Anyone have "long covid" or other weird fatigue/symptoms unrelated to covid?

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I could probably write a book about this by now, but there is one thing that I personally believe helped me the most. If it were me, related to the heart and pain, I would look into the things mentioned so far. But if the fatigue and/or weird neuro symptoms persisted (some people also get that), then there are many other things I can mention, but really two specific things that helped the most that I will save for another reply to keep things interesting. Either someone will ask what they are, or I will do a part 3 when some one shares an issue that is the best fit.

Prayers brother!

Seems like if someone knew something that was as helpful to people's health as you claim, that they would share that instead of withholding it just in order to keep a thread "interesting". Just saying.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Seems like if someone knew something that was as helpful to people's health as you claim, that they would share that instead of withholding it just in order to keep a thread "interesting". Just saying.

I hear ya...I was sorta of waiting to hear someone describe something similar to what I've been through and then say "here is what you should look in to". For the other replies, I did give what I thought would be good to look in to for what they described, so I'm definitely not withholding.

I'm busy now, but I promise to come back later and drop it on you and sufficiently explain it; a few hours isn't gonna make or break anyone. I just have to do proper justice to it since it was so helpful to me. I am also hoping that other people can help one another in this thread; if we compare notes on this stuff like we do on firearms or tractor repairs, then maybe it will make a difference for someone.

I'll give you something else in the meantime to look into that is "helpful to people's health". Look into black seed oil. Probably one of the best all-round health supplements I've come across. Diabetics seem to really like it, but it has a lot of other info out there on it. I'm not a muslim but apparently mohamed said it was good for almost anything but death LOL.
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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone

I got busier than planned and am finally coming back now to spill the big info. I'm giving this with less explanation than it really deserves, but you can do your own research and/or ask questions if you have them.

Monolaurin (comes from coconuts, brand name Lauricidin but there are others; just be sure it is the pellets as the pills are too low of dose unless just for maintenance wellness)

Many viruses including corona, flu, Hep-C, all herpes family including EBV (yes, not all cause cold sores, some cause cancer) are "lipid coated" viruses. Monolaurin is like Dawn soap to grease for that shell, and once dissolved, the immune system can see and kill the virus better. This has been life changing for me and has also given piece of mind during the pandemic based on my research. Research herx reaction...don't just start taking a large dose, follow directions if you try it!

AHCC (invented in Japan in the 80's as a cancer drug but derived from mushrooms)

Expensive, but lots of research behind it. Among other benefits, its main claim is to significantly improve your natural killer cell response and has actually been shown to eliminate viruses from the body including cancer causing HPV. If it works on HPV in studies, it likely works on other viruses (read the amazon comments too). There is a therapeutic dose and a maintenance dose. I did the therapeutic dose (couple hundred bux a month) combined with the therapeutic dose of monolaurin and these two things combined really helped.

I am tempted to explain more, but the post would be too long and my wife is waiting on movie night, so I hope this helps someone. It has been a long journey for me to figure out what was making me feel off, and what could help. I used to not believe in supplements much per say, but they have worked for me. Just don't take some tainted chinese product that destroys your liver. consumerlab is a good source for 3rd-party test results on supplements.

One last thing for those that just want to try to have an edge during cold/flu season, look into EpiCor. It "similar" to AHCC, but is a more affordable option to help keep your natural killer cells ready for battle if you are not already in dire straits, and just want something for seasonal or general wellness. EpiCor has the added bonus of only taking one pill per day (but can take 2-3 temporarily if you do get sick). Some people say it helps with IBS symptoms too as does AHCC if I recall (do your own research).

LMK if any questions; I'm happy to continue sharing my experiences with supplements. God gave us all of this stuff guys!
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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Interesting on the blood type theories and just in general who does and doesn't get it and the severity of symptoms, if any symptoms at all. I'm AB+, 47yo, type 1 diabetic of 27 years, regularly donate platelets and I never knew I had it until my antibody test in December came back positive when donating platelets. Took another one to confirm. My wife O+, has been on nearly every floor of the hospital daily since this began last year, never tested positive for antibodies or swab.

Well if you get plenty of zinc and/or vitamin D & vitamin C in your diet (or supplemental), then I wouldn't be surprised you didn't get it bad. But also remember, the inventor of the actual PCR test said that it was unreliable; especially at the thresholds these testing companies are setting for covid. You can test positive with mere genetic fragments and not be anywhere close to being sick or infectious.

Seems like the A+ folks have it the worst w/ covid. If you are O+ or RH negative of any blood type, the research suggests you have some natural protection; especially if not in a high-risk group.

Hydroxychloroquine reportedly worked because it is an ionophor which pushes zinc into the cell nucleus. Zinc is a natural anti-viral folks! People were rushing out to get tonic water because it contained quinine which is basically the same thing as hydroxychloroquine, except in much smaller amounts. The British figured that out a long time ago and that is why they gave their troops gin & protect them from malaria.

But, the good news is, there are other ionophores in nature. The most prominent being quercetin. Taking 15-30mg total of zinc per day along w/ quercetin is a potential hedge against viral illness. Quercetin is also well-known as being used for for allergies and other lung-related issues, etc. Do your own research.
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