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Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
I mean in China if you aren't Han you basically are subhuman. that counts for all foreigners too.

and i don't blame people for having a strong culture and another nation doing the whole "exceptionalism" thing. who knows what china could have given us if not for that whole "great leap" and all...
but they also build cities of corncrete and rely heavily on the concept of "face". they play a not-so-secret game of appearing a certain way while obviously being something else.

but some dumb americans forget that old proverbs and sayings usually have truth to them. even if they are deemed offensive and childish.
they just want to pee in your coke man.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
Time for osa tin hat order again. Geez
what's tin foil about Operation Cyclone and Operation Timber Sycamore? Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan
Operation Cyclone was one of the longest and most expensive covert CIA operations ever undertaken.[2] Funding officially began with $695,000 in 1979,[3][4] was increased dramatically to $20–$30 million per year in 1980, and rose to $630 million per year in 1987,[1][5][6] described as the "biggest bequest to any Third World insurgency".

or maybe it was until Sycamore was a classified weapons supply and training program run by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and supported by some Arab intelligence services, including Saudi intelligence. Launched in 2012 or 2013, it supplied money, weaponry and training to rebel forces fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian Civil War. According to US officials, the program was run by the CIA's Special Activities Division * Delivery of thousands of tons of weaponry worth billions of US dollars.

hard to get hard figures on Timber Sycamore since it just officially ended a few years ago, and i mean, do you believe the CIA when they say operations end? surely the CIA would *never* engage in stay-behind operations, right? no way there's a middle east version of Operation Gladio, no way the CIA stayed in Laos after 1970, it's just people doing things without realizing any kind of reasoning or goal. just moving throughout life.

who is being tin foil hat? nothing ever happens. viruses just jump from bats into people and infect the entire world. people just fight wars for no reason. people just end wars for no reason. it's the blind leading the blind; everyone is as dumb as you.

yeah i just don't think so. see, the thing about what you call "conspiracies" is that it doesn't matter if you believe them or not. the people with the power to make them real, they do believe in them. if you've ever read any e-mails about sacrificing chickens to moloch, spirit cooking, or finding gilgamesh's tomb you would know this.

again, i don't care about these things. so why does hillary clinton?

El Pablo

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 5, 2007
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More of the how you are putting them together and your conclusions.

I already said in another thread Afghanistan has been a train wreck from Carter to Biden. They all screwed that pooch, same with the house and senate.

I do put leaving a massive amount of arms, vehicles, and gear for the taliban on Biden


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
i mean heck for that matter the US still has over 50 active black sites in the whole "war on terror" secret court. some of them are just boats in the ocean. not sure how many people are still in that system, but they aren't like.....probably gonna get out or have a good time. a better time than abu ghraib, fer sure, and better than anyone caught up in the chinese camp system.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
More of the how you are putting them together and your conclusions.

I already said in another thread Afghanistan has been a train wreck from Carter to Biden. They all screwed that pooch, same with the house and senate.

I do put leaving a massive amount of arms, vehicles, and gear for the taliban on Biden
why did we put the stuff there in the first place? wasn't it part of the deal from 40 years ago with the Mujahadeen? why not? why isn't the wreck from Carter to Biden just the same crash?

the deal was to arm and install a fundamentalist jihadist/wahhab regime and overthrow any other government that would have existed, especially at the time soviet style communist, but obviously that would adapt. the point was still to side with them in places like Syria where the democratically elected government was still too friendly with Russia/China/Iran. we literally gave weapons and guns *to Al Qaeda, to the Taliban, to ISIS, to Al-Nusra, to all of these groups*. hell for that matter, obama gave pallets of us cash to iran.

why is the "we just left those weapons there and they picked them up?" not making sense? it. was. the. plan. it's always been the plan. the plan never changed. it's been foreign policy for like 50 years.

you're saying there's no chance the war(s) in the middle east was a larp that the public was completely misled on?
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El Pablo

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 5, 2007
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Put stuff there starting in very late 79 to fight the ussr, you know, that whole Cold War thing. People mistakenly thought they were finding the good guys at best, or the lesser of two evils at worst.

Leaving all that equipment now, there is no doubt the taliban is awful. But, no point in arguing about it, it’s an all around horrible situation.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
awful doesn't mean anything. we've killed over 1,000,000 muslims. awful is just a word. it's not policy. the policy was to arm and install these groups. mission accomplished.

people think what they are told to think. both in regard to cold war and now. and yes, that includes me. but i at least understand most people are telling me to NOT think this.

El Pablo

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 5, 2007
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You are right, awful doesn’t mean anything.
awful doesn't mean anything. we've killed over 1,000,000 muslims. awful is just a word. it's not policy. the policy was to arm and install these groups. mission accomplished.

people think what they are told to think. both in regard to cold war and now. and yes, that includes me. but i at least understand most people are telling me to NOT think this.
Sorry, I found this funny, it’s an awful joke
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