Cuba - let 'em back in or no?

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Normalize relations with Cuba?

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Mar 2, 2010
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Edmond, OK
We do business with "brutal and racist" regimes everyday. What makes Cuba different?

Did I say we should do business with other brutal and or racists regimes or that Cuba was different?

How have our sanctions helped the people we were trying to help by punishing their government with said sanctions?

"How have sanctions helped the people ..." I would guess that is because sanctions are not supposed to help people. If you impose "sanctions" on a country and you end up helping them you are doing something wrong.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
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Did I say we should do business with other brutal and or racists regimes or that Cuba was different?

No you didn't, and I didn't infer you did. Merely pointing out we make exceptions all the time. Mostly with countries that have resources we want/need(that is how they are different in my eyes; they don't have oil).

How have sanctions helped the people ..." I would guess that is because sanctions are not supposed to help people. If you impose "sanctions" on a country and you end up helping them you are doing something wrong.

When we don't agree with how a government is treating its people we threaten and enact sanctions(it's not the only reason, but it is one). Our punishment has done nothing to change Fidel's ways. That being said, allowing trade and travel would help the people. Surely this could be taken advantage of by their government, but continuing down the same path has done nothing. I'm just saying why not try something different(definition of insanity and all).


Mar 2, 2010
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Edmond, OK
… we make exceptions all the time.

So that is an excuse to justify bad behavior? Priceless.

Our punishment has done nothing to change Fidel's ways.

You (and others) are missing the bigger picture. Do you understand the demands that the Castro regime has made in order to restore relations?

Out of the box they said that they would not change socio/political/economic system meaning they will continue to be a repressive regime. They want to break the lease on GITMO. They want to be removed from the list of nations State Sponsors of Terrorisms and they don’t want to stop supporting terrorism that puts America at danger. They have refused to extradite criminals that are hiding there. And … I save the best for last … they want compensation for “economic and human damage”.

On top of this there is absolutely zero assurance from the Castro regime that anything will go to helping the people. To that, Roberta Jacobson even stated that we have “no illusions” that the Castro regime will change. Sure! Why not “try something different”? I know! If you want to help the people of Cuba why not start a canned food drive?

I'm just saying why not try something different (definition of insanity and all).

Something different? Really? How exactly is this different? How is dealing with Marxist generals who export terrorism that could end up killing Americans now different?


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Since you brought it up …

Despite being a real soaker of a wet dream for the progressively challenged, the UN does not have the power to take American land and give it to anyone.

If you really think it was wrong to take the land of nomadic people, find someone that is more Native American than Elizabeth “Fauxcahauntas” Warren and give him or her your house. Then after you do that, head on back to whatever country your relatives came from and stay there.

Feel free to be a bigot and ramp up an anti-Semitic rant, but the Palestinians never had any land. Suggestion? Get a history book. Not one that has the color-by-numbers that liberals tend to read either. Go back to 132AD when Hadrian renamed Judea (and the general zip code known today as Israel) to “Syria Palestina”. What group of people were the majority living there? Skip forward a couple of centuries. In 635AD when Islamic aggression had their jihad kick-off party, what group of people were the majority living there? Now skip ahead a couple more years to 1974. What did epic serial rapist of young boys Yasser Arafat say in the “New Republic” interview?

“Closing of Cuba” has showed that we didn’t need to have commerce with a brutal and racist regime. Let me put this so the progressively challenged can understand it. Not having a relationship with Cuba is like not having a relationship with a Haitian whore that is a tranny. While most liberals don’t see much wrong with that, having relationship with someone (much less a brutal dictatorship) that just wants your money is wrong. Then again … that requires a modicum of something liberals don’t have much of … integrity.

Let me guess … you are wondering why we are “closing off” North Korea?

You sir, have enlightened me more than you realize. Your knowledge of historical facts, once again, shows the level of your education. I suppose my guilt over white privilege has led me to be easily influenced regarding the seizure of land from "nomadic" people. (I foolishly believed that not all Indians were nomadic) Thank you for bringing up Elizabeth Warren. I hadn't brought her into the conversation, yet you, in all your wisdom, injected her, right where she was needed most!

