kinda people, most of my coworkers couldn’t stomach that sorta stuff. Probably one of the worst things I saw in that line of work was a murder suicide, where the husband lived in the house a few weeks after shooting his wife with a sxs 20ga of some obscure origin and leaving her to die behind a locked bedroom door. The gentleman ended up taking the top of his head off with a single shot shotgun in the bare living room. Funny part is that they had a few dozen cats. My partner and I counted 26 live and about 32 dead, with an additional 5-10 partial dead carcasses. The cats ended up being locked in the home with the dead bodies and started to eat each other and the mans carcass to try and survive. Made for a crappy end of the shift, breaching g the door with ocfd, and trying to pick through the house with ocpd. Ended up putting every live animal in that house down that night due to them being a biohazard. I had seen much worse when it comes to animals eating people, but the hatred and pain felt in that house with the murder/suicide was pretty remarkable, continues to be to this day. I drive by the house to this day; they replaced the windows and doors and are renting it out again.
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