It's all fun and games till your dog eats lefty

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Special Hen
Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
Just in case you didn't read completely through the article:

"Meanwhile, adding insult to injury, the man was transported to St. Bernards Regional Medical Center to be treated."

Real life can be so much funnier than fiction.

Danm that was a cute little dog. Looks like a full blood Westie, maybe?

<edit> I got suspicious of this link and did some looking. It's all over the internet, and has appeared in some recognized media outlets. The victim remains unidentified, the St. Bernard Regional Med center is for real, and verious media has shown various pics of a dog, ranging from the Westie to a Pit.

One article described the dog as small, white, fluffy, but I suspect the Westy pic is a file picture. It has a nice collar, and looks too good to be a recent stray unless Mr. Ball (well, it could be, couldn't it?) had already had him washed and waxed. Given that he hadn't had the dog to the vet yet, I'm going to doubt that grooming was high on his list of priorities.

The wounded guy is probably the only person in North America who doesn't think this is funny. Having known more than my share of folks who are paralized, including some quads, I can assure you that the ones I know are currently checking their asses to see if they laughed them off when they heard this.

Every person I have known who is paralized (didn't say disabled--big difference) has developed a wicked sense of humor if they didn't already have one. That's the live ones. I have known a few who didn't learn to laugh at themselves and everything else. They did not prosper.

I feel for this guy. <sorry>
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Special Hen
Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
hmmmmmmm, IF the dog in question was a rescue, wouldn't that mean he had been neutered? Therefore, he was just returning the favor. :igetit:

That's funny.

As I understand it from the various articles, the dog was a stray, and no formal "rescue" was involved.

But again, that's funny. Reminds me of an old lady who had a dog so vicious that the letter carrier would not enter her fenced yard to deliver mail.

Eventually she had the dog neutered and informed the letter carrier, who said "Still not coming in your yard until you take him to the dentist and get a bunch of teeth removed. I never was afraid that he'd F*** me."

It's just barely possible that someone had dumped the dog because of its taste for naughty bits . . .

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