Gun Owners of America Endorses Randy Brogdon for Governor

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Nov 25, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund Endorses Randy Brogdon for Governor

Monday, March 8, 2010
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Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund Endorses Randy Brogdon for Governor

(Springfield, VA) Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is proud to announce the endorsement of Randy Brogdon for Governor of Oklahoma.

"State Senator Brogdon is a leader in protecting Second Amendment rights and in the battle against federal intrusion in Oklahoma," said Tim Macy, Vice-Chairman of Gun Owners of America.

"Senator Brogdon stood up for states' rights when he opposed the 2005 Real ID Act, a law that would have compromised the privacy of gun owners," said Mr. Macy. "He has stood up and supported every pro-Second Amendment bill that came up in the State Senate, including several votes for implementing the castle doctrine in Oklahoma.

"This year Senator Brogdon has authored one of the brightest and boldest pro-gun bills ever introduced in the Sooner State. The bill is modeled after Montana's Firearms Freedom Act. It says that any firearm made in Oklahoma and kept in the state is exempt from federal regulation."

GOA also points out Sen. Brogdon's clear understanding of the Second Amendment's role in a free society. "I am one of the few elected officials," says Brogdon, "who truly understands what the Second Amendment is all about. It's not about a turkey shoot, or a quail hunt, it's really not even about me being able to protect myself from you, or vice versa. The Second Amendment states that you and I have the right to bear arms in the event that the federal government gets out of control."

Brogdon, having spent 30 years owning and operating his own business in Oklahoma, has learned the value of persistence and hard work. He is the father of two grown sons and has been married to his wife, Donna, for 37 years. He has served in the State Senate since 2002, and has worked tirelessly to ensure the prosperity and sovereignty for the people of Oklahoma.

"Gun Owners of America is proud to support Randy Brogdon for Governor, and encourages all Oklahoma gun owners and sportsmen to get behind the Brogdon campaign as a volunteer and with financial support," said Mr. Macy.

Gun Owners of America is a grassroots lobbying organization with over 300,000 members nationwide. Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is a project of Gun Owners of America


Jan 15, 2010
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Originally Posted by Randy Brogdan
"The Second Amendment states that you and I have the right to bear arms in the event that the federal government gets out of control."

It no doubt WILL be twisted and tortured beyond belief.

The SIMPLE fact is..the Second Amendment AIN'T about duck hunting !!

It is ALL about controlling tyranny...and tyranny comes from government.

The man states a fact..something that makes folks...EVEN GUN PEOPLE...uncomfortable.

Wait till cap and trade, health care, the treaties signed that will severly limit weapons in the hands of citizens all come to fruition...THEN think about it some more...ehhh ???


Nov 5, 2008
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I was toying with voting for Mary until her on air chat with Pat Campbell. I talked to her on FB and at first she answered every question I asked. Then I let her know she ducked every question except one that he asked she shut up and deleted the whole conversation. She is just more of the same..... We have some good guys here in Govt but I pray we get the right ones with the strength to do the right thing.

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