Illegal Immigration

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Take a poor, generally uneducated, immigrant class escaping poverty and crime who speak differently. They will work in many jobs considered low-class or extremely blue-collar. They are generally Catholic and are associated with crime in popular media.
In the 1800s they are the Irish, in the 2000s they are the Mexicans/Central Americans. Seriously, learn some Spanish, its coming...

I was hoping they would learn English, and assimilate with the community, but when your an ILLEGAL alien that is here without documentation, I guess that's a pipe dream.
The assumption they will work low-class or extremely blue collar jobs that Americans won't is Bull Hockey.


Special Hen
Apr 14, 2011
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I was hoping they would learn English, and assimilate with the community, but when your an ILLEGAL alien that is here without documentation, I guess that's a pipe dream.
The assumption they will work low-class or extremely blue collar jobs that Americans won't is Bull Hockey.

Is that why 10% to 20% of laborers are non -hispanic in construction. Roofers, bricklayers, and landscapers are Hispanic as well. Is this because they do a better job or do it cheaper or both?


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
I was hoping they would learn English, and assimilate with the community, but when your an ILLEGAL alien that is here without documentation, I guess that's a pipe dream.
The assumption they will work low-class or extremely blue collar jobs that Americans won't is Bull Hockey.

why does anyone have to learn english? Who says they don't know it already? Who says there are citizens of this country who can't speak english as well as some without the correct documents?

And for the record, i've interacted with several people of questionable legal status who speak english just fine, though the i think it was the irish dude in boston who was the most difficult to understand. Go figure.

And are you arguing that these folks aren't working low-class jobs, or the assumption that they are jobs that americans wont work?

These debates always remind me of the joke about how you call a person who speaks three languages trilingual, two languages bilingual and one language an american.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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why does anyone have to learn english? Who says they don't know it already? Who says there are citizens of this country who can't speak english as well as some without the correct documents?

And for the record, i've interacted with several people of questionable legal status who speak english just fine, though the i think it was the irish dude in boston who was the most difficult to understand. Go figure.

And are you arguing that these folks aren't working low-class jobs, or the assumption that they are jobs that americans wont work?

These debates always remind me of the joke about how you call a person who speaks three languages trilingual, two languages bilingual and one language an american.

The founding fathers specifically state that immigrants must assimilate to the US, including learning the language. I would not move to German and expect them to speak my language, that is ridiculously selfish. And yeah, I find it very annoying that we placate to the no-speakas.

The problem of the potential effects of large-scale immigration was a concrete problem, with which
the Founders had actual experience. For instance, during the 1750s, Benjamin Franklin expressed
great concern regarding the massive influx of German immigrants into Pennsylvania. Franklin laments
that Pennsylvania “will in a few Years become a German Colony. Instead of their Learning our
Language, we must learn their’s,
or live as in a foreign country.”38 Washington was also concerned about the isolation that
differences of language bred. He told his Vice President that “the advantage of [immigration and
settlement] taking place in a body (I mean the settling of them in a body) may be much questioned;
for, by so doing, they retain the Language, habits, and principles (good or bad) which they bring
with them.”39 The Founders worried that large
numbers of immigrants, isolated by linguistic differences, would have a dangerous effect on policy
and the character of the regime. They could exercise of controlling influence in policymaking, and
use it to the detriment of the Founders’ principles of public good and individual rights.

All of the founders specifically stated that immigration must come with adopting the English language. Otherwise, you get what we have now- there are many places in the US where the stores and businesses don't speak English at all, it is literally like going to another country. And that is inherently unacceptable.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
The founding fathers specifically state that immigrants must assimilate to the US, including learning the language. I would not move to German and expect them to speak my language, that is ridiculously selfish. And yeah, I find it very annoying that we placate to the no-speakas.

