California town appoints two illegals commissioners

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Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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I am not surprised, but I am completely baffled as to how they are getting away with this. It is a blatant felony- aiding and abetting, along with encouraging an illegal to stay in the country.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — When Karina Macias was elected mayor of Huntington Park, a small city in Los Angeles County, she noticed that many of its commissions were no longer active.

The reason: Lack of interest.

So the Huntington Park City Council put out a call for new applicants. This time, they told residents in the city with a majority Latino population that anyone could apply — regardless of immigration status.

On Monday, two immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally were appointed to serve on city commissions.

"They bring a lot to the table," said Macias, who was elected mayor two years ago. "And it really empowers, or at least gives a voice, for those undocumented in the community."

The appointments are believed to be among the first in the nation in which an immigrant without legal status in the U.S. has been appointed to serve in a government position.

People who are in the country illegally cannot vote or seek elected office. In accordance with the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, U.S. employers are prohibited from hiring anyone they know is not authorized to work in the country.

City leaders said their appointments are permitted because both new commissioners have agreed to serve as volunteers without pay.

Nevertheless, the appointments struck a controversial note.

.. View gallery
Julian Zatarain poses for a photo at Huntington Park …
Julian Zatarain poses for a photo at Huntington Park City Hall, Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2015, in Huntington …

During the Huntington Park City Council meeting on Monday, one woman shouted to city leaders, "You are out of order!"

Daniel Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which advocates for tighter immigration controls, called the appointments the "evolution of a breakdown in national immigration controls and the sanctity of American citizenship."

"Where does it end?" he asked Tuesday.

One appointee, Julian Zatarain, 21, will serve on the parks and recreation commission. The college student came to the U.S. when he was 13 from the Mexican state of Sinaloa and has volunteered with the Red Cross.

The other, Francisco Medina, 29, crossed the border with his brother when he was 16 and is a college graduate who will serve on the health and education commission.

Neither was eligible to obtain legal status under President Barack Obama's deferred action program for the children of unauthorized immigrants brought to the country illegally.

"I never thought I had the possibility to participate in this way," Medina said. "I never imagined it, to tell you the truth."

Huntington Park commissioners generally receive a monthly stipend of $25 to $75.

Carl Shusterman, an immigration lawyer, said that by not getting paid, both men could bypass required forms showing they are authorized to work in the U.S.

"I guess the city is saying, 'Well, they're volunteers so we don't have to go through the process. Which is correct," the lawyer said.

Both men will still have to undergo background checks.

Huntington Park and other working-class communities along the 710 Freeway are home to large numbers of immigrants from Mexico and Latin America. Many are in the country illegally.

Those demographics have resulted in lower-than-average voter turnout, the Los Angeles Times reported ( ).

"We are letting people know it doesn't matter if you are undocumented or not," Zatarain said. "You can be an engaged resident of this city."


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
This has all the makings of a prime-time "sit-com", except for the fact that it is true. I watched a couple of idiots trying to explain why this is great idea. I especially like the statement that both will have to complete a background check. Not hard except for that little fact of being illegal.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Is City Council the new roofing business, the only ones that will do it are illegals?

That would be a logical conclusion, but oh nay nay, this is the real deal city council. The poor disenfranchised illegal immigrants were under-represented in government. Well guess what? That is how it is supposed to be! US citizenship is quickly becoming worthless, being an illegal gets you all the benefits without the hassles. What is even the point?

I have no problem with immigration, that is what has made our country different from all the others, but you have to do it legally. Streamline the process, make it easier, but they still need to assimilate, learn the language and become an American, not a Mexican-American, Chinese-American, etc. Where you came from doesn't matter after you become an American, that is the whole damn point.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
The article said that Hintington Parks is a majority Hispanic city. That's an understatement, by a lot. Hispanic and first and second generation Asians. Without looking I would gues the white population is maybe 3-5% and if so they gotta be old. Heard on the local news that the appointments of the illegals would not have any ability to make any laws or regulations arp do would be hold just advisory roles. Probably just a lie to let them get in and then scream racist when they are required by law to step down.


Special Hen
Mar 8, 2013
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I agree with the progs on this, stop calling them illegals. People aren't illegal.

Some actions are illegal, and those that commit them are criminals, so they're criminal immigrants, or criminal aliens, or criminal invaders, etc.


Special Hen
Aug 28, 2007
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I agree with the progs on this, stop calling them illegals. People aren't illegal. Some actions are illegal, and those that commit them are criminals, so they're criminal immigrants, or criminal aliens, or criminal invaders, etc.

I mean stop calling me 'white'. I'm more like "greasy pink", for pete's sake.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
What got me was that those commission spots were empty due to "lack of interest." Well, with a stipend of $25 to $75, who in their right might would be interested? How long before these two go to complaining that they are doing "all this work" without pay and then quit?


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
How can they come here illegally and graduate from a college here? I bet they got grants and everything to. This country just amazes me. The stuff we do for criminals.

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