Aurora Illinois Shooter Another Failure of Law Enforcement?

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In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
I believe we all have the right to carry. Even that man. He wasn’t supposed to have a gun yet did and still killed people. These laws do nothing to stop this stuff. These people will find a way to kill. If not with a gun they will use a knife or a car or you fill in the blanks. The 2A is clear. It doesn’t say “shall not be infringed except for felons and mentally ill”. I know that’s hard for some of y’all to swallow but it’s the truth.

I for one do NOT believe we all have the right to carry. The Constitution is the backbone of our government and our laws, it is not the end-all, be-all of anything; not by itself. The laws regarding ownership, possession and carrying a gun, which have been passed by people we put in office, state that he had forfeited his right to a weapon. The Courts have backed up many of those laws as constitutional. That means, they are considered to be in line with the Constitution. Had the powers that be actually enforced the laws prohibiting him from having weapons, or maybe if they had the manpower and time to do so, and seized his gun(s), would that have stopped it? I doubt it; as so many people like him would maybe give up one gun, only to secretly have others in reserve. After all, how many people here own a firearm they purchased form an individual? Nobody really knows they have them, unless they have listed them on an insurance policy or something like that. Laws are there to punish many times, as obviously this law didn't keep him from doing what he did. Just like police are often there to respond after the fact more so than to prevent a crime from happening.

I know you mean well, but...I have a distant cousin that was convicted of bank robbery and served time in prison. Since his release, he has been locked back up now THREE times, the last time he threatened violence towards a police officer who stopped him while driving with no insurance and no license and while speeding late one night. He threatened to harm a bank teller and her family, he told her he knew where her kids went to school, he had her address, and so on in the note he gave her. Do you really think a guy like this should be allowed to own or carry a weapon? Not that the law is going to prevent him from doing so, but maybe when he gets caught again, if he even gets out of prison this time, it will help lock his dumb ass up for the rest of his life. No way in hell do I think he should have the same rights and privileges that people who choose to obey the laws should have. He gave those rights up when he proved he can't be responsible and act like a human being around other people. In accordance with the law, he gave those rights up. Without laws, we would be a nation of total chaos and anarchy. I'll take a lawful society myself, any day.


In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
[mQUOTE="Glocktogo, post: 3208175, member: 1132"]Well that’s obviously not possible. The shooter would have seen the sign and not gone in.[/QUOTE]

Maybe he is like me; he walks faster than he reads. Seriously, any fool knows these signs should be bigger; that will stop this nonsense by making sure people see them and have time to read them.

It's the fault of our education system.



Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I for one do NOT believe we all have the right to carry. The Constitution is the backbone of our government and our laws, it is not the end-all, be-all of anything; not by itself. The laws regarding ownership, possession and carrying a gun, which have been passed by people we put in office, state that he had forfeited his right to a weapon. The Courts have backed up many of those laws as constitutional. That means, they are considered to be in line with the Constitution. Had the powers that be actually enforced the laws prohibiting him from having weapons, or maybe if they had the manpower and time to do so, and seized his gun(s), would that have stopped it? I doubt it; as so many people like him would maybe give up one gun, only to secretly have others in reserve. After all, how many people here own a firearm they purchased form an individual? Nobody really knows they have them, unless they have listed them on an insurance policy or something like that. Laws are there to punish many times, as obviously this law didn't keep him from doing what he did. Just like police are often there to respond after the fact more so than to prevent a crime from happening.

I know you mean well, but...I have a distant cousin that was convicted of bank robbery and served time in prison. Since his release, he has been locked back up now THREE times, the last time he threatened violence towards a police officer who stopped him while driving with no insurance and no license and while speeding late one night. He threatened to harm a bank teller and her family, he told her he knew where her kids went to school, he had her address, and so on in the note he gave her. Do you really think a guy like this should be allowed to own or carry a weapon? Not that the law is going to prevent him from doing so, but maybe when he gets caught again, if he even gets out of prison this time, it will help lock his dumb ass up for the rest of his life. No way in hell do I think he should have the same rights and privileges that people who choose to obey the laws should have. He gave those rights up when he proved he can't be responsible and act like a human being around other people. In accordance with the law, he gave those rights up. Without laws, we would be a nation of total chaos and anarchy. I'll take a lawful society myself, any day.
I never said I wasn’t for law and order. I am just not for elected officials making laws that either make them feel good or are done to try and give themselves more power. Mostly the latter. I didn’t realize the constitution is what gave us the right to keep and bear arms. I thought that was considered an inalienable right? The 2A only protects that right. The government doesn’t give us anything. We are born free plain and simple. I guess power hungry politicians making laws that benefit themselves is ok to you. It ain’t with me. Are there bad people out there? Sure. But we have seen time and time again how laws don’t stop bad people from doing bad things. And they sure don’t stop them from getting guns. If you want to believe they do then feel free. I’ll mark this down as a difference of opinion. Have a good one.


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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I'd attribute this to more of a lack of, or failure to apply, common sense than a failure of the law or law enforcement. If the dude couldn't be trusted with a firearm(a deadly weapon) he should have been kept in prison. Period.


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