Herman Cain forms exploratory committee for POTUS

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Special Hen
Jul 9, 2011
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Words mean things...the fact that he said it tells me he doesn't know or think enough about the constitution to be POTUS...To support and defend the constitution is the oath...not to say stuff that is directly contrary to the document that has made this great experiment possible in order to get elected...we've seen what happens when it's ignored...leads us down a very bad road...thank you no.

Street Rat

Dec 10, 2007
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Good thing we have the Bill of Rights to protect the country from tyranny of the majority.

yeah, look how well it has worked so far.

Before we start giving them anymore control, the muslim community needs to decide what they are, are they a political group or are they a religious group. It still surprises me that the ones that hate christianity so much are so willing to give control to the muslim world. People need to lay off the evening news, they still can't call a mulsim terrorist a terrorist, but have no problem assuming someone is a christian extremist if he is white and commited a crime against a democratic senator or blows up a building before the facts are laid out.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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yeah, look how well it has worked so far.

Before we start giving them anymore control, the muslim community needs to decide what they are, are they a political group or are they a religious group. It still surprises me that the ones that hate christianity so much are so willing to give control to the muslim world. People need to lay off the evening news, they still can't call a mulsim terrorist a terrorist, but have no problem assuming someone is a christian extremist if he is white and commited a crime against a democratic senator or blows up a building before the facts are laid out.

You obviously don't understand. They are everything to everyone, including non-believers. But you digress. Cain will not be taken seriously by the Dems. Many Republicans won't vote for him due to their own bias and quite frankly, anyone who's electable in the current political atmosphere will be a terrible president. A truly "presidential" candidate would never win. :(


Special Hen
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
yeah, look how well it has worked so far.

I was being sarcastic. "Tyranny of the majority" refers to exactly what Cain was doing: he was throwing Muslims under the bus to appease a bigoted majority.

Before we start giving them anymore control, the muslim community needs to decide what they are, are they a political group or are they a religious group.

Replace "muslim" with "Christian" and this would still be a valid statement, in my opinion. Except that Christian interests are already very powerful politically.

It still surprises me that the ones that hate christianity so much are so willing to give control to the muslim world. People need to lay off the evening news, they still can't call a mulsim terrorist a terrorist, but have no problem assuming someone is a christian extremist if he is white and commited a crime against a democratic senator or blows up a building before the facts are laid out.

Are you watching the same TV as I am? Even MSNBC doesn't have much of a problem calling a spade a spade with Muslim extremism.

Glocktogo said:
Cain will not be taken seriously by the Dems.

I frankly don't take him seriously because I've never heard him say anything other than bumper sticker slogans, but then I haven't been listening especially hard.

Many Republicans won't vote for him due to their own bias and quite frankly, anyone who's electable in the current political atmosphere will be a terrible president. A truly "presidential" candidate would never win.

This is absolutely right. The entire field is either guys like Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty who are halfheartedly trying to say whatever will get them elected, or complete wingnuts like Bachmann. The Republican party has dug itself into a really deep hole.

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