Keep an eye on whats going on in Virginia.

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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
Remember, this is now a Democrat-controlled state... when tax revenues decline, they have a surefire way (in their minds) to always be able to raise more money. It's a simple matter of adjusting tax rates on those 'rich folks' who don't pay their 'fair share'.
Which, in turn, will raise incentive to exit the state.

Democrats/Liberals. They bite the hand that feeds them. They slaughter the golden goose. They buy votes from those who can't support them.



Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Which, in turn, will raise incentive to exit the state.

Democrats/Liberals. They bite the hand that feeds them. They slaughter the golden goose. They buy votes from those who can't support them.


Unfortunately, I don't think that'll likely happen. Honestly, if Oklahoma passed laws that restricted our gun rights... how many of us would quit our jobs, sell (or shutter) our businesses, sell our homes, pick up stakes and move to another state - when in all likelihood those same restrictions will probably be coming down the road in other states in a few years? That's how I see it... you gonna uproot your kids from school and restart your whole life somewhere else because of an increase in your taxes?

Maybe you will... but honestly, I just entered into a longterm business arrangement with significant debt to the tune of many hundreds of thousands of dollars and have spent the last year and a half trying to build my business to the point it can sustain us. Picking up and moving isn't an easy decision, and without some kind of guarantees or assurances things will be better (for a LONG time), isn't really all that practical.

And I'm afraid we're going to lose this battle in the long run...


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
Unfortunately, I don't think that'll likely happen. Honestly, if Oklahoma passed laws that restricted our gun rights... how many of us would quit our jobs, sell (or shutter) our businesses, sell our homes, pick up stakes and move to another state - when in all likelihood those same restrictions will probably be coming down the road in other states in a few years? That's how I see it... you gonna uproot your kids from school and restart your whole life somewhere else because of an increase in your taxes?

Maybe you will... but honestly, I just entered into a longterm business arrangement with significant debt to the tune of many hundreds of thousands of dollars and have spent the last year and a half trying to build my business to the point it can sustain us. Picking up and moving isn't an easy decision, and without some kind of guarantees or assurances things will be better (for a LONG time), isn't really all that practical.

And I'm afraid we're going to lose this battle in the long run...

All those restrictions won't likely come down to all the states. I doubt the people in states like Oklahoma would allow it to happen. If we return Oklahoma to the republican form of government our constitution requires, it couldn't happen here.

With the right case making it to the Supreme Court we have now, you won't be able to find a state with restrictions like you find in some of the states like MA, NY, and CA.

Before I would enter into a long term business arrangement, I'd be choosing the state to do it in very carefully. I hope you chose wisely. Large companies have chosen to pick up all or portions of their business and moved to business friendly states - Boing for one. Some gun manufacturers have moved also. I couldn't have started my little gun manufacturing business back where I came from.

These days, I surely would "uproot" my children if the state I lived in went as ungodly as some have. Thankfully, back when I had children it wasn't so much an issue as it is today.

All that said, to each his own. Between your pessimism and my optimism there lies a balance. Let us strive to keep that balance weighing heavy on the side of freedom, prosperity, small government, and security.



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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Geeze, do you even think about what your posting? If Virginia says turn in your gun in the legislature which it will, your ok with it because we say to "enforce existing law" when 99.9% of the time on OSA that refers to the government taking away our rights? If Virginia passes a law to turn in your guns, your OK with that because they can now "enforce existing law"?
The demon craps gerrymandered the voting districts to make Virginia into a blue state forever, initiated the budget to increase money to the corrections department for incarcerating law abiding citizens abiding by their 2A rights, and promising to take away the guns of its citizens seems to be ok with you because you incur some BS about some old walmart conspiracy?
Help me out on this one please.

If this type of crap comes to pass, I'm done being a "law abiding gun owner" I will be a "peaceful gun owner who's prepared for war."


Special Hen
Aug 10, 2019
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If this type of crap comes to pass, I'm done being a "law abiding gun owner" I will be a "peaceful gun owner who's prepared for war."
And that IS the point. The People of Virginia are saying "no we are not packing up and leaving the state of our homes and our forefathers. No we are NOT going to obey your unconstitutional tyrannical laws. No we are NOT going to be DSA/dnc cannon fodder. Yes we are going to fight back and fight hard if that is what is necessary to keep us a free state."
These people are doing what needed to be done a long while back and now they need to KNOW that they have the support of the rest of the "FREE" people in this nation or it won't be very long at all before none of us are free.
I would much rather die a free man than live as slave for these evil demons.

DSA/dnc IS the enemy. Want proof, just look at California.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
The thing I really fear about all this, what I personally fear, is that someday there'll be a knock on the door and they'll want my guns, and I'll have to decide to give them up, peacefully resist and go to jail, or make a stand and be willing to shoot the kid/family man or woman standing in my doorway if they don't leave.

I really don't want to be faced with that decision.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
The thing I really fear about all this, what I personally fear, is that someday there'll be a knock on the door and they'll want my guns, and I'll have to decide to give them up, peacefully resist and go to jail, or make a stand and be willing to shoot the kid/family man or woman standing in my doorway if they don't leave.

I really don't want to be faced with that decision.
I'll stand my GD ground!
Beats the hell outta dying in a nursing home and I'll take out a few of em before they get me. And I'll lay down proud when I can't shoot no more.
Count on it.
I know many here say "big talkers" but no way in hell am I letting anyone come take my freedom. And the final exit will be my choice, not theirs.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2015
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Lincoln county
The thing I really fear about all this, what I personally fear, is that someday there'll be a knock on the door and they'll want my guns, and I'll have to decide to give them up, peacefully resist and go to jail, or make a stand and be willing to shoot the kid/family man or woman standing in my doorway if they don't leave.

I really don't want to be faced with that decision.

I'll stand my GD ground!
Beats the hell outta dying in a nursing home and I'll take out a few of em before they get me. And I'll lay down proud when I can't shoot no more.
Count on it.
I know many here say "big talkers" but no way in hell am I letting anyone come take my freedom. And the final exit will be my choice, not theirs.
I've already told my wife which way I'm leaning. I'll let those people figure it out when they get here.

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