A week or so back I bought a cheap lil daisy 22 off of @ttown and put a lil Tasco 4x on it. Clara piddled last year with a lil cricket and red dot. So today she hung out with me while I was making some new targets. It got pretty nice this evening so we went to test her, the Daisy, the Tasco and the new targets. After a quick 50yd zero I turned her loose at 100 yds on steel. Told her to hold top edge for elevation on the 12” target and no wind hold. Well guys I can’t be prouder. She quickly learned to manage her front rest and rear bag on her own. Of course she had me call mom down along with her two older sisters so she could show off. Yup we just need lots of good weather. I know it ain’t no super groups but hey she’s 7, it’s a mostly plastic daisy and it’s a 4x scope. Next she can run the ruger precision rimfire and the Bergara b14r.