Poll: 71% of Obama voters, 55% Democrats 'regret' voting for his re-election

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Aug 14, 2012
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The problem with your argument is Republicans do not want liberal tendencies. We call those people rinos. McCain and Romney are rinos. And they are rinos because they want to appease the media, which is wrong. The media nominated both McCain and Romney because they knew they would lose.

There were 10 million less republican voters in 2012 than 2008. This is because they didn't want to vote for a rino and saw little difference with him vs. Obama.

The truth is Obama was elected on lies and misrepresentations from him and the supporting media. Dems know what people like and they use it to get in office, then their agenda changes to what the really believe. If Dems ran on their agenda, they would not get elected, period. Just watch the mid term elections and how the Dems are going to distance themselves with Obama and Obamacare to get elected. The fact is, Dems lie to get elected.

And the dumb masses are finally realizing the lies.

Heres your first mistake.......the media didnt vote to nominate, neither did the media vote to elect.

Your second mistake is, your not thinking like a Lib or a Democrate....your underestimateing them. The GOPs major voting block are dying of old age or getting placed in nursing homes, where they cant vote.

You see the problem just like the majority of Republicans, as just a typical election loss. It wasnt just numbers and turnout.....it was about young voters, women voyers, minority voters, gay voters, poor voters VERSUS your typical RINO candidate and the Staunchly right wing voters who believe in same old crappy politics of Reagan.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2009
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You can't see the forest for the trees.

Where do you think the dumb masses who vote get their information? From the liberal media. When the media pumps a candidate, the dumb masses listen.

And all those you listed below who voted Obama, listened to the media and failed to do the research or looked at his history.

And obviously you were one of those who listened and was sucked in by the lies of the media; by your own omission of now hating that you voted for Obama.

Oh, and Reagan's politics set this country on a run of the longest period of economic growth in US history.



Heres your first mistake.......the media didnt vote to nominate, neither did the media vote to elect.

Your second mistake is, your not thinking like a Lib or a Democrate....your underestimateing them. The GOPs major voting block are dying of old age or getting placed in nursing homes, where they cant vote.

You see the problem just like the majority of Republicans, as just a typical election loss. It wasnt just numbers and turnout.....it was about young voters, women voyers, minority voters, gay voters, poor voters VERSUS your typical RINO candidate and the Staunchly right wing voters who believe in same old crappy politics of Reagan.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Its sad that we discuss polls and elections and candidates like we have a choice in the matter any more.
Decide what you stand for and be prepared to defend it, that is all you have.


Jan 24, 2013
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Where do you think the dumb masses who vote get their information? From the liberal media. When the media pumps a candidate, the dumb masses listen.

And all those you listed below who voted Obama, listened to the media and failed to do the research or looked at his history.

In the 2008 election Obama received the majority of votes from every education level. High school drop outs to post graduate degrees. In the 2008 election 89% of democrats voted for Obama and 90% of republicans voted for McCian. People vote on their ideologue, not education or intelligence. Obama voters were not dumb, no matter your belief. They were many reasons to vote for Obama and not McCain. McCain, in order to appease conservatives, has moved much father right than he has been earlier in his career. People were afraid he would continue the disastrous economic polices of the Bush administration. They felt he was a hawk in a time when it was becoming clear that we had just fought a war that cost 3000 U.S. lives lives, and a few trillion dollars, based on misinformation at best and outright lies at worst. And, this is a biggie, people voted for Obama because the thought of Palin being in the same zip code, let alone a heartbeat away, from the presidency was flat out unacceptable. But, just keep telling yourself it was because people are stupid. And with that attitude get ready for Clinton, redux the Electric Boogaloo


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2009
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And the results of this poll prove the media lies and the mass listen, no matter their education level. People want to believe there is utopia. Now that they see the truth and that reality, they regret voting for Obama.

In the 2008 election Obama received the majority of votes from every education level. High school drop outs to post graduate degrees. In the 2008 election 89% of democrats voted for Obama and 90% of republicans voted for McCian. People vote on their ideologue, not education or intelligence. Obama voters were not dumb, no matter your belief. They were many reasons to vote for Obama and not McCain. McCain, in order to appease conservatives, has moved much father right than he has been earlier in his career. People were afraid he would continue the disastrous economic polices of the Bush administration. They felt he was a hawk in a time when it was becoming clear that we had just fought a war that cost 3000 U.S. lives lives, and a few trillion dollars, based on misinformation at best and outright lies at worst. And, this is a biggie, people voted for Obama because the thought of Palin being in the same zip code, let alone a heartbeat away, from the presidency was flat out unacceptable. But, just keep telling yourself it was because people are stupid. And with that attitude get ready for Clinton, redux the Electric Boogaloo


