Official OSA COVID-19/Corona Virus Thread

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It is starting to look like this is gonna drag on FOREVER. :disappoin
Here is an amazing story that came out today.

NYT: Experts Confident Pandemic To Be Over ‘Far Sooner’ Than Expected, Trump Efforts ‘Working With Remarkable Efficiency’

That the NYT is bragging on Trump brings some troubling issues to mind.
Yes, I hope it's over much sooner, but the WHO came out today saying lockdowns are worse than allowing the public to roam freely.
Two organizations that within the last week publicly condemned Trump for failing to properly respond to the "pandemic".
There has to be some political motivation for these two anti Trump organizations to all of a sudden start bragging on him.

WHO official urges world leaders to stop using lockdowns as primary virus control method

It gets better!
Remember back in May and June when they said, “Hey, if everyone would just wear masks for a few weeks, it’ll all be over and we can go back to normal!” Remember that? Remember those three hairdressers using masks and COVID not spreading at all, or something, then blue state policymakers and national retailers and restaurants using that “evidence” along with a few model-based ‘studies’ to demand that every human from ages two and above wear a moist cloth diaper on his or her face, both indoors and outdoors, to “stop the spread” of a virus that poses very little harm to the vast majority of those who contract it? Remember them telling us it was only temporary, that masks had the power to stop COVID-19 right in its tracks and save grandma?

Except, neither the masks nor the lockdown measures every really stopped COVID-19 in its tracks, did they? Nope, the virus just kept right on virusing, as highly-contagious respiratory viruses are prone to do. You can lock down and delay the inevitable, but as soon as you peek your nose out the virus will be waiting. You can mask up ‘till the cows come home, but even the CDC now admits that, with or without masks, 15 minutes of close contact with an infected person will spread the virus. And given the fact that it has ALWAYS taken 15 minutes of close contact with an infected person to spread the virus, that means masks are generally useless.

But yes, if what they said was true, if COVID-19 could have been eliminated or even severely curbed with a few weeks of mask-wearing, even I would have happily put up with it. Because, indeed, they would have been right about mask-wearing being a “small inconvenience” if we had a foreseeable future endgame and could see actual results behind the practice.

No cheating though! Farr’s Law being what it is, the numbers were going to come down anyway when a certain threshold of infectivity was met. Thankfully, with coronavirus, that threshold seems to be somewhere between 15 and 25 percent. New York and New Jersey are prime examples. Anyone who thinks masks somehow did the trick in those places have clearly never heard of herd immunity. Even California’s cases (yes, I know this is a #casedemic, not a pandemic at this point) are on the way down, but the climb toward the July-August peak happened long after masks were mandated statewide in mid-June. If anything, early July should have been the virus’ swan-song in California, but it was just ramping up. Almost anywhere universal masking has been implemented, from Peru to Columbia to Greece to the UK, has been followed by significant case spikes. As a prime example, this graph that shows the trend since the U.K. made face masks mandatory indoors is nothing short of stunning.

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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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It's hard to judge the effectiveness of the masks as there have been so many that flat refused and/or wore incorrectly in protest.

True. Although I tend to believe that folks who can't or don't want to wear a mask for whatever reason are like me and are staying home for the most part. I leave the house maybe once every 2 weeks or so. I'm trying to pare it down to once a month. Once it gets cold I'm pretty sure that "problem" will be "self correcting" and I'll stay home from about the first of December until spring ... Lol


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Jun 13, 2005
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It's hard to judge the effectiveness of the masks as there have been so many that flat refused and/or wore incorrectly in protest.

OR wore mask that are significantly less effective and totally disregarded other protective measures, like social distancing, and hand washing.
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