Oklahoma Execution Botched

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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To everyone who is riled up about my posts:

I'm what you get when you take your kids to church. I'm not religious now, but I kept all that stuff they taught me about the death penalty. You can't shake some of your raisin'.

While law and religion often parallel each other, they should never intersect. Capital punishment seems fair and just, especially in this day and age of scientific evidence.


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
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Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
To everyone who is riled up about my posts:

I'm what you get when you take your kids to church. I'm not religious now, but I kept all that stuff they taught me about the death penalty. You can't shake some of your raisin'.

My question goes towards you Ridge...
As anti on this as you proclaim.
How would you feel right now if that girl was your sister? Wife or gf? Your daughter...
How would your mom feelings on this be if that was your sister?


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Methodist, huh?

"Rather than shooting rapists, it is women`s Christian duty to submit to rape, according to an article by Reverend Allen Brockway, editor of the official magazine of the Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church. He poses the rhetorical question, 'Is the Robber My Brother?' and Reverend Brockway answers, 'Yes.'”

"Rev. Brockway recognizes that the woman who is accosted in the park may not think of her violator as her neighbor, or that his 'safety is of immediate concern'–but, Brockway preaches, 'Criminals are members of the larger community no less than are others. As such, they are our neighbors or, as Jesus put it, our brothers. . . . [Though violent criminals act wrongfully,] it is equally wrong for the victim to kill the robber or burglar, save in those extremely rare circumstances when the unambiguous alternative is one own`s death.'”

The United Methodist Church is also one of the leading gun control supporting organizations in the United States.

You use the Methodist Church as a basis of morality and dare to call us "...intellectually lazy, hypocritical, morally depraved people...?" You're dismissed.
OMG! Methodist bashing! I say we formulate a final solution for the Methodists! Round em up and send them back where they came from.

In Ridge's defense, I think he's basically a lapsed Methodist. He's in recovery. He's no longer affiliated with that subversive anti-American outfit.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Nope. Just saying that you haven't "deterred" someone by killing them, you've incapacitated them. Deterrence is for those still living. However, I see your point. Life imprisonment SHOULD be an incapacitation. Better?

I can agree with that. If all the convicted murderers were someplace like Florence Supermax and had zero physical interaction with the outside world or others on the inside, I might change my tune on the DP. As it is, killers serving LWOP still exert a sizable amount of control over their environment and that of other prisoners. :(

I for one would definitely be singing a different tune. Who am I Jesus? I'm not going to forgive a guy like that. I'd want to shoot the guy till I got tired of it.

There's something that I think a bunch of you guys are confused about. What I would do as an individual in this situation and what the state should do in the cold light of reason are not the same thing. The state shouldn't be in the business of giving me my revenge.

By the same token, a state that refuses to do the hard but necessary thing, should not stand in your way and expect to retain any sort of moral high ground.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Methodist, huh?

"Rather than shooting rapists, it is women`s Christian duty to submit to rape, according to an article by Reverend Allen Brockway, editor of the official magazine of the Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church. He poses the rhetorical question, 'Is the Robber My Brother?' and Reverend Brockway answers, 'Yes.'”

"Rev. Brockway recognizes that the woman who is accosted in the park may not think of her violator as her neighbor, or that his 'safety is of immediate concern'–but, Brockway preaches, 'Criminals are members of the larger community no less than are others. As such, they are our neighbors or, as Jesus put it, our brothers. . . . [Though violent criminals act wrongfully,] it is equally wrong for the victim to kill the robber or burglar, save in those extremely rare circumstances when the unambiguous alternative is one own`s death.'”

The United Methodist Church is also one of the leading gun control supporting organizations in the United States.

You use the Methodist Church as a basis of morality and dare to call us "...intellectually lazy, hypocritical, morally depraved people...?" You're dismissed.

Explains George W. Bush.
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