HR 45 Do you want to register all your guns with the Fed?

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Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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If the .gov had to deal with tens of thousands of dealers and millions of gun owners acting as concientious objectors, they would repeal the law post haste.
Then why does everyone wait around for yet another unjust law to pass before they decide enough is enough?
I mean, why not just go ahead and concientiously object to the thousands of unconstitutional gun laws already on the books?
We don't see too many dealers,citizens, or as mentioned by another member "Gov/LE agents" doing that we? :anyone:
The answer is: No
We stand by and let BS law after BS law get passed and while there is certainly no shortage of bitching about it, everyone accepts and follows them.....because we're the good guys...the "law abiding citizens".

Meanwhile criminals go about their business...

This is a "What/If" scenario, I am not advocating anything here. Everyone, of course, should obey the law.

If something like HR 45 did pass both Houses of Congress and was signed by BHO into law, the Fed's would have several HUGE problems:

1) Many Federal agents, military and local LEO's would refuse to enforce it as an unjust law.
2) The remaining agents would face a major disparity of force issue. Like maybe 5,000 to 1 odds.
3) Enaction of such a law would greatly help to spur Secessionist movements all over the country.

What does everyone else think?
See above.

Actually I think the majority of gun owners would just roll over and give them up, then go look to see when the next episode of American Idol or Survivor is on.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Step up and be a martyr, J.P. Wear your guns open carry 24/7 for all the honest world to see. We'll all support you.

A guy in Wisconsin did just that:

While I agree with J.P. to an extent (see my most recent post), I think it's the hibernating bear theory. You can poke him gently a few times, but when you finally poke him too hard, don't be surprised at what you get in return. We're still slumbering, but we're not snoring quite as hard as before.

After all, it took the expat Brits in the colonies a few years to finally throw off the yoke.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Enid, Oklahoma
Here is something that came off of Guntalk about H.R. 45


In addition to thinking he was irresponsible, what would you think of a hunter who shoots at every movement, every sound, gets rattled at the slightest suggestion that something is going on? You'd think he was wasteful, at the least, and at the worst, just plain dangerous.

That's what I'm seeing right now with gun owners and their reaction to all the emails pounding in-boxes. Yes, yes, yes, I've seen HR 45, the terrible bill that would take away guns, register your chickens, and require cats and dogs to live together (with apologies to Bill Murray). Please take a deep breath.

Millions of emails have been traded on this, and it's largely wasted effort. This bill is not going anywhere. I repeat, this bill is DOA.

Stop forwarding emails about it to everyone, please. Every year there are many terrible gun control bills introduced which don't go anywhere. This is another one. While it's great that so many people are getting worked up about this -- it shows there is much passion for gun rights -- we also are wasting our "ammo" on a target which is no more than smoke.

What's the problem with sounding the alarm? You can motivate people to action only so many times before they think you are crying wolf. There are certainly going to be some nasty fights to protect gun rights, but this is not one of them. Let's keep our powder dry, saving it for threats which have a better chance of succeeding.


Special Hen
Mar 16, 2009
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United States
Here is something that came off of Guntalk about H.R. 45


In addition to thinking he was irresponsible, what would you think of a hunter who shoots at every movement, every sound, gets rattled at the slightest suggestion that something is going on? You'd think he was wasteful, at the least, and at the worst, just plain dangerous.

That's what I'm seeing right now with gun owners and their reaction to all the emails pounding in-boxes. Yes, yes, yes, I've seen HR 45, the terrible bill that would take away guns, register your chickens, and require cats and dogs to live together (with apologies to Bill Murray). Please take a deep breath.

Millions of emails have been traded on this, and it's largely wasted effort. This bill is not going anywhere. I repeat, this bill is DOA.

Stop forwarding emails about it to everyone, please. Every year there are many terrible gun control bills introduced which don't go anywhere. This is another one. While it's great that so many people are getting worked up about this -- it shows there is much passion for gun rights -- we also are wasting our "ammo" on a target which is no more than smoke.

What's the problem with sounding the alarm? You can motivate people to action only so many times before they think you are crying wolf. There are certainly going to be some nasty fights to protect gun rights, but this is not one of them. Let's keep our powder dry, saving it for threats which have a better chance of succeeding.

So are you saying we should just sit back and let this fail without ever taking any action? This isn't a dead issue. It is sitting idle for the moment, but certainly not dead. Whether we believe it to be dead or not, we should still take action writing our representatives to let them know where we stand and how thier voting is viewed by us.

I personally agree with JP's take on this! You are absolutely correct sir. We have been sheep lead to the slaughter without ever batting an eye. I for one admit guilt here. I personally just learned of this as a relatively new gun enthustiast. We can't fight what we don't know about. Perhaps this administration has caused me to finally open my eyes and see the reality of their grand plan. Please don't ignore things like this thinking it will just go away. If we do then we deserve what we get!!



Special Hen
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
it would never pass. Anyone here think its one step from becoming law?

Doesn't it just take one House member to make a H.R

heres a good one

H.R.87-Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Act of 2009

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow taxpayers to make contributions to the Federal Government on their income tax returns.

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