My insurance agent here in Tulsa contacted me recently ( they know I had guns before the boat accident) to tell me they now insure firearms in a separate policy, she sent me a quote for 10,000.00 coverage for 75.00 a year, that’s 6.25 per month!
If any of y’all in the Tulsa area are interested my agent is Mason Hamilton at 61st and Sheridan and Kimberly is the doll that works as his office Mgr. the phone number is 918-496-0513, call and get some quotes on insuring yours ! Tell Kimberly sent you and maybe she will buy me La Roma pizza soneday !!
If any of y’all in the Tulsa area are interested my agent is Mason Hamilton at 61st and Sheridan and Kimberly is the doll that works as his office Mgr. the phone number is 918-496-0513, call and get some quotes on insuring yours ! Tell Kimberly sent you and maybe she will buy me La Roma pizza soneday !!