Front yard trepassing ?

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Special Hen
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Part time Vegas, Galveston, Oklahoma
Trust me....I believe in talking this situation through a peaceful solution.

My wife did too. One day the neighborhood kids(girls) were having somesort of tea party in the middle of my frontyard.They must have been 7-10 years old. This was way before I started playing music to drive away the kids. Wife walks out on the front porch and asks the kids to play in their yard...please.

One of the little girls says "Okay" packs up the table, then turns around and gives my wife the finger.

OMG-I about laughed my self silly!!! She went to the houses next to being a doctor, one being some sort of chemical or petroleum engenieer ....others degreed. She thought she could talk to the parent and ask for their cooperation. Their educated people and will understand....hell, they pay to keep up their yards and neighborhood like we do.

WRONG!!!! She got a few "Oh well" and "Kids will be kids".

She started turning on the sprinkler system. Why to this day kids love my yard instead of theirs I don't know. Heck, there's a big azz cul-de-sac they play in and still refuse to play in their front or backyards.

I have no children, I want my home and yard to look nice....I don't let my dogs $h!t in their yard, I keep my dogs on a leash, I make d@mn sure they don't wake the neighbors.


Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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Ya know, it really is this attitude towards others that causes us to be viewed as social misfits. I honestly can't believe that a grown man would get upset over toddlers driving their electric Barbie car across his lawn. So upset that he threatens to charge a pre-schooler with trespassing. Geezus Effing Christ man! Get a grip. It's a child, interact with the kid, high five the kid for having a cool ride, get the kid a bumper sticker, be a positive experience in the kid's life, not the batsh1t crazy old dude next door.


Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
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Fort Gibson


Special Hen
Jan 24, 2013
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Chicken Town
Trying to decide if OP and Cohiba are being serious or just stirring the pot. Seriously, if it bothers you that much, sell your house and use the proceeds to "buy a life"! They're kids, not teenagers, not young adults, kids! Get a life!


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
OK I within my legal rights ?

Yes, as Certified Internet Adviser, I can assure you that your right to be totally insane is protected under the constitution.

Now, I recommend you appear in your lawn with 5 days worth of unshaven neck stubble, clad only in (formerly) white briefs, 3 sizes to small. Wave a crooked finger at the mother of these 40 pound hoodlums, and rambling nonsensically about "jew government" and repeatedly ask her to "stop filming!" even though no cameras are anywhere around. If a life flight helicopter happens to pass overhead during this conversation, look at it with feral eyes and make it known that "calling in the big guns" is not going to scare you.

Come out the next morning and wait on her front porch with a bottle of orange juice, 3/4ths full. Explain that it had approximately 3/8" more orange juice in it when you went to bed last night, and if she thinks she can break in your house and drink 3/8ths of an inch of the orange juice YOU PAID FOR (yell this with a cracking voice, head quivering) without you calling her on it, then she's got another thing coming.

Now, clearly she won't see it the way we do (see that you're withing your rights, that is) so I recommend you take a copy of the BOR and wave it around during any interactions you have with the offending woman. If you don't have a copy of the BOR handy, use the back of a Cap'n Crunch box. If and when the police arrive (don't YOU call them, you idiot, they're on her side. I heard from the guy at the end of your street that she's sleeping with all the cops in your town), hand them the back of the Cap'n Crunch box and keep stating that you wish to press charges. They won't listen, but this will play well for you in court. Wait until court to throw out the bombshell that the cops were just "PROTECTING THEIR WHORE!"

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