Open Carrier Robbed and disarmed at gunpoint.

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Special Hen
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
sand springs
Lol so now I'm a FUD? c'mon man, you can do better than that. Truth be told, the VAST majority of people don't need them. They also don't need alcohol, 4WD vehicles or the amount of carbohydrates consumed. I still love them all though.

Just saying you are displaying the same "logic" or lack thereof.

Do you realize over 40 states allow some form of open carry? If your fear was founded, don't you think it would be a LOT more common for open carriers to be attacked by bad guys???

Without exception, every time a state passed a law making it legal to carry a weapon, either concealed or openly, there have been folks like you who claim that blood will run in the streets, minor traffic accidents will turn into shootouts, carriers will have their guns taken and used against them etc, etc, etc. Again, without exception, those people were wrong, as are you.
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Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Just saying you are displaying the same "logic" or lack thereof.

Do you realize over 40 states allow some form of open carry? If your fear was founded, don't you think it would be a LOT more common for open carriers to be attacked by bad guys???

Without exception, every time a state passed a law making it legal to carry a weapon, either concealed or openly, there have been folks like you who claim that blood will run in the streets, minor traffic accidents will turn into shootouts, carriers will have their guns taken and used against them etc, etc, etc. Again, without exception, those people were wrong, as are you.
This is funny. You're sawing I lack logic, and then starting to build strawmen


Special Hen
Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
Situational awareness! Sounds like he is a slow learner.

+ 1000000

I see people carry open and some who should work on their concealment technique, but they are no more aware of what is going on around them than a man on the moon. So this doesn't surprise me.

I am still going to open carry most days, cc when I need/have too, always being vigilant of where I am, and what's going on around me.


Special Hen
Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
Just curious, is it your wish that open carry be made illegal again or are you just trying to convince everyone that your opinion is superior? Either way, nobody is trying to force you to open carry, if you don't want to open carry, don't. Clearly, there are instances of open carriers losing their guns in an assault (as mentioned, it even happens to cops), however, if it was a common occurrence, you wouldn't have to look nearly as hard as you do to find examples to post. I find it difficult to understand people, such as yourself, who can't accept that others don't follow your "superior" opinion and do things exactly the way you do. Why do you care, and how is it any of your business how someone else chooses to carry?? Bottom line, we know you think open carry is a bad idea, you have made that abundantly clear, and, you may find this hard top believe, but most of us don't really care what you think. Most of us are quite capable of deciding for ourselves without your input.

+ 1000000


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Which do you think there are more of -- criminals who choose to specifically target armed people, or criminals who are opportunists looking for easy victims, who prefer to move on to easier prey if a firearm is visible?

Stories like this and the other one show at there are some of the former. It is hard to show very many of the latter, since it involves proving a negative, but what does your common sense tell you?


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, TX
Sounds like a typical case of carrying without the training and skill to back it up. Conceal carry classes issue permits but that doesn't mean squat. The people get their permits and because of apathy or of the lack of training classes and the cost of those classes if you could find one that's as far as they go. I'll bet this would never have happened if the guy was actually proficient with his gun and practiced good situational awareness but most people just get their permit, mount up their iron and go from there thinking that's all that's needed. He just found out having a gun is only a part of it but since he's blaming open carry and not himself, he's too stupid to carry safely and successfully.

This is how I feel about this and many CC'ers. It's a case of "you don't know what you don't know". Taking training like an advanced concealed carry course is quite an eye opener. Since taking the course I am more comfortable with carrying. It doesn't stop at just taking a single course though, continuos training should be on the mind of anyone who carries.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, TX
Which do you think there are more of -- criminals who choose to specifically target armed people, or criminals who are opportunists looking for easy victims, who prefer to move on to easier prey if a firearm is visible?

Stories like this and the other one show at there are some of the former. It is hard to show very many of the latter, since it involves proving a negative, but what does your common sense tell you?

The guy who robbed the victim in the OP seems like he likely would have been well practiced at this. He was able to identify that even though the guy was OC he was still an easy target. Probably displayed a lack of situational awareness. Someone who is OC and also oblivious is actually more of a target IMO. They're basically pulling a $500 bill behind them on a string by showing their gun. Criminals know guns are as good as money, to someone who can't get one legally, they are worth a premium.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, TX
We are all part of the same team. As concealed carry guys & gals when we see an open carry guy struggling to retain possesion of his firearm from assailants, assess the situation and if you can, help him. Too many times, people don't want to get involved.

Edit: At the very least, call 911.

Negative Ghost Rider. If you see a fellow carrier struggling for his gun and you saw THE ENTIRE THING unfold, don't call 911. 911 is useless at this point. Grab a brick, knife, something, anything, and go to town on the cranium.

I emphasize entire thing because if you just heard a scuffle and turned to look and see two people struggling for a gun you have no clue what happened up until that point. OC does not = good guy. For all you know the one guy was OC and approached the other guy and demanded his wallet. So the potential victim grabbed for the gun. You just don't know.

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