Democrats strike again.

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Both parties are full of **** IMO.

Charlie, that is because for many years, most of us never bothered to get involved with current events, other than sports, TV, and movies. The "Tea Party" movement, good or bad, is a result of some finally deciding to get involved. We don't have to elect "unknowns" to office. Get involved. Read ALL the news, talk to people that seem to know, and go to the events the "hopefuls" host and ask questions. Contact your current reps and sens and let them know your concerns, but be willing to actually listen to them also. They may be right about some of their stands.

Party politics (both sides) have become nothing more than a team sport, but it is the system we have, so it is up to us to force the change. It can be is being done. It has taken us several decades to get into the condition we are currently in, and we cannot correct it quickly, but this country is still the best in the world, and deserves the efforts of those of us willing to help guide our nation into the future.

Don't give up, get involved!


Special Hen
Mar 8, 2013
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I say we storm DC, seize the list of registered gun owners, let everyone who is on the list and NOT a politician stay. Everyone else gets banished.
America for Americans!


Special Hen
Jul 26, 2013
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Charlie, that is because for many years, most of us never bothered to get involved with current events, other than sports, TV, and movies. The "Tea Party" movement, good or bad, is a result of some finally deciding to get involved. We don't have to elect "unknowns" to office. Get involved. Read ALL the news, talk to people that seem to know, and go to the events the "hopefuls" host and ask questions. Contact your current reps and sens and let them know your concerns, but be willing to actually listen to them also. They may be right about some of their stands.

Party politics (both sides) have become nothing more than a team sport, but it is the system we have, so it is up to us to force the change. It can be is being done. It has taken us several decades to get into the condition we are currently in, and we cannot correct it quickly, but this country is still the best in the world, and deserves the efforts of those of us willing to help guide our nation into the future.

Don't give up, get involved!

Don't miss understand, I am very hopeful of our future. I just don't think the folks in office now are the ones who will bring the positive change. Very few of them are actually concerned with the well being of our country, most of them are concerned about their cushy little job and the wealthy corporations that put them there. We need to see campaign finance reform and term limits. A corporation has the same rights as individuals and money is free speech? Give me a break. The Tea Party is a good thing since it challenges the status quo and I get really excited when they get together with those on the left for a common purpose like in Syria or on the NSA. Having people spend 50 years in DC is ridiculous. Most everyone on Capital Hill is a millionaire and the idea of public service is out the window. If you get a job there you are set for life.

We have ruling families like the Bush's and Clinton's who, because of their money and connections, become entrenched in politics and policy decisions. Hell Bush Sr's father, Prescott Bush, was one of Hitlers largest supporters. According to General Wesley Clark there was a policy coup de ta going back to the 90s but probably goes back to JFK being shot.

That said, the Internet has allowed the public to be more informed about what is going on. Not just the American people but people everywhere are more involved in governing than anytime before in the last 50 years. People here are starting to understand the Federal Reserve and the power of money. My hope is that by the time my daughter is 18 is we will have destroyed the debt money system and return to something closer to what our founders envisioned, with some improvements from lessons we learned along the way. If this doesn't happen we will continue to see the rest of the world pass us by in every way imaginable.

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