Reloaded Ammo?

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Special Hen
Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
I don't reload and most who do are reloading because they shoot a lot and/or for accuracy. I'd say use store bought ammo for SD and avoid the whole can of worms and keep on reloading your range ammo.

For as little as you shoot SD might as well spend a few extra bucks on commercially available stuff rather than spend thousands explaining to a jury of your peers why you chose to reload. I personally would have a REAL hard time understanding why anyone would reload SD ammo other than to make it hotter than what they could commercially buy. Does this mean you were trying harder to kill someone? Not necessarily, but I wouldn't want it to even be a point of discussion.
Actually I see a different reason to reload their SD ammo. And they way they could practice with what they carry. And if if it makes it cheaper to shoot them to me that would make it a plus. I don't know anything about reloading but I would think you could make it just like any store bought ammo and not have to make it hotter . I am sure that is not every ones goal when they reload.


Special Hen
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Tuttle, OK
Some thoughts on ammo and weapon choice for SDA carry...

I shoot reloads almost exclusively, much cheaper for me with the quantity I shoot. I use my own loaded ammunition in my carry weapon. Mostly because I want to
be comfortable that I can hit what I aim at consistently. I don't load super-hot ammo for any reason, I load for accuracy and consistency. My self defense
loads are predicated on the bullet expanding as it should in the case of hollow point or soft point ammo, and if I am carrying ball ammo, I expect it to hit the
same point as it does at the range. My hollow point or soft point loads are normally a little faster than the same caliber in ball ammo. Reliable functioning of a
semi auto pistol defines the range of variation on my loading data. If I experience FTF or FTE and can reduce that by a tighter grip, I know I am at the lower
end of the loading table for that particular weapon. Some weapons will experience FTF or FTE with factory ammo on a regular basis with a limp wristed grip.
That's when a competent smith can work out the kinks and make it purr.. They call it "Deadly Force" for a reason. I hope I never have to resort to that level
of response, but if needed in defense of my family or myself, I am prepared to. several years ago one of my CLEET instructors told us to make sure it was us
that went home at the end of the shift... Blitzfike


Special Hen
Jun 2, 2007
Reaction score
Southwest of Tulsa
Interesting subject here and I have to say I carry my 45s with Hornady TAPs (because I have em) or Golden Sabers in spite of reloading extensively. However, when carrying my custom short barrel Charter Arms Bulldog, I always carry reloaded ammo since factory 44 Special loads suck bad.


Special Hen
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Most LEO dept's use commercial ammo for another reason. If reloaded ammo is used AND does fail for what ever reason, primer seat, crimp to tight, to deep etc.
Reloader could be sued. Most big reloaders do carry a large libility bond for that reason. A lot of smaller ones don't.
But I do agree the primary reason is it is commercialy produced by the millions and reconised as what it is.
Even the big boys bow to public (sheeple) opinon, remember the "Black Talon" they had to change the name, color and redesign slightly the bullit so as not to be offensive in name or so lethel by removing the sharp points from the expansion tip, instead just square SHARP tips, go figuer...

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