Anti -semitic bigot, you say? Well, I have to disagree there, you see. Perhaps a quick study of the word "semite" might show you that to be truly anti-semitic, I would have to have disdain for Palestinians, as well as historically Jewish inhabitants of that area. I say "historically", because a majority of the current occupiers are actually genetically central Asians, and not descendants of Shem (hence, anti-semitism would not technically apply here).
I do understand that you have a much better understanding of the situation, and I really appreciate your explanation of the history of the region. It does seem to me that about 750,000-800,000 folks were living in the area now know as Israel, my confused view on that was they worked there, owned land, built and held title to houses, the whole nine yards. I even (mistakenly, mind you) thought that the Balfour Declaration (the "legal" document that kicked off Jewish migration to Palestine, circa 1921), and agreements surrounding the move specifically stated that the current occupants (Palestinians) would retain their property.

Now the bit about the Haitian transvestite - that is subject matter that I had no misconceptions about, and actually had never given the matter a moment of thought. Are you as well-schooled in transvestites as you are in these other subjects? Perhaps some personal experiences you'd like to relate?


Mar 2, 2010
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Edmond, OK
Dont we still have some rasisss murderers hiding out there? That they wont give up


There are an estimated 80 fugitives in Cuba. On top of the list is Assata Shakur (formally known as Joanne Chesimard) who killed a NJ State Trooper. Second is Charlie Hill who along with his deceased partners were granted asylum after killing NM state trooper and hijacking a plane. Hill had stated in interviews that he has no regrets killing the trooper. Ismael Ali LaBeef hijacked plane and went to Cuba after murdering eight people in a robbery in St. Thomas.

Castro’s regime will not allow them to be extradited.


Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
You sir, have enlightened me more than you realize.

Thank you. I only use my powers for good.

Thank you for bringing up Elizabeth Warren. I hadn't brought her into the conversation, yet you, in all your wisdom, injected her, right where she was needed most!

You are welcome! If figured that if you were to give your home away due to your “white guilt” you might as well give it a faux Indian (feather … not dot) like Warren.

… has led me to be easily influenced regarding the seizure of land from "nomadic" people. (I foolishly believed that not all Indians were nomadic).

Actually, you are spot on. I realize that not all Native Americans were nomadic just like not all liberals inbreed with their first cousins. Where you were “foolish” is saying something as inane as the UN taking land.

I have to disagree there, you see. Perhaps a quick study of the word "semite"

Correct. Possibly due to colloquialism and/or apologetic sycophants. This has been a typical response over the last few years to those being warned or called for being called bigots. All the same, it is possibly more polite than to call someone a “Jew hating bigot” or be scolded for breaking “Godwin’s Law”.

I do understand that you have a much better understanding of the situation, and I really appreciate your explanation of the history of the region.

Ah shucks … your sarcasm is actually starting to flatter me. I would say that my “understanding” of the region comes from not reading liberal revisionist coloring books written … no, check that … “drawn” by Jew hatting bigots who like to apologize for Muslim aggression. Typically same historically challenged lads that want to blame the “Crusades” on Christian aggression.

I even (mistakenly, mind you) thought that the Balfour Declaration …

You nailed it. “Mistakenly”. Now had I not shared with you the history you would have “mistakenly” believed that the area was named that because of the people and you would have also (mistakenly, mind you) believed that because of that all the Jews from London to Brooklyn moved there. And yes, for the last thousand or so years there have been a lot of Jews and Arabs owing homes and living in that zip code. Well, except for Yasser Arafat. PLO chairman Arafat was a Tunisian who lived in Paris because the French view man on boy love differently than Muslims. With that said, Arafat should have lived in the Vatican.

Now the bit about the Haitian transvestite …

You left out the Haitian tranny’s occupation … “whore”. While no first hand experience with any whore, my understanding (and I could be wrong … Maybe SNIPES can chime in again?) is that If you had sex with a tranny whore from Haiti, I doubt you could do the liberal dance to revise history enough to fix what you just caught. The analogy is that having sex with a Haitian tranny whore is not a good idea. Then again, your mileage may well differ.

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