SASS Cowboy Shooting

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Apr 14, 2006
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I've been in it since 2000, I don't get to shoot much anymore due to other obligations, but I've had more fun shooting SASS than about anything else. My startup cost wasn't too bad as I already had a SXS and one revolver. I usually shoot Frontiersman, which is cap and ball revolvers, and BP in rifle and shotgun. Like any other shooting sport, you'll find the occasional A-hole, but they are VERY RARE in SASS. You can shoot side by side with World Champions and they will be giving you advice on how to improve. They will loan you their gun if yours breaks. I am always amazed at the skill level of the top shooters. They can shoot a full 24 round stage in under 13 seconds. I'm happy if I beat 60 seconds. :) Here's an iCam video of me shooting a stage up at Red Castle a couple of years ago:

That's pretty good shooting pulp. Do you have to shoot the revolvers with both hands at same time, or is that just a personal choice ?


Jun 7, 2013
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That is shooting "gunfighter" style. Strictly talking about how the pistols are handled:

Traditional style allows a single revolver to be in hand, both hands manipulating the firearm. One firearm out at a time.
Gunfighter style allows a revolver in each hand at the same time. shooters usually alternate each pistol as Pulp has done in the video.
Duelist style allows a shooting revolvers single handed, but only one revolver can be unholstered at a time and both must be shot in the same hand
Double Duelist style works just like duelist, but allows the left gun to be shot with the left hand and the right gun to be shot in the right hand. only one gun may be out at a time.

That's just scratching the surface, but you get the idea. you can find all the categories in the manual. Each category brings it's own set of challenges and fun. All the categories shoot together during a match and must shoot the same target patterns. Handbook Ver 19_2.pdf


Jun 7, 2013
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I shoot a Rossi 92 44/40 with black powder, I put a tune kit in right after I got it and can honestly say you can't ask for a smoother shooting gun, much better than the new Winchesters and half the price.

They do tend work better with larger calibers. The one we started with was a 38/357 and it took a good bit of time to find an OAL that it liked. The smaller calibers have a tendency to jack out live rounds in the heat of a stage, causing either a miss or a reload. Like you, I slicked up my 92 and got it working well in the end. Once the wife got her hands on a toggle-link rifle, it was all over though. Needless to say, that 73 came home with us. the 92 was eventually sold as it sat unused for several months. the money was used to buy an 1866.

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