Radical Muslim terrorists hiding in the general public??? You don't say...?

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
What a shocker....

Europol warns up to 5,000 Europeans have returned from terror training

Up to 5,000 Europeans have returned to the continent after being trained at terrorist camps, the head of Europol has reportedly said.

Rob Wainwright claimed Europe is facing its biggest terror threat in more than 10 years and has warned of large-scale attacks by IS and other groups.

The head of the EU law enforcement agency said: "The growing number of foreign fighters presents the EU countries with completely new challenges."

At least 700 people from the UK have travelled to support or fight for jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq, according to police, and about half have since returned.

Mr Wainwright's comments to Germany's Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper come after November's Paris attacks in which 130 people were killed.

He claimed 3,000-5,000 Europeans had returned from terror training, and said further attacks in Europe were expected, with more civilian casualties.

He said: "It is expected that IS or other religious terrorist groups will carry out an attack somewhere in Europe, with the aim of achieving high losses among the civilian population."

He added that not only groups of militants, but also individuals could be expected to carry out strikes.

But the Europol boss claimed that attackers were not trying to use Europe's refugee crisis as a "systematic" cover to come in unnoticed.

He told the German newspaper: "There is no concrete evidence that terrorists are systematically using the flow of refugees to arrive undetected in Europe."

However, after the Paris attacks, the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said some of the gunmen had exploited Europe's refugee crisis to "slip in" to the country unnoticed.

I'm saddened to hear this, though we all know it's probably true. And it's interesting to note, these aren't even the "refugees' flooding Europe they are talking about... these are European citizens who left, went to terrorist training programs and then came back. Who really KNOWS how many could be in the throng of "refugees", but these are people with EU passports and history who can move about freely and aren't really under suspicion, as far as we know.

Really quite scary, and I'm worried to see how bad it will get. But then, maybe once they really ramp up the attacks these namby-pamby politically-correct folks will see the light and start to take some solid measures. Not that I'm wishing them to happen, just saying, that's what it might take, in the longrun.

Tighten the seatbelt, folks.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
What kind of solid measures would you like to see?

Stop the flow, establish safe zones in their own countries funded by a coalition that includes middle eastern countries. That way when the current conflict is in a lull, they can help rebuild their own countries and cities.

That would be a start.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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I like that they keep referring to them as "Europeans". They aren't. Helps people to picture more blue-eyed Swedes attending training camps, rather than North African types. Can't promote "diversity" if you notice the diversity, unless it's something positive.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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Not giving Trump a plug but he could do something about the erosion of our values if he got the White House. The PC, corruption and division that someone has caused propels Trump and leads to his popularity. Perhaps all the rhetoric and empty promises has backfired against this "individual." Heck, I may as well say it, Obama has caused the division and unemployment etc. (I'll see some of you guys in a FEMA Camp leader this year).

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