Blue Ray Ordered--Band of Brothers

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2008
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Douglass, KS
It only gets better. When I load episode 1 into the player I don't have anything planned for many hours because I have to watch until I can't stay awake any longer.
Indeed it does. I only got the bluray because my DVD doesn't have English or English SDH subtitles. I'll check when my brother comes back in a month or so and if he doesn't have BoB I'll let him have my DVD set.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Agreed. I have it on DVD. It came with English SDH subtitles.

One thing that Tom Hanks (one of the producers of both series) said rather irritated me. It was that racism played a major place in the war in the Pacific. I wish he hadn't said that, but it didn't stop me from enjoying either series.

Why do these Hollywood types always seem to rag on Americans?

I think there was. I think it was motivated by the attack on Pearl Harbor. After the attack, how many Americans quit their jobs and went to the recruiting office just for some payback.

Remember the scene where the Marine was trying to enroll in college and the girl was asking about his education and experience? She didn’t care for his answers and he was turning to walk away, he turned back around and told her “you want to know what I’m good at,....killing japs and I’m damn good at it”. He said it like he hated the Japanese and was proud of it.

Could Hanks have been referring to all of the Japanese people who were living in the US that were taken into custody and sent to camps? I remember when Gulf-1 started there was talk of rounding up everyone in the US from that corner of the sand box and one of the first comments was “we did that with the Japanese when WWII started and look what happened”.

It’s getting more frequent that Actors are trying to push issues or political agendas. An award winner goes on stage to accept an award and then preaches their current cause using more than their allotted time instead of graciously accepting the award. I think the overestimate their political importance. Just because they’re actors and get a lot of attention doesn’t mean all of their fans agree with what they say.

I enjoyed both of the series, but with Band of Brothers I didn’t care for the way they did the photography. Most of it was almost Black and White. I would have preferred the actual coloring.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2008
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Douglass, KS
I think there was. I think it was motivated by the attack on Pearl Harbor. After the attack, how many Americans quit their jobs and went to the recruiting office just for some payback.

Remember the scene where the Marine was trying to enroll in college and the girl was asking about his education and experience? She didn’t care for his answers and he was turning to walk away, he turned back around and told her “you want to know what I’m good at,....killing japs and I’m damn good at it”. He said it like he hated the Japanese and was proud of it.

Could Hanks have been referring to all of the Japanese people who were living in the US that were taken into custody and sent to camps? I remember when Gulf-1 started there was talk of rounding up everyone in the US from that corner of the sand box and one of the first comments was “we did that with the Japanese when WWII started and look what happened”.

It’s getting more frequent that Actors are trying to push issues or political agendas. An award winner goes on stage to accept an award and then preaches their current cause using more than their allotted time instead of graciously accepting the award. I think the overestimate their political importance. Just because they’re actors and get a lot of attention doesn’t mean all of their fans agree with what they say.

I enjoyed both of the series, but with Band of Brothers I didn’t care for the way they did the photography. Most of it was almost Black and White. I would have preferred the actual coloring.
Please, good and noble sir, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that there was NO racism involved, only that the primary source of ill will was the attack on Pearl Harbor. What I got from Hanks' remarks was that the major motivation was racism, not Pearl Harbor.

Because their primary goal is ending prejudice, I think that many from the political left see racism where it doesn't really exist, or if it does, its' influence is grossly exaggerated.

As an aside, I just ordered the bluray for Quigley Down Under. I checked and it has English subtitles.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Please, good and noble sir.

That’s a new one. I’ve never been addressed as “good and noble” before.


I have to agree that it is grossly exaggerated. I see a lot of people on their tip toes afraid of “offending” someone and getting a deck of the infamous cards thrown in their faces. It’s getting really old.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
With regard to the Japanese, I used to know a few WWII vets that stated that they would NEVER buy a car made in Japan. I don't really think it was a case of racism, but just a hatred for the Japanese because of how their soldiers fought and treated prisoners. Having said that, I can't really say that it was impossible for their hatred to morph into racism.


Special Hen
Mar 20, 2009
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Moore, OK
With regard to the Japanese, I used to know a few WWII vets that stated that they would NEVER buy a car made in Japan. I don't really think it was a case of racism, but just a hatred for the Japanese because of how their soldiers fought and treated prisoners. Having said that, I can't really say that it was impossible for their hatred to morph into racism.

My dad was a WWII Pacific Theater veteran. When I bought a Toyota pickup in 1980, he cried. But ten years later he bought Toyota Camry himself ...

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