The problem of the potential effects of large-scale immigration was a concrete problem, with which
the Founders had actual experience. For instance, during the 1750s, Benjamin Franklin expressed
great concern regarding the massive influx of German immigrants into Pennsylvania. Franklin laments
that Pennsylvania “will in a few Years become a German Colony. Instead of their Learning our
Language, we must learn their’s,
or live as in a foreign country.”38 Washington was also concerned about the isolation that
differences of language bred. He told his Vice President that “the advantage of [immigration and
settlement] taking place in a body (I mean the settling of them in a body) may be much questioned;
for, by so doing, they retain the Language, habits, and principles (good or bad) which they bring
with them.”39 The Founders worried that large
numbers of immigrants, isolated by linguistic differences, would have a dangerous effect on policy
and the character of the regime. They could exercise of controlling influence in policymaking, and
use it to the detriment of the Founders’ principles of public good and individual rights.

All of the founders specifically stated that immigration must come with adopting the English language. Otherwise, you get what we have now- there are many places in the US where the stores and businesses don't speak English at all, it is literally like going to another country. And that is inherently unacceptable.

is that why they made english the national language at the founding?

I've been to some of those neighborhoods where english isn't the common language and they do still speak english. If a private business chooses to cater to clients who speak the same language they do in neighborhoods made up of a similar population then why is that bad?

I'm willing to guess that these neighborhoods aren't a new thing and also that if you look through your history books closely you'll see that this has been happening since the founding of the nation.

Assimilating has never meant giving up a native language.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Assimilating has never meant giving up a native language.

Give up? no. Have the ability to speak English? absolutely. Forcing the country in which you immigrate to adapt to your needs or desires is not acceptable in any way.

The founders believed that immigrants must leave behind their old

The problem of the potential effects of large-scale immigration was a concrete problem, with which
the Founders had actual experience. For instance, during the 1750s, Benjamin Franklin expressed
great concern regarding the massive influx of German immigrants into Pennsylvania. Franklin laments
that Pennsylvania “will in a few Years become a German Colony. Instead of their Learning our
Language, we must learn their’s,
or live as in a foreign country.”38 Washington was also concerned about the isolation that
differences of language bred. He told his Vice President that “the advantage of [immigration and
settlement] taking place in a body (I mean the settling of them in a body) may be much questioned;
for, by so doing, they retain the Language, habits, and principles (good or bad) which they bring
with them.”39 The Founders worried that large
numbers of immigrants, isolated by linguistic differences, would have a dangerous effect on policy
and the character of the regime. They could exercise of controlling influence in policymaking, and
use it to the detriment of the Founders’ principles of public good and individual rights.

George Washington, in a letter to John Adams, stated that immigrants should be absorbed into American life so that “by an intermixture with our people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word soon become one people.”

In a 1790 speech to Congress on the naturalization of immigrants, James Madison stated that America should welcome the immigrant who could assimilate, but exclude the immigrant who could not readily “incorporate himself into our society.”

Alexander Hamilton wrote in 1802: “The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias and prejudice; and on that love of country which will almost invariably be found to be closely connected with birth, education, and family.”

Read more at:


Jan 19, 2010
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Take a poor, generally uneducated, immigrant class escaping poverty and crime who speak differently. They will work in many jobs considered low-class or extremely blue-collar. They are generally Catholic and are associated with crime in popular media.
In the 1800s they are the Irish, in the 2000s they are the Mexicans/Central Americans. Seriously, learn some Spanish, its coming...
Yes! DAMN those illegal chinese Catholics!!!! LMFAO.

Rooster Cockburn

Special Hen
Oct 8, 2014
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God's Country
Maybe, and I'm spitballing here, but maybe we could reduce the power of our magnet a little (turning it off completely would involve getting rid of freedoms that I'm fond of). I dunno...repeal the 16th amendment and institute a retail sales tax (fair tax) type of system? Eliminate the unfair price advantage while at the same time taxing everyone that buys stuff at a retail level ("punishing" taking from the economy rather than contributing to it)?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
And are you arguing that these folks aren't working low-class jobs, or the assumption that they are jobs that americans wont work?

My comment was: "The assumption they will work low-class or extremely blue collar jobs that Americans won't is Bull Hockey."

The purpose of this thread was to discuss why our government is putting middle east Christians under intense scrutiny for immigration, yet allowing unfettered ingress to anybody coming across our southern border.

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