Mary Fallin For Governer?

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Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
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NE Oklahoma
My thoughts on Fallin if she is elected to governor, written by a friend (we both walked neighborhoods and supported Brogdon in the primary). If the Republican party doesn't start honoring the Constitution this go ''s over for the GOP.

Grassroots Activist: Mary Fallin is currently stealing our message, not because she agrees with us, because she wants to marginalize us. Below I give you a long history of how the GOP uses the Grassroots to fulfill their big government plans. Fallin is using the same game plan. Please read below and get re-familiar to their plan so you are not fooled. This is only the precusor to what they plan to do to the Tea Party.

(also on my blog:

Mary Fallin’s campaign commercial exposes a co-opting of the conservative grassroots message. This is, unfortunately, nothing new and appears to be a repeat display by the Republican Establishment game plan which has worked for the national party over the last 20 years. Simply put, co-opt the conservative message, minimize their messenger(s), and paint a false picture that the establishment candidate has always stood on the grassroots platform.

In my lifetime, I saw this on the national level several times. Allow me to review the national GOP game plan over the last 20 years so you will not be fooled by what the Mary Fallin campaign is currently doing:

My first experience of this mode of operation was back in 1988 with the primary run of Pat Robertson for President. Robertson ran on a conservative platform. Among his policies, he wanted to ban pornography, reform the education system, and eliminate departments such as the Department of Education and the Department of Energy. He also supported a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget. The strong finish in Iowa and the state of Washington gave credence to the Robertson/Christian Right movement and made them a force within the party. On the other hand, VP George Bush was not a friend of the Conservative Movement within the party. Many feared he was just another Nixon hold would grow government, expand the federal powers, and raise taxes.

The Establishment Republicans, knowing they couldn’t win without this new force, made a strategic move not fight for power but rather co-opt it with a deal. Pat Robertson would lend his endorsement over to George Bush and the establishment would give Pat Robertson resources and money to help get his new organization off the ground, The Christian Coalition. As planned, Robertson endorsed Bush at the convention, the Christian Coalition was born, and Bush began touting Robertson’s message claiming it as his own. As a result, the Christian’s followed blindly along and put a liberal Republican as President; ultimately minimizing the Christian Right’s voice.

The Christian Coalition had moderate success in the two upcoming Presidential elections with voter outreach and voter guides; this too was easily dismissed by the more moderates within the GOP because the message no longer had its prominence in Pat Robertson’s voice; but rather in the Establishment where Robertson previously handed it over.

The next wave would come 6 years later with the “Republican Revolution” or “The Contract with America.” During this time many Conservatives were steaming mad because of the recent bank scandals in Congress which allowed members to overdraw their House checking accounts but were not being penalized by the House Bank. Add to the mix, that Democrats voted for the highest tax increases in history The Grassroots Conservatives were out for blood seizing on this opportunity. Republican Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, along with 7 freshman Republicans referred to as the Gang of Seven or "The Young Turks," made the strategic decision to publicize the scandal in an attempt to sweep lawbreaking congressmen, most of them Democrats, out of power. As the fervor grew, The Young Turks produced the Contract with America which enabled them to Co-opt the Conservative message and gain control of the both Houses. Once again, the move silenced the Conservative voice only to have to rise just two years later.


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
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NE Oklahoma
Pat Buchanan came on the scene with a very simple message of truth: the truth about jobs, the economy, the not-so-free NAFTA trade scams, transnational companies, illegal immigrants, the United Nations, Mexico City-Wall Street bailout, the many things affecting Main Street Americans and the future of our country back in 1996. Knowing the party had a huge chasm between the Buchanan and Dole camps, the GOP establishment neutralized the Buchanan movement by using many of the tools it had required. By 1996, the Christian Coalition and the Republican Revolution was under the direction and private funding of the GOP Establishment and they used those resources, contacts, and reputation to prop up Bob Dole’s “Christian-Conservative” façade. In effect, silence, neutralize, and co-opt the message and the messenger. As a result, Buchanan was pushed aside, the movement died, and the Grassroots was left with more liberal Republicans.

In order to find another voice, the Grassroots/Christian Right latched on to another grassroots organization whose purpose was to educate the nation concerning our Godly foundation. Wallbuilders, founded by David Burton, began going church-to-church, conference-to-conference, and TV Show-to-TV Show educating Christians about the heritage of our country. Where the Christian Coalition and the Pat Buchanan failed, many Christian Conservatives were hoping this ORU-Oklahoman could use this new organization to further the grassroots cause.

Under fear of a Grassroots uprising in 2000, GOP architect Carl Rove, manipulated an orchestrated pre-emptive strike on all this “right-wing shenanigans” before it became a problem for George W Bush later in the primary. He took the Christian Coalition under his own direction by encouraging Pat Robinson to endorse Bush early (One Domino Falls). Next, Carl moves to Pat Buchanan and convinces him “W” is the most conservative candidate to Buchanan’s liking promising “W” would be for tax cuts, against the expansion of the Federal Government, and against nation building. Buchanan is in (Second Domino Falls). Newt Gingrich uses the power of persuasion to get the last remnants of the Grassroots (Third Domino Falls). Finally, Carl Rove placed David Barton on the National GOP payroll to keep the Christians in line. David Barton’s admits that meeting with pastors and churches were to be “kept under the radar…We worked our tails off staying out of the news”, according to Beliefnet (The Last Domino Falls).

In the end, the GOP establishment in 2000 controlled every element of the grassroots that was built up over the previous 12 years. At the same time, those leaders who fought the inside battles, stood on principle, dug the trenches, and spread the message were silenced in the end. Yea, they were promised a seat at the table. Yea, they were promised organizations under their leadership would have validity. Yea, they were promised those followers that were under their leadership would have a voice within the party. But the present situation proves otherwise.

Now, flip to our current situation in Oklahoma. The Fallin machine is from the same line of GOP hijackers and their most recent commercial proves it. Randy Brogdon ran a very grassroots campaign speaking to every county GOP meeting, going to grassroots organization, speaking at Tea Parties, and staying on the ground winning votes every day with a simple message: Limited Government, States Rights, No Federal Mandates, Personal Responsibility, Constitution, ect. Lack of money and name recognition did not stop this one-way wrecking machine to slit through the GOP Establishment and come only 5 percentage points away from getting the GOP princess into a runoff. Just hours after the gubernatorial primary was over the GOP establishment, with all their state leaders and politicians, bombarded Brogdon to run over and endorse Fallin.

I can imagine the same pressure and promises were applied to Brogdon that was to Robertson and Buchanan. “Brogdon, you have to endorse her to stay viable” and “Brogdon, we will help you continue your cause, just give your support to Fallin” and “We will help you get ‘Freedom Roll’ off the ground for you” and “Brogdon, we will pass (co-opt) some of the legislation you hold dear if only we can get your support” and “You will be on our team.”

Since the “big” endorsement, what have we seen in Oklahoma? Is Randy Brogdon’s message still viable or has the Fallin Camp shut up their opposition by co-opting the message and the messenger(s) for her own? Is Randy Brogdon a viable voice within the Fallin team campaigning to help her get-out-the-vote or has the campaign left him for dead? Contrast this with the lost of Ron Paul for President in 2008. Instead of Ron Paul running over and endorsing McCain, he ran an anti-establishment convention down the road from the establishment’s convention. Instead of holding the water for the Republicans, Ron Paul’s message of Liberty and Freedom is still distinctively his. Instead of losing validity within the grassroots, Ron Paul’s influenced more today than it was 2 years ago. We can see the impact of his non-endorsement every time we hear the words “Tea Party” or we see Liberty Candidates continue to win in primaries. The establishment cannot shut up Ron Paul because he refuses to be shut up by the establishment.

This is a warning to all you grassroots conservatives. Do not be fooled by Mary Fallin’s message or commercial...look at her history and the history of the GOP. She went along with the GOP passing every stimulus package under the Bush administration; she followed the GOP and voted for the large Bailout; she agreed with the GOP in expanding the government’s role in private business; she voted for every yearly budget that increased spending; she supports the GOP’s position in NAFTA; she wants the NAFTA Superhighway in Oklahoma along with Texas Governor Perry; she stands with the GOP in using tax dollars to pay for private healthcare; and she stands with the same players who have a history of taking the Grassroots messsage, morphing it into their own, marginalizing candidates like Randy Brogdon, and using the Grassroots as their tool.

If the grassroots has any hope making sure the message of Restoration, State Rights, and Constitutional Government survive, they must not budge. They must not allow themselves to follow the same path as Pat Robertson and the Christian Coalition, Pat Buchanan, and Randy Brogdon. Remember, if the GOP has not changed their game plan in getting elected, then they will not change their method of operation once they are in power.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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LOL! :pms2: You gotta be shitin' me! Are you FOR any of that??????

Am I for protecting dumb ass college kids from predatory credit card companies? Yep.

Am I for protection for government whistleblowers? To borrow a catch phrase from your golden girl, "You betcha!"

Fallin is a tool for big business. She puts profits before people. In fact, she is barely able to conceal her contempt for "poor people."


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Am I for protecting dumb ass college kids from predatory credit card companies? Yep.

Am I for protection for government whistleblowers? To borrow a catch phrase from your golden girl, "You betcha!"

Fallin is a tool for big business. She puts profits before people. In fact, she is barely able to conceal her contempt for "poor people."

JB that link is just pure liberal drivel.
From the article:

"And Fallin added this oh-so-trite, worn-out Republican bon mot concerning tax breaks for the rich: "I don't know about you, but I've never been offered a job by a poor person."

I don't know how they could be more blatantly obvious, much less claim any credibility after "uncontexting" that statement. Typical liberal TW editorial tripe...


Special Hen
Feb 9, 2008
Reaction score
Am I for protecting dumb ass college kids from predatory credit card companies? Yep.

Am I for protection for government whistleblowers? To borrow a catch phrase from your golden girl, "You betcha!"

Fallin is a tool for big business. She puts profits before people. In fact, she is barely able to conceal her contempt for "poor people."

You sound like you are union. Your choices are already made for you...

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