Aug 14, 2012
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In the 2008 election Obama received the majority of votes from every education level. High school drop outs to post graduate degrees. In the 2008 election 89% of democrats voted for Obama and 90% of republicans voted for McCian. People vote on their ideologue, not education or intelligence. Obama voters were not dumb, no matter your belief. They were many reasons to vote for Obama and not McCain. McCain, in order to appease conservatives, has moved much father right than he has been earlier in his career. People were afraid he would continue the disastrous economic polices of the Bush administration. They felt he was a hawk in a time when it was becoming clear that we had just fought a war that cost 3000 U.S. lives lives, and a few trillion dollars, based on misinformation at best and outright lies at worst. And, this is a biggie, people voted for Obama because the thought of Palin being in the same zip code, let alone a heartbeat away, from the presidency was flat out unacceptable. But, just keep telling yourself it was because people are stupid. And with that attitude get ready for Clinton, redux the Electric Boogaloo

I agree mostly....cept I think itll be Kerry.


Jan 24, 2013
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Oh, and Reagan's politics set this country on a run of the longest period of economic growth in US history.


Not withstanding that the growth was paid for with debt, a lot of debt. The explosion of the national debt started with Reagan and supply side economics, or as Bush the Elder called it, Voodoo economics.

Here's a few things that Reagan also did.
1: Signed Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act requiring hospitals to treat uninsured people and illegal immigrants. He also doubled the size of medicare to pay for uninsured people.

2: Signed the Simpson-Mazzoli Act. An amnesty program that paved the way for 3 million illegal aliens to become U.S. citizens.

3: Negotiated and signed the Montreal Protocol treaty to phase-out of ozone depleting chemicals. Costing businesses billions of dollars.

4: Signed a bill that banned an entire class of firearms. Supported a bill that established many restrictions on firearms including a 7 day waiting period. Supported an assault weapons ban saying, "As a longtime gun owner and supporter of the right to bear arms . . . I am convinced that the limitations imposed in this bill are absolutely necessary."

5: During his administration, increased the debt to roughly three times as much as the last 80 years had done altogether.

6: Illegally sold weapons to a known terrorist country, a country that had taken Americans hostage.

7: Grew the federal government, significantly

If Reagan ran today, he would be called a moderate, at best.


Aug 14, 2012
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In the 2008 election Obama received the majority of votes from every education level. High school drop outs to post graduate degrees. In the 2008 election 89% of democrats voted for Obama and 90% of republicans voted for McCian. People vote on their ideologue, not education or intelligence. Obama voters were not dumb, no matter your belief. They were many reasons to vote for Obama and not McCain. McCain, in order to appease conservatives, has moved much father right than he has been earlier in his career. People were afraid he would continue the disastrous economic polices of the Bush administration. They felt he was a hawk in a time when it was becoming clear that we had just fought a war that cost 3000 U.S. lives lives, and a few trillion dollars, based on misinformation at best and outright lies at worst. And, this is a biggie, people voted for Obama because the thought of Palin being in the same zip code, let alone a heartbeat away, from the presidency was flat out unacceptable. But, just keep telling yourself it was because people are stupid. And with that attitude get ready for Clinton, redux the Electric Boogaloo

Yep yep...I mostly agree. Cept im thinking Kerry will run.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Not withstanding that the growth was paid for with debt, a lot of debt. The explosion of the national debt started with Reagan and supply side economics, or as Bush the Elder called it, Voodoo economics.

Here's a few things that Reagan also did.
1: Signed Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act requiring hospitals to treat uninsured people and illegal immigrants. He also doubled the size of medicare to pay for uninsured people.

2: Signed the Simpson-Mazzoli Act. An amnesty program that paved the way for 3 million illegal aliens to become U.S. citizens.

3: Negotiated and signed the Montreal Protocol treaty to phase-out of ozone depleting chemicals. Costing businesses billions of dollars.

4: Signed a bill that banned an entire class of firearms. Supported a bill that established many restrictions on firearms including a 7 day waiting period. Supported an assault weapons ban saying, "As a longtime gun owner and supporter of the right to bear arms . . . I am convinced that the limitations imposed in this bill are absolutely necessary."

5: During his administration, increased the debt to roughly three times as much as the last 80 years had done altogether.

6: Illegally sold weapons to a known terrorist country, a country that had taken Americans hostage.

7: Grew the federal government, significantly

If Reagan ran today, he would be called a moderate, at best.
As governor of California he signed the bill that outlawed the open and concealed carry of firearms. He believed that Rowe vs. Wade should remain the law of the land.

But you're talking about the REAL Reagan, Ace. That's not the Reagan we talk about over here.

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