Antifa vs. Alt-Right

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Dec 8, 2008
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Douglass, KS
BINGO! We have a winner. Russia wasn't getting the leftist anywhere, so they turn to this incident.
I didn't see the MSM media excoriate Bernie Sanders when one if of his ardent supporters went on a congressional shooting spree.
I didn't see the MSM press excoriate Obama when he rushed to judgment in his ignorance when high profile cases about blacks happened like Michael Brown and others.
In 8 years did anybody see the MSM press excoriate Obama from refusing to say Islamic terrorists?
Yet, Trump immediately goes out and denounces the bigotry and violence, while waiting for the full facts to be known before going out and pointing fingers at the bigotry, violence and hatred that was on display by both sides.
Meanwhile the MSM explodes in faux anger, frothing at the mouth and hysteria, because Trump didn't point fingers instantly.

So all of you higher and mightier leftists, liberals, and snowflake progressives out there (in your own minds) really need to hang your heads in shame at the MSM press for jumping on Trump so hard while giving a pass to others like Obama that did much worse.
If it's so dammed wrong for Trump, it was equally wrong that Obama did it.
If it's wrong for one person it's wrong for everyone, yet you trumpet your moral selective faux outrage like your some higher authority.
It's no dammed wonder your party is in complete disarray and you can't win an election any more.

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I didn't see the MSM excoriate Obama for anything.


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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
All? Nope. There are plenty of folks running around excusing the disgusting and anti-American beliefs and behavior of the white supremacists and nazis by saying "well BLM...." or "ANTIFA!" and "Well, Obama had so and so at the White House!".

No one is 'excusing' 'Anti-american' beliefs or behaviour. America is a country, it isn't an ideology.

They are closet racists and bigots who are too cowardly to just come out and state their position. They sit in their echo chambers and privately grumble about "the blacks" and many other groups but don't dare utter their true thoughts in a public forum.

Maybe because they'd probably lose their jobs, have their house burned down etcetera. Not supporting them, but i can understand them keeping to their closets. You'd stay in the closet too, if you stand to lose as much as they do by speaking their opinion. It's not just a matter of being ashamed of their ideology, but afraid of the persecution they'd face otherwise. Granted, that's to be expected when your ideology is abhorrent.

They manage to meekly screw up just enough courage to levy some tacit acceptance by uttering weak exclamations like "free speech" and "they did it too" or "it's just a response to xxxx".

See above.

Meanwhile I say groups like Vanguard America, KKK, the American Nazi Party and others can F&&k off. They don't represent me. They don't speak for me. They and their mouth breathing, fat, incompetent, pepper-sprayed-to-the-face-crying-for-their-mommies while trying to "take America back" membership can't disappear into the dustbin of history fast enough.

I think it is asinine and dangerous to underestimate these folks at all. It's a very dangerous ideology that has some traction in large section of the American public, whether we want to admit it or not. They called Hitler a raving maniac and dismissed him until it was too late. Let's not make that mistake here. Some of these white supremacist folks are educated, clean cut and middle class.

Very dangerous, indeed. We can mock them of course, but dismiss them at our own peril.

I will come down harder on them than ANTIFA, BLM, Occupy Wall Street and other "left" groups because, as much as I disagree with those progressive entities, the beliefs of white supremacist groups are inherently inhumane and abhorrent. Those beliefs are also being manipulated and conflated by others to attack things I value. The existence of white supremacist groups is used as a propaganda tool to damage the healthy implementation of constitutional conservative values and structures that I think would benefit the entire nation, not just the white part.

and the existence of Antifa is good propoganda against the left. Violence and the advocation in all it's forms is abhorrent to most people, and those people that use it to advance their ideology are engaging in counter-productive activities.

I'm not going to respond to anymore soft bigotry posts around here. You know who you are, others can see it too. Enjoy your shifting blame fest and echo chamber.

Elohim City is waiting for you.

You're pretty much just abdicating your opinion by not responding to the so-called 'soft bigotry' posts. You should let your opinion be known and engage, that's the only way we can defeat these dangerous principles in America. Free speech, education and understanding are our best tools. to abdicate any of them doesn't advance your cause, it merely helps those who engage those tools for nefarious purposes.


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Apr 14, 2010
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BINGO! We have a winner. Russia wasn't getting the leftist anywhere, so they turn to this incident.
I didn't see the MSM media excoriate Bernie Sanders when one if of his ardent supporters went on a congressional shooting spree.
I didn't see the MSM press excoriate Obama when he rushed to judgment in his ignorance when high profile cases about blacks happened like Michael Brown and others.
In 8 years did anybody see the MSM press excoriate Obama from refusing to say Islamic terrorists?
Yet, Trump immediately goes out and denounces the bigotry and violence, while waiting for the full facts to be known before going out and pointing fingers at the bigotry, violence and hatred that was on display by both sides.
Meanwhile the MSM explodes in faux anger, frothing at the mouth and hysteria, because Trump didn't point fingers instantly.

So all of you higher and mightier leftists, liberals, and snowflake progressives out there (in your own minds) really need to hang your heads in shame at the MSM press for jumping on Trump so hard while giving a pass to others like Obama that did much worse.
If it's so dammed wrong for Trump, it was equally wrong that Obama did it.
If it's wrong for one person it's wrong for everyone, yet you trumpet your moral selective faux outrage like your some higher authority.
It's no dammed wonder your party is in complete disarray and you can't win an election any more.

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We are simply out matched here, Trump doesn't choose words wisely ...... and thus should stay the **** off of TV it would serve him well to speak 1/10th of what he does. As it stands today I can't and won't vote for him again he's simply a snake oil salesman that will fail because of his own ego and bluster


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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
well said...the false equivalency is telling

Just because they're opposing a disgusting group of people, doesn't mean you have to support them or else you're on the white supremacist side. that's what gets me. Just because they're opposing the white supremacists, doesn't mean they're not wrong.

If you look at the video of that car attack, you can see clearly that right after he drove into the crowd, all these folks charged at him with bats and pipes and so on and attacked his car. These Antifa ****s are violent people and should be condemned.

We are a nation of laws, not men. When we see criminals and thugs, we should condemn them, regardless of ideology. Antifa are full of thugs and criminals, and we should not take their side simply because they oppose white supremacists.


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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
We are simply out matched here, Trump doesn't choose words wisely ...... and thus should stay the **** off of TV it would serve him well to speak 1/10th of what he does. As it stands today I can't and won't vote for him again he's simply a snake oil salesman that will fail because of his own ego and bluster

I think most conservatives (myself included) thought Trump was a mixed bag. When he gets it right, he gets it right. and he's speaking truth to the MSM lies. He's got the balls the other conservatives don't, and that's why he won the primary.

And even if you don't like the man, let's not forget what the ****ing alternative was...



Special Hen
Oct 1, 2009
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We are simply out matched here, Trump doesn't choose words wisely ...... and thus should stay the **** off of TV it would serve him well to speak 1/10th of what he does. As it stands today I can't and won't vote for him again he's simply a snake oil salesman that will fail because of his own ego and bluster
Are you referring to Trumps statement concerning Charlottesville?


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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
I detest both anitfa's and white supremacists. But the bulk of the media and the Democrats seem to give the antifa's a free pass.

Worse. If you don't immediately take the side of Antifa, the inference is that you're on the side of the white supremacists. Because they're White supremacists, they don't have rights. You have to support all violence against them and support Antifa in all cases against them. That's the inference.


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Apr 14, 2010
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I think most conservatives (myself included) thought Trump was a mixed bag. When he gets it right, he gets it right. and he's speaking truth to the MSM lies. He's got the balls the other conservatives don't, and that's why he won the primary.

And even if you don't like the man, let's not forget what the ****ing alternative was...

I agree he won because of the alternative but he's proven (at least to me) that he's not fit to be president .....the job comes with a requirement to be measured with your words and when you use the ....his own foolishness has destroyed his agenda and at the very least delayed it indefinitely. He can't STFU long enough to move forward ....he steps on his own dick almost daily .....


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Arrow Repaired
Are you referring to Trumps statement concerning Charlottesville?

Well thats the latest instance of him lighting the fuse to a bomb he already defused ...he's done.

He is to arrogant to make a difference he's done as a President, he will be lucky to accomplish anything in 4 years and thatsmif he makes it tnourhg the first 12 months ....and I doubt he will

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