2014 Elk Hunt

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City Ok
Got back from New Mexico last night after another great elk hunt. OSA members Deer Slayer, Surjimmy, and myself were in the hunting party. Deer Slayer is the hunt organizer.
Its a Private land cow hunt. We had 5 tags to fill, starting Saturday morning. Reports of elk sightings from the two weeks prior were not good. Saturday morning around daylight 4 of us were glassing a mountain side. 15 elk came out of the timber into a saddle, so the stalk was on. We were about 2000' below them with nothing but a rough wooded ravine to use as cover. We dropped into it making our way up where we found another saddle with some cover. Finally figured we must be at about the same height, and started climbing up the side of a ridge until we came in sight of the elk. Most had already fed and were back in the timber. 5 cows and one small bull were still out. Range was 430 yds. We stayed low, and finally belly crawled across the top of the ridge to get within 350 yds. We had discussed one shooter calling 1-2-3, and then all shoot. Saw the cow I wanted, and waited with the rifle resting on a folded jacket. At the count of three, I just about broke my trigger in half, as I had forgot to take the safety off. One cow went down.
I got the safety off after figuring what the hell was going on. Took one shot, dust kicked up high, but right where it needed to be on the body. Took another shot, and knew I'd missed. The herd stopped, and took off again, so the third shot went off with a little planning into it, and my cow went end over end three times before wedging into a rock. The 165 grain Barnes TTSX hit right in front of the shoulder through the spine, and lodged under the skin on the other side. Range finder put the shot at 455 yds.
Sunday morning was a scouting trip, seeing some a long way off go into the timber, so three that had not filled their tags went out to that same spot hoping they would come out that evening. They did, and they managed to shoot two more. It was right at dark, so the recovery effort took all hands on deck. It was late, but we finally got them out. Only one tag left to fill, and Surjimmy filled his tag Monday morning, when a group of elk got where they shouldn't have.
It was a tough hunt, with a lot of work at high altitude. The first were taken at 10,200' on the GPS. Field dressing and skinning at zero temps is a challenge.
There was a lot of good camaraderie at camp, great food, and for those that chose to, great libations.
Thanks to Deer Slayer for keeping this going every season!

(the starting point of the stalk is mid center in the pic on the right side.)

Deer Slayer on the right supervising the loading procedure. :D

Working in the 150 year old hand hewn log meat barn.

Surjimmy's elk.

Recovered bullet from mine.



Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Way to go! I missed out going this year, and kick myself for not making it happen. Looks a lot different with very little snow, but still looks like hard work, but an awesome time! See ya there in 2015!

Deer Slayer

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Dennis - The pics turned out real well. A little background info on this ranch. It was founded in 1869 and still in the original family. The ranch has some old gold mines on the property and was assembled grubstaking miners that worked the mines. There are some old mining buildings still on the ranch around 9,800 feet. Old shafts are scattered in the dark timber. We only saw around 200 elk on this trip which was 1/2 of what we normally see. The winter elk migration has not started because the winter has been so mild and not enough snow to force the herds out of the timber into the valley floor and down elevation.
This is my 15th year on the ranch and the owners are an extended family to me. I have already booked the 2015 hunt and my success ratio is around 90%. The lack of snow and bitter cold has kept the herds pretty stationary. The 5 we harvested were all part of the resident herd. My cornhusker hunters that were on this hunt did some fancy shooting at long range too. I will join them in 3 weeks for a couple days of ice fishing for big yellow perch.

This is the ranch where sesh, one of our fellow OSA member, killed his 280" bull this past October. I visited with Tomahawk Outfitters, who have the concession on this ranch, while we were on the trip and James told me that one of his hunters this Fall killed a 354" bull. If anyone wants to take a trip of a lifetime for a big bull then stay tuned. Need I say more???

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