My experience with Covid

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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
Thought I would post this just to add to the cluster f*** of info we already have.

I started coughing last Sunday about noon.
Cough continued, getting slightly worse, so I did a home covid test and it showed negative.
Cough continued to worsen and I developed a fever, at times up to 102.5.
Tuesday morning at 4:00am I did another home covid test and it showed positive.

I've had no shortness of breath, and the cough doesn't seem to be coming from deep in my chest. I've got a pulse oximeter and it's been in the mid to high 90's.
My only risk factor is my age of 69.

I called my primary care dr Tuesday morning, his nurse returned my call later Tuesday and said to take otc meds and if it continues to get worse let them know.
I did get worse, no sleep Tues night/Wed morning, so I called Wed morning and scheduled a video visit with the dr. that afternoon.
Short story, dr. said he would prescribe ivermectin or the new Merc pill molnupiravir. I decided to go with molnupiravir.
There's not much of this available, and you have to meet some criteria to get it, but I got it.
You take 4 pills, twice a day, for 5 days. I started Wed evening.

Got a good night sleep Wed night which was great. This morning (Thursday) cough is MUCH better, still have a mild fever and feel generally crappy, but it's so nice to not be coughing a lot (my gut muscles are sore).

Today I did some searching about the drug, found some info about the possibilities of unwanted gene mutation, mostly talking about having children (not me) and possibly causing cells to mutate and cause cancer.

Don't know if I made the right decision or not, I guess time will tell.
Merc had trial info that says the drug is ok, which is something good, but I don't really trust trial info much anymore.

The doctor didn't hard sell me on the drug vs ivermectin, it was my choice. If I had read some of the scary stuff about the drug before hand I might have gone with ivermectin, I don't know.

And I might have been able to just ride it out ok, but I felt like if I'm going to do early treatment I'd better get started with something.

I'll put updates in this thread.
Wish me luck!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 22, 2015
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Lawton, OK
I cant remember, is this your first time getting it? Hope you recover quick, dont get the Long Vid or grow any boobs from the Merc pill molnupiravir :D:D:D


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
I cant remember, is this your first time getting it? Hope you recover quick, dont get the Long Vid or grow any boobs from the Merc pill molnupiravir :D:D:D
Yeah, this is my first time. I had two phizer shots but no booster.
I hadn't thought of the man boob thing....that could be bad...or good! Ha!


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Dont know if i had it or not never checked but i had a cough for about a month before i came down with high fever for 1 1/2 days and couldnt get enough sleep for about a week after the fever broke and to this day dont know if i had it or something else.

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