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Special Hen
Sep 16, 2012
Reaction score
Mav, your idea bout buying land is an ok idea. If your serious about prepping, im sure you are, listen to what BB and others have to say. Even if it comes off as negative or bashing, theres a certain amount of wisdom in words.

Dont let your intrigue about this forum wane. So an idea got bashed, hell i voted for Obama, now thats a bashing.

This is the best local prpper forum anyway, (until that Okie specific takes off). Hang around and lurk, drink some aged elderberry wine and enjoy.

Also read "Selco", his writings and blog is the best the internet has to offer.

Thanks, Lurco...I appreciate that....


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Glass half full thinking is good for some things, but not for the world you are preparing for. You have to plan from the perspective of not only the glass being half empty but flat out broken.

To quote one of my mentors, MSG Anthony Pryor (well he probably didn't invent it, but he beat it into my head) "Hope is not a course of action."

In other words...if at any point in the discussion of your plan someone says that they "hope" something works out a certain way or that they "hope" X happens...then you don't have a good plan.

Keep at it.


Special Hen
Sep 16, 2012
Reaction score
Glass half full thinking is good for some things, but not for the world you are preparing for. You have to plan from the perspective of not only the glass being half empty but flat out broken.

To quote one of my mentors, MSG Anthony Pryor (well he probably didn't invent it, but he beat it into my head) "Hope is not a course of action.
In other words...if at any point in the discussion of your plan someone says that they "hope" something works out a certain way or that they "hope" X happens...then you don't have a good plan.

Keep at it.

Definitely true....I meant more to the fact that I don't give up...never have...and it has served me well.


Aug 14, 2012
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He survived in a city in or near Bosnia that was completly surrounded and under seige. He posted his experience, then created a blog about what worked and didnt.

Its called "shtf school". Its really eye opening and puts surviving and prepping in a different perspective. Theres really no prepping other than medical training and firearms. You'll do anything to survive, you'll go anywhere to survive.

Really all ya need is a flexible idea of a plan, a few close friends for defence and BE ALERT TO WARNING SIGNS OF COLLAPSE. Oh, its usually to late to bug out if you see the warning signs.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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It was mentioned earlier about what LEO's would do in the event of a SHTF situation. Being in this field of work creates conflicts that each officer must decide what they are going to do. Are they going to do their paid duty and take care of the citizens they work for or themselves and their own?

When Katrina hit New Orleans, it went both ways. I remember reading an article that many NOPD officers fled the city with their families and several NOPD cars were found abandoned in Houston.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley

I can kind of buy into your concept, but what you are really talking about is a commune. I'm not aware of one that's made it. BB, GC and SMS have spelled it out that you are far better served to finalize the group first. All need to agree to some "bylaws". Right from the get-go you are doomed to have serious issues with the land ownership. Tenants-In-Common or Joint Tenancy? Owning the land as Tenants-In-Common is the most "fair" (in a manner of speaking) but everyone would be free to sell their share to anyone they wish which doesn't suit the purpose of the group and would be a continuous headache. With Joint Tenancy it all goes to "the last one standing" which would put serious trust issues in the minds of the members of the group. See where this leads? Like SMS said, form your group, get legal advise and a signed agreement amongst the members in place first. Then go build it together. If this were just a shared hunting camp I could probably get interested. But as for a bug out place, while the concept is fine, making it actually work harmoniously is damn near impossible.

Edit to add: One way to avoid issues with the land ownership would be to setup a trust and deed the land to the trust. Structure the trust to the purpose of the group, decide who the trustee(s) are going to be, who their successors are or how to appoint them and how to delegate their authority. Then set each of the group members up as equal beneficiaries. At least this would get you past your first hurdle of the land ownership to a large extent. Again you would need to do this in advance if you want to be successful. Then you can deal with the myriad of other issues you are going to face.
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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Sister we're on the same page. Most of my greats plans and ideas fail because i try really hard to make them fail. When they dont, i know it might work.

Brown floatie things in poison wine is not conducive to surviving unless you have lotsa peanut butter and TP. Oh and flu flu spray, lol.

Wow, you guys called it quits early last night ...

Yeah, I know, we are but kindred spirits floating in the cosmos. :wink2: (I wanna say I tried to warn you about the brown floatie things, too. It's not like I learned all my lessons sitting in a chair in front of a computer playing "what if" with you guys ... :lmfao:)

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