Obama told the truth about your guns (He wants to ban them!)

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Special Hen
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Another reason I don't give the NRA cash... we may work towards some of the same goals, but I don't support their propensity for spam and alarmism.

This is why I'm not renewing my membership.

Also they like to let the 2nd Amendment Foundation do all the work and then swoop in at the end and take credit, which is BS.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
I don't like the NRA's constant demands for money either. In that they are just like most non-profits that live off donations and memberships.
I don't like their alarmist attitude either. I don't like their stance on open carry.

However, I firmly believe that politicians in DC, especially republicans and RINOs are terrified of the NRA's ability to make them lose elections. THis IMHO is the primary reason why the Assault weapon ban was allowed to expire in 2004, and why no anti-gun legislation has a hope of passing as of now....because the RINOs are in fear of the NRA.
2AF and GOA are idealogically more pure and less mercenary than the NRA, but these 2 organizations don't have much clout in DC. And likely won't for many years to come.

Also, the NRA has a well established ground game in the states to keep local RINOs in check.

hence my political contributions will go the NRA. if Romney does get elected he will need to be kept in check.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I don't like the NRA's constant demands for money either. In that they are just like most non-profits that live off donations and memberships.
I don't like their alarmist attitude either. I don't like their stance on open carry...
2AF and GOA are idealogically more pure and less mercenary than the NRA, but these 2 organizations don't have much clout in DC. And likely won't for many years to come.

Also, the NRA has a well established ground game in the states to keep local RINOs in check.

hence my political contributions will go the NRA. if Romney does get elected he will need to be kept in check.

All the more reason, to me, to spend my hard-earned dollar supporting those groups who support MY beliefs and values, rather than the NRA. Help those groups grow, instead of dividing up the contributions to include those who DON'T support my beliefs and values sufficiently.


Special Hen
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
S. Highway 75
One thing is for certain, everybody has their own opinion & political views and it's human nature to want everyone else to agree with your viewpoint. With that, here's my two cents...Our current commander in chief is a polititian, a member of the National Demoratic Party which is extremely anti-gun and socialistic in it's views, and is supported by the likes of well know anti-gunners like George Soros et.al. He has clearly demonstrated and stated on numerous past occasions that he is not a supporter of the second ammendment, from which one can infer he neither supports nor believes in the Bill of Rights or Our Constitution itself. Mitt Romney is also a politician, which should automatically make everyone more than a bit skeptical of him, but he is also a member of the Republican Party and while it certainly has it's own agenda & goals it is not inherently anti-gun or socialistic.

If you're a registered voter you have the right to vote, make an informed choice based on not just the hype and hyperbole surrounding the candidates, but on their parties views and agendas as a whole, then cast your vote. If you love firearms & freedom, being a free American who has the right to own and use firearms if you so choose, then choose wisely based on what your own beliefs and values are. Pick which candidate and political party best exlemplify those beliefs & values and the choice should be clear and easy.

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