Major bills before US senate today

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Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
There are major bills before the USA senate today that can seriously finish of RKBA and 2A.
1. Universal background check: Nobody wants criminals to have firearms. However, a universal background check where all citizens NEED to do a BG before selling a firearm to anyone, including a friend or family, can ONLY be monitored if all guns are registered.
How wold the controlling authority know that a BG was done if they don't even know that a sale took place? To know that a sal took place requires that they know who owned the firearm BEFORE and after the sale. This is registration. Registration has ALWAYS been a precursor to confiscation. There is NO other reason for it, and no other benefit to it. Criminals do NOT register their firearms.

2. Watch lists: Denying a God given right recognized in the Bill of Rights without ANY DUE process is a HUGe step forward in destroying our system. If you can be out on some secret list and then denied your God given right, then EVERY such right can be denied to you.

These bills MUST be opposed. I am CALLING the DC offices of both my senators today, as well as emailing them. Please consider dong so as well.
The contact page is at:
I am basically going to tell them that I will be watching their vote very carefully.
Honest, good citizens should NOT be punished for attacks by criminals or worse.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Just called up Inhofe and Lankford's DC offices.
The Inhofe rep was very pro 2A and RKBA.
The Lankford rep seemed a bit quieter, saying the senator would not support any legislation that denies law abiding citizens their right to KBA. Unfortunately, POTUS, Mrs. Clinton and all other anti-RKBAs SAY the same thing.
I discussed with Lankford's rep why UBC means registration.
He didn't comment on it: I pray that Lankford does not vote for any of these bills.
I think some encouraging calls to Lankford's office in DC may be in order. Please consider making a 30 second phone call.
The link to get phone number is at:


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