Front yard trepassing ?

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Special Hen
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Part time Vegas, Galveston, Oklahoma
When it comes to letting kids roam wild....I feel the homeowner should protect themselves and their property.

Remember: I stated how far does he want to persue this.

The reason I mentioned these is for record. Sure these are children, sure they will act in juvenile ways....have I done it. Yep, and I've had the police involved....we were called in on.

In todays society, a person needs to protect themselves. Not necessarily from the kids but their parents. What happens when the children's parents get tired of the O.P. complaining and putting pressure on them. You better have proof to help you in case you need proof.

Example: A very good friend of mine is a school teacher in Houston ISD. He was failing a student, really the student was failing his class. The student told him one day if he didn't pass him he was going to tell his parents and the police the teacher(my friend) touched him.....several times. Long story short, he was proven innocent but had the rumor of being the teacher "accused" of molestation.

In todays times AND if it involves children I believe proof and legal records are necessary....if it goes that far. Again, not the children pressing charges or accusation but the parents. I have known a co-worker going through divorce and his wife smashed her face and calledthe police accusing him of abuse. Thank Jesus, Allah and Budda he had documentation on her before she did that.

What is the DHS for?? To protect the innocent and prosecute the guilty. I hope for the O.P. it doesn't go this far, but if it does he better protect himself with documentation. Liability can be placed on him and then he has to prove innocence when he's trying to stop the situation in a nonviolent manner.

Hell, DHS sends children back into(with a judge's legal approval) abusive homes. Let the nonabusive taxpayer use them for their protection. depends on how far he wants to push it. Yes, he's the one who will have to live with these neighbors. Yes, he's the one who has to determine how far to pursue it and the recourse he will live with for doing that. Anyone else have any nonviolent solutions?? Anyone else have any legal solutions if the parents won't co-operate?? How can you legally show prevention (from them as well as protecting yourself ). Better to be legally safe than sorry.

I'm not saying..."Please do this!!!!!" Just showing nonviolent ways to try to solve the situation.

I use to rodeo a lot. Every rodeo arena I've been to had a "Not responsible for accidents" sign. People put up "Bad Dog" signs for their protection of home and property to warn people.

One of my old girlfriends is an attorney, she told me those signs are liabilities. Liabilities???
The way she looked at them was the owner was stating a known dangerand if they thought that sign protected them....they were smoking crack. If a kid jumped the fence to retieve a ball or toy and was bitten she would definitely take the case to sue the homeowner.

Those ding-dang attornies!!!!!

Guess its how you look at the situation.

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Special Hen
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
Tell her nicely that you're going to talk to the landlord. If that doesn't work let it go as long as there's no permanent damage. I've had the same kind of problem with the people who live behind me and their dog barking day and night. If they hadn't cooperated I would've been reluctant to take it to the next level. Single mothers have a tough row to hoe. Her attitude probably comes from her need to protect her kids, which doubles down for a single mom. Making friends with the mom and her kids is the best way to handle things. Leave emotion out of it if you can. Once she knows she's living next door to someone who will help protect her and her kids she'll probably be anxious to help you with anything she can.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
Call attorneys ?? Call DHS ?? Call Police ??

These are 6-7 year old kids !! Someone needs that medical marijuana and chill. Pretty ridiculous I.M.O.

Kids probably aren't even that old.

If it were me I'd build a 10' chain link fenced with a razor wire cap and charge it with 220v. That will keep the little bastards off the grass.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Talk to some of your neighbors that are friends. (if you have any)
Get them to tell the chick that you were convicted of child molesting in another state. Leer at children in a creepy way.


Special Hen
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Part time Vegas, Galveston, Oklahoma
G.Gordon Liddy use to be broadcast here in Oklahoma City, remember he is an attorney.

A caller called in an asked basically the same question as the on the lawn, bicycles in his frontyard, food trash in his yard, buddies of his walking across his yard to get to their friends house.. What should he do?

Ol' G.Gordon told him to find the kid alone, walk up to the kid and tell him if he does any of that again you'll kick his a--.
I think the kid in question was in his teens, but no way in hell would I do that. Kid tells his parents(and anything else) and problems deluxe.

I still to this day can't believe G.Gordon would give that type of advice.



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Special Hen Supporter
May 16, 2006
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OMG!!! Its kids being kids who would ever think that could happen??

Seriously, if this is the thing that gets someone all worked up they should thank their lucky stars that there isn’t something more pressing in their life like total economic collapse, a government out of control or an insane would be dictator in the Oval Office.

Go ahead and be an a-hole to your neighbors and just see how much fun they can make your life. If you want to keep kids off your lawn give them a couple of small bags of M&Ms or Blow Pops. Tell them you know they didn’t mean to drive their electric car in your yard and you sure would appreciate it if they would be more careful. Wash rinse repeat until you win them over. Win the hearts and minds or lose your own sanity. A little payoff to the would be junior mafia / terrorists will get you much farther. Guaranteed!

Just make sure that what you really aren’t pissed about is the fact that renters live next door rather than someone with a vested interest. That would be majorly un-cool to take out on kids who are in fact just along for the ride.

And yes neighbors can be a real P.I.T.A. too. No doubt about it

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