Sandy Hook report

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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Lanza prepared with ‘school shooting’ game

The much-anticipated final report on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting peeled back the mystery surrounding the mass murderer to reveal his mad obsession with killing schoolchildren...

•His obsession with murder dated at least as far back as fifth grade when he wrote the “Big Book of Granny,” in which the main character has a gun hidden in her cane that she uses to shoot people. The story included violence against children.
•In seventh grade, his writing focused on battles, destruction and war — far more than among others his age. “The level of violence in the writing was disturbing,” the report says...

While he lived on the same floor as his mom, he communicated with her only via e-mail and wouldn’t let her clean his room — even though she had to do his laundry daily because he often changed his clothes during the day.

Lanza’s mom even got rid of her pet cat because he didn’t want it in the house.

While he depended on his mom, the report says, Lanza had no emotional connection to her. She once asked him if he’d feel bad if anything happened to her.

“No,” he replied.

Lanza refused to leave their house, even when the power went out in Hurricane Sandy and his mom booked a hotel room.

Lanza who was diagnosed with Aspergers’s syndrome, a form of autism, in 2005, had no feelings or emotions, the report said.

“He lacked empathy and had very rigid thought processes,” it states.

Sandy Hook report: Lanza had game called ‘School Shooting’ on computer

They also found a clipping of a New York Times article from 2008 about a school shooting at Northern Illinois University, a 2007 book about the shooting at an Amish school in Pennsylvania and photocopied articles from 1891 about the shooting of schoolchildren, the report says.

Lanza’s home contained numerous violent video games, police said, and his computer history showed bookmarks on guns and mass murder, two videos “showing suicide by gunshot,” research on weapons and ammunition magazine capacity, a five-second video of the dramatization of children being shot, and photos of Lanza holding a handgun and a rifle to his head.

Investigators also found on his computer a spreadsheet listing mass murders, a large amount of information about the Columbine High School shooting in 1999 and sites writing about pedophilia and advocating for the rights of pedophiles.


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
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His mother failed him and their community. She should have gotten him help and made the living situation more child proof. We are all paying the price now.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Yet the President, his administration and all the other gun grabbers made it about the "evil weapons". And they touted the '"poor victem mother"...well i'm sorry, but i call it like i see it. the MOM had many many chances to get things in line and didn't. She let her kid lock himself away and took no initiative into finding out what was going on. She was probably scared of him, but that makes it even more terrible that she did nothing to change the situation.

JUST LIKE the Columbine deal........if MY kid was making bombs in his bedtroom I WOULD HAVE KNOWN ABOUT IT!!!! Parents need to nut up and start watching what their kids are doing and quit being so mamby pamby and respecting their privacy so damn much. Yes, kids have a right to some privacy, but WE are their's our damned job to look and see what they are doing and guide them through life when we see something wrong. Sheeeez. It's our jobs to make sure they know what is right and wrong....good and bad...acceptable and not acceptable. DON'T just leave them to their own devices and let them live in fantasy land where they make up their own rules and their own societies. Especially now in the computer age....they get with others of like mind and create their own social structures and then feed on each others angst etc.....

I'm not for just throwing people away, willy nilly...FAR from it, but throughout history, there have been people that just need to be locked away for the safety of EVERYONE. We need to start locking lunatics up in some form to keep them from going off on society.

I know that's a slippery slope with it's own inherant downfalls and shortcomings....but DAMN. "Oh yeah, he's a nutcase....let him be" just isn't getting it!!!

Sorry folks......didn't mean to throw out a rant-a-thon.


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