Here is an idea!!

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Sorry, but I don't like that idea. From the article at American Thinker:

"In that spirit, I here put forth a modest proposal: that guns already illegal – many of which are even now doing observable harm – be "grabbed" – legally, under present law, or such small modifications of which might pass at least local muster.

Let the police remove – no, charge them with removing! – all the illegal guns in the city of Chicago. Now. Starting today. Or as soon as the needed organization and momentum for it can be built."

For a starter, Chicago already has laws making firearms illegal, at least for the vast majority of people. So, if the law abiding gun owner is lumped into the same basket with the gang-bangers, then they would gladly confiscate ALL firearms and then say it was a "federal" requirement.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Sorry, but I don't like that idea. From the article at American Thinker:

"In that spirit, I here put forth a modest proposal: that guns already illegal – many of which are even now doing observable harm – be "grabbed" – legally, under present law, or such small modifications of which might pass at least local muster.

Let the police remove – no, charge them with removing! – all the illegal guns in the city of Chicago. Now. Starting today. Or as soon as the needed organization and momentum for it can be built."

For a starter, Chicago already has laws making firearms illegal, at least for the vast majority of people. So, if the law abiding gun owner is lumped into the same basket with the gang-bangers, then they would gladly confiscate ALL firearms and then say it was a "federal" requirement.

No... the proposal is to actually ENFORE the laws already in effect in Chicago. That is, instead of passing laws to ban MORE guns, go pick up the guns that are ALREADY illegally owned. This would provide an example of not just how difficult it would be to round up other guns (once you MAKE them illegal), but of how much effect overall it would have on crime.

In other words... take the guns that are already illegal and contributing to crime, rather than coming after the ones currently legally owned and harming no one.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
Felons are not supposed to have guns. Is there anything about being allowed to search homes of felons or those on probation to see if they have firearms?
Might put a big dent in Chicago gun ownership.


Special Hen
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
sand springs
From the article:

"Oh yes, there might be some problems. Perhaps a few illegal gun-owners might not willingly comply. Perhaps searches would be necessary – legal ones, of course, authorized by courts based on evidence that an illegal gun is owned."

Some problems??? What is he smoking??

Legal searches based on evidence??? What evidence??

This dude is brain damaged or just stupid!!!


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
No... the proposal is to actually ENFORE the laws already in effect in Chicago. That is, instead of passing laws to ban MORE guns, go pick up the guns that are ALREADY illegally owned. This would provide an example of not just how difficult it would be to round up other guns (once you MAKE them illegal), but of how much effect overall it would have on crime.

In other words... take the guns that are already illegal and contributing to crime, rather than coming after the ones currently legally owned and harming no one.

Oh, I'm aware that they want to enforce the law, but this would still allow Chicago (and perhaps other places) to further restrict gun ownership through new legislation/ordinances, giving them authority to go after ALL guns.


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
From the article:

"Oh yes, there might be some problems. Perhaps a few illegal gun-owners might not willingly comply. Perhaps searches would be necessary – legal ones, of course, authorized by courts based on evidence that an illegal gun is owned."

Some problems??? What is he smoking??

Legal searches based on evidence??? What evidence??

This dude is brain damaged or just stupid!!!
No, he's a satirist. See above, including the link, about A Modest Proposal.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Felons are not supposed to have guns. Is there anything about being allowed to search homes of felons or those on probation to see if they have firearms?
Might put a big dent in Chicago gun ownership.

Probies yes, those who've served their full sentence, no. Look at someone on probation as someone still serving their full sentence. They've been granted a leniency by being allowed out of prison, but they're still serving time to repay their debt to society.

IMO, it should be illegal to discriminate against anyone who's served their full sentence. That includes voting and gun rights. If you can't trust them to vote or possess a gun under the COTUS, then why did you let them out of prison in the first place? :anyone:


For those unaware, any time you see someone make "a modest proposal," it's almost certainly an allusion to Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal.

Exactly. The other day when I posted this (both here and on some general website comment sections):

Obviously the first thing Trump should do, is restrict the media's 1st Amendment right to publish a shooter's name or any information about their life. Enacting common sense information control measures such as this would drastically cut down on the number of mass shootings perpetrated by wannabe's, inspired by the way the media glorifies them. Then we could do a 10 year study to see what effect this has on mass shooting attacks.

Violence experts say this will have a dramatic effect in reducing the number of mass shootings. We must listen to them and restrict the 1st Amendment rights of the media in the name of public safety. We all cherish and respect the 1st Amendment rights of the media to own and operate broadcast equipment, but that doesn't mean we can't enact reasonable common sense restrictions for the sake of the children.

That was my "Modest Proposal".

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