Jumping on the No Classifieds for Non Contributing Members Train

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City Ok
Neither. It's all about quality participation. It's like being introduced to a new group of friends. The more positive interaction you have with them the sooner the awkwardness wears off and before you know it, it will feel like you've always been here.

Oh no, you're only a newb for a short time; the best way to get over your newbness is kind of like getting into the pool when you know the water is gonna be really cold....just jump on in and be done with it. We have a great forum here, chock full 'o nuts and all. We all share a LIKE for things that go bang, and we have a pretty good time at it too.

Exactly. We were all newbs at one time. You might even get ribbed for it in good nature.
I was shooting a steel challenge match this morning. We had four folks follow us down the road to watch each stage.
A couple of us approached them knowing why they were there.(happens all the time, I was there back in the day) They wanted to observe and see if they were "worthy" and not be embarrassed on their first time out to shoot. We have a pretty informal shoot at our range with a lot of banter back and forth. Mainly among the "experts" that totally screw up a stage, never with a new shooter.
Everybody has to start somewhere and @ForsakenConservative has waded in admirably.

So all that being said, all you folks sitting out on the road watching, and you know who you are, get in here and start discussing. We need your intel and your failures. We all have them.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
Reaction score
nw okc
Well, I'll go ahead and chime in and say that some of us "newbies" go back to 2009 when this site was owned by someone else and had a different layout.

some of us "newbies" just got tired of running into ol' badge bunny and getting the ban hammer one or twelve too many times for voicing opinions in general discussion.

if anyone cares to remember, i used to sell sand plum salsa and jelly on this site almost over a decade ago. but i guess due to my "new" account and my post count, I'm a newbie.

I appreciate OSA giving us the opportunity and ease of FTF transactions, but it does not enable them. I can understand the requirement of a post count, hours logged, whatever. But I mean, some people will just spam here to get that count up, is that really better?

IIRC, there used to be a post count restriction for all classified posts, i'm not sure it made much of a difference. but it did lead to me getting banned for trying to enter discussions that i clearly had a minority opinion on, lol.
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Honey Badger

Special Hen
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City
Well, I'll go ahead and chime in and say that some of us "newbies" go back to 2009 when this site was owned by someone else and had a different layout.

some of us "newbies" just got tired of running into ol' badge bunny and getting the ban hammer one or twelve too many times for voicing opinions in general discussion.

if anyone cares to remember, i used to sell sand plum salsa and jelly on this site almost over a decade ago. but i guess due to my "new" account and my post count, I'm a newbie.

I appreciate OSA giving us the opportunity and ease of FTF transactions, but it does not enable them. I can understand the requirement of a post count, hours logged, whatever. But I mean, some people will just spam here to get that count up, is that really better?

IIRC, there used to be a post count restriction for all classified posts, i'm not sure it made much of a difference. but it did lead to me getting banned for trying to enter discussions that i clearly had a minority opinion on, lol.

“Lighten up Francis”. Badgebunny is cool chick. She got stuck with a mod job during a rough time on OSA. There were a bunch of trolls that only wanted strife and chaos. She would stick her foot in their butts and shut it down. I don’t know if you ever met her in the flesh, but her and Glockcop were darn good people. Times have changed and so has the scene on OSA. You gotta pay your dues and take your lumps like every other “Enlisted Joe” on this place.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
Reaction score
nw okc
oh i'm sure they are all great people, i never had any doubt. but my point is, back then i was only posting in the general discussion forum because i HAD to. and inevitably, as the 20 year old #*!&poster i was, i would post on topics that were hot at the time, such as Daniel Martin going around choking people, notable police involved shootings, etc. There were posts on this topic, and the chance to debate and flick @*#$ around with REAL cops was a cool challenge. so I took it.

for the most part, everything was cool, but inevitably it would always end up the same. Ya gotta remember, this was before all the BLM nonsense. but I will admit i was adamant about certain law discrepancies (like we've got legal weed now WHAAAAATTT, i got banned talking about weed at least once i'm sure lol) that at the time were supported by a more right leaning/libertarian kind of thing.

Like all things, through the normalization of ideas being dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, we now have a present where imo honest opinions on things like the 1033 program, inconsistent use of force continuums, no knock raids, all degraded to "all cops bad" and defund the police. it's funny, because i had a lot of left wing friends who thought i was some "crazy, right wing cop hater" when in reality my position was EXTREMELY light and i never at ANY point ever wished harm on any LEO. but now they are all every one posting trash on social media basically calling for the murder of cops. it's absurd. around those times, a lot of us were past the disillusion of more endless middle east wars (wow, that's wild to say.....10 isis years later!), we knew democrats were in charge, but it seemed like the mainstream GOP was just as bad. so people like me didn't sit in the middle, we sat outside the circle completely. i would say we've all been forced quite far right by the last decade. the wilder part of me honestly believes foreign involvement to co-opt a very real idea.

but, whether through intervention by unseen power, or just through the beast of human nature, i feel most "good ideas" get reduced to something awful relatively quickly when they reach the masses. the tea party, occupy, whatever the contemporary right is being called today (i guess insurrectionists?!), it always ends up being subverted into something that no longer represented the original ideas that spawn the movement.

so, as someone who has certainly mellowed out from those years, i can say i likely won't be engaging in any of that kind of #*!&posting here. but, if you start *requiring* it, don't be upset when you start noticing more contrarians hanging around. we've always been here, we've just been quiet.

hell, all conservatives have to be in the closet now. the kids call it keeping you power level hidden. :